How to help an orchid with dry roots

Most orchids are known for moodiness, and therefore require increased attention from the grower. A common problem is that the roots of the orchid dry and wither. Decisive action is required to save the flower from death.

Table of Contents
  1. Causes of Orchid Root Drying
  2. Signs of orchid problems
  3. How to reanimate the roots of the plant
  4. If you have one healthy root
  5. Preventive methods
  6. Conclusion

Как помочь орхидее с сухими корнями

How to help an orchid with dry roots

Causes of Orchid Roots Drying

Orchid roots dry for several reasons, all of which are related to mistakes made by the florist when caring for plants The main reason is insufficient watering. When the soil is dry, the plant does not receive water and dies slowly. To save the flower should be only in case of inefficiency of extraordinary moistening of the soil.

Dry roots of the orchid can be from a chemical burn. as a result of hard water and fertilizers. Hard water contains a large concentration of metals and salts, which can negatively affect the health of the root system of the flower. The same effect has an overdose of fertilizer. If the roots are dry for this reason, their surface should be covered with a brown coating, and the soil is pulled together by a white crust.

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Another possible problem is a decrease in the humidity level in the room where the plant is grown.For its normal development, 50-60% humidity is required. In winter, during the period of active operation of the heating system, this indicator decreases to 20-25%, which is why the root system dries up. Unfavorable air temperature has the same negative effect. Its indicator should not fall below 18 ° C and rise above 28 ° C.

The roots of orchids are wilted and from injuries and infectious diseases. Under such conditions, it is also important to take timely measures to avoid the death of the flower. It will be necessary to organize effective treatment, transplant the flower into a new soil and carefully follow the care recommendations.

Signs of problems with the orchid

Due to the peculiarities of development, timely identify the root problems system is easy. It does not dry out asymptomatically: the lethargy of the peduncle and leaves indicates the problem. The leaves dry out, lose turgor, especially during dormancy.

Another sign is the active formation of an airy root system. In epiphytic plants, the appearance of 1-3 root shoots above the ground is the norm, but when the roots dry in the orchid due to lack of moisture or problems with the temperature regime, most of them rush up, out of the ground.

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It is important to identify any problems with the root system

The upper parts of the root system can sprout in different directions, trying to find access to water. If up – they lack oxygen. Without help, they become dry and bright. Such external features indicate that the roots have already dried up.

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How to reanimate the roots of a plant

If the roots of an orchid dry, it is important to save the remaining living areas that can give a push developing a new root system. If the flower begins to dry out, identify the affected areas and remove them. The grower should:

  • gently remove the flower from the pot;
  • remove the peduncle and yellowed leaves;
  • check the viability of the root system: the plant is placed in water for several hours ; roots that are not dried will be hard, and sluggish – empty inside – palpation of the affected areas will feel the softness of the tissues.

After examination, dried roots are removed, and the plant itself is treated with phytosporin to prevent infection fungal infections. The solution is prepared in a proportion of 6-8 drops of the product per 200 ml of water. The flower is placed in a container with the medicine, kept it there for 6-8 hours, removed and dried. The tips of the remaining roots are treated with crushed activated carbon.

To revive the flower, daily baths in room temperature water are needed for 2-3 hours. Not the whole orchid is placed in the water, but only its root section. To maintain the viability of the plant in the remaining time, it is placed on top of a container of water.

If the roots of the orchid continue to dry, change the schedule of water procedures. To save the flower helps keep the pot in the water with daily air baths for 2-3 hours. If the roots began to grow, wait until their length reaches 4-5 cm, so that after they transplant to the main place of cultivation.

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If there is one healthy root

If orchids have not completely dried up roots, 1-2 roots remained unharmed, actions will be different. The grower should:

  • Trim the flower stalk (dried roots will not allow it to develop normally).
  • Get rid of the affected roots and place the plant in a solution of succinic acid (4 tablets per 1 liter of water) for 2-3 hours.
  • Get the plant and dry the roots.
  • Plant the flower in a new container with a prepared substrate for orchids.
  • The flower will take new roots if he will be provided with all necessary care measures. When keeping an orchid at home, it is important to find a suitable place in the penumbra (the light should be diffused) and monitor the need for watering.

Preventive methods

If the orchid has dried roots, this is a sign of poor plant care, so preventive methods are based on providing the flower with comfortable conditions

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The flower needs to be provided with comfortable conditions for keeping

Special attention is paid to:

  • Pot selection. Capacity for the flower is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the type of plant. Orchid roots can dry when grown in tight pots and rot if large containers are used.
  • Watering. The roots often dry out due to insufficient watering. Monitor the condition of the soil. If it is dry, moisten the soil. The approximate frequency of the event is once a week.
  • Temperature and humidity indicators. Providing comfortable conditions for growing a domestic flower affects its growth and development. So that the roots do not become dry, the room is maintained at a temperature of 18 ° -25 ° C and monitored for moderate air humidity (especially in winter). To increase humidity, a container of water is placed next to the plant.
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Also, preventive spraying of the plant against fungal diseases that can damage not only its leaves, but also the root system is also carried out. The most effective agents are Fitosporin and systemic fungicides (Fundazol).Knowing all these features of flower care helps prevent drying of the orchid roots.

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If the roots of a home orchid have dried, do not throw away the plant. It is cheerful, and even without a root system it can find strength to survive.

With the right help, you can reanimate the flower by awakening sleeping buds and giving impetus to the development of a new root system.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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