Jacobinia, or justice – care

Jacobinia purifies and moisturizes the air. The genus Jacobinia (Jacobinia) includes 50 species of the acanthus family. The Jacobins now belong to the genus Justicia (it would be more correct to be Jestice, since the genus got its name in honor of the Scottish gardener James Justice). Jacobinia are widespread in the tropical regions of South America. Representatives of the genus are shrubs and herbaceous plants.

Jacobinia, or justice (Jacobinia). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Dave Taylor

Leaves are ovate, elliptical, ovate-lanceolate, green or variegated, whole-edged. Flowers are solitary or in few-flowered inflorescences, yellow, red, orange, less often white and pink.


Growing Jacobinia

Temperature: Jacobinia is thermophilic, in summer it is kept at a normal room temperature of about 22-23 ° C, in winter in the range of 16-18 ° C, but not lower than 15 ° C (for meat-red Jacobin, not lower than 17 ° C).

Lighting: Bright diffused lighting, especially in winter.

Watering: From spring to autumn, watering is plentiful, in winter it is somewhat less. The soil should be moist all the time, but not too damp. Only soft and warm water is used.

Fertilizer: From March to August, feed every two weeks. Fertilizer special for flowering indoor plants.

Air humidity: Jacobinia loves very humid air, so it is sprayed several times a day or placed on a tray of water.

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Transfer: Every 2-3 years. The soil should be very loose, consisting of 1 part leaf, 1 part turf, 1 part peat and 1 part sand.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring.

Jacobinia bright red (Jacobinia coccinea)Jacobinia bright red (Jacobinia coccinea). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Quentin

Jacobinia care

Jacobinia (Justice) prefers a bright, sunny place throughout the year, suitable for growing near south-facing windows, grows well near western and eastern windows. In the summer months at noon, the plant still needs to be shaded a little from the scorching sun. It is very good to take it outdoors for the summer season. Keep in mind that after prolonged cloudy weather or after purchasing it to direct sunlight, the plant is gradually taught to avoid burns. Justitia Brandega needs light protection only from the intense midday sun, but she needs to stand in the room all year round.

The optimum temperature for Jacobinia (Justice) in the spring-summer period is in the region of 20-25 ° C, in winter 16-18 ° C is enough.

Features of the temperature regime for species with single flowers or from 2-4 on lateral shoots: during the flowering period, from about February to April, the flowers begin to take on their inherent color. During this period, they need a low temperature, in the range of 6-8 ° C, but not more than 10 ° C, since the high temperature does not stimulate flowering.

In the spring-summer period, plants need abundant watering with soft, settled water, as the upper layer of the substrate dries… It is especially important to monitor the moisture content of the substrate of those plants that are located in sunny places. In winter, watering is limited when the temperature drops to 15-17 ° C. If the plant hibernates in a warm, dry room, watering should not be reduced. Do not allow the earthen coma to dry out, otherwise flowers and leaves may fall off.

Jacobins (Justice) are sensitive to dry air. The humidity of the air, if possible, should not fall below 60%, therefore it is regularly useful to spray the leaves of plants with soft, settled water… It makes sense to place the pots of plants in trays of damp expanded clay or peat.

During the growth period, the plants are fed weekly with flower fertilizer, at other times the feeding is carried out 1 time in 2-4 weeks.

To obtain compact specimens, plants are treated with substances that inhibit growth. After a while, the plants begin to grow as usual. Each spring, the plant must be trimmed one third or even half the height of the shootin. This is necessary in order for it to branch more strongly in the future and acquire a magnificent decorative appearance. The shoots remaining after pruning can be used as propagation cuttings. Older plants can be cut short and transplanted into smaller containers.

Plants are transplanted as needed, sometimes 2-3 times over the summer, into a larger pot, carefully, trying not to damage the root system… Low-flowered Jacobinia is transplanted after flowering, in January – February. A humus substrate is suitable (pH 5,5-6,5). It can consist of leafy sod land, humus, peat and sand in equal parts with the addition of phosphorus fertilizers and charcoal. A good drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the pot.

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Jacobinia carneaJacobinia bodily (Jacobinia carnea). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com TANAKA Juuyoh

Reproduction of Jacobinia

Jacobinia (Justice) can be propagated by cuttings (mostly) and seeds.

Seeds germinate in soil at temperatures no lower than 20-25 ° C.

Species with flowers in the apical inflorescences are propagated by cuttings from January to April at a temperature of 20-22 ° C. After rooting, young plants are planted in 1 copy. in 7 cm pots. Sometimes they are planted in 3 copies in 11-centimeter pots, without further transshipment. The composition of the substrate: leaf – 1 hour, peat – 1 hour, turf – 1 hour, sand – 1 hour. Young plants are pinched two or three times. Cuttings of the February cuttings bloom in July, March – in September-October.

Species with single flowers or with 2-4 flowers on lateral shoots are propagated by herbaceous cuttings in January-February. After rooting (take root easily), young plants are planted in 9-11-cm pots, 3-5 copies each. The composition of the earthen mixture is as follows: turf – 1 hour, humus – 1 hour, sand – 1 hour. The temperature is maintained at least 18 ° C. After the first transfer, the temperature is lowered to 16 ° C. Contain in lightened places. Young plants are pinched 2-3 times to stimulate branching.

Possible difficulties in growing Jacobinia

In caring for plants, uniform watering is essential, since with excessive moisture and overdrying, the plants shed their leaves.

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When overfeeding plants, they give out large leaves and do not bloom.

With an excessively dark and damp winter, the leaves may turn yellow, and with excessive dryness, they may fall off.

Jacobinia pohlianaJacobinia pohliana. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com 橋 橋 HQ

Types of Jacobinia

Jacobinia Fields – Jacobinia pohliana

Herbaceous perennial plant or shrub up to 150 cm tall. Branching shoots, erect. Leaves 15-20 cm long., Crowded at the ends of the stems, opposite, petiolate, broadly lanceolate or ovate-oblong, descending to the petiole, whole-edged or not clear-crowned, finely pubescent, dark green above, with a slightly reddish tinge below. The flowers are collected in an apical multiflorous dense spike-shaped inflorescence. The calyx is five-toothed, the corolla is up to 5 cm long., Two-lipped, pink.

Each flower sits in the axils of a large (up to 2 cm) reddish-green obovate bracts. Homeland – Brazil. Grows in humid subtropical forests. In culture, two garden forms are common: var. obtusior (Nees) hort. – with a shortened inflorescence and narrower, often bare leaves and var. velutina (Nees) hort. – relatively small plants with leaves, densely velvety-pubescent on both sides.

Jacobinia bright red – Jacobinia coccinea

Evergreen, weakly branching shrub up to 2 m high. with swollen stems at the nodes. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, 12-27 cm long., 5-13 cm wide., With a rounded base, pointed apex, entire, with a petiole from 1 to 5 cm long. Flowers in apical spicate inflorescences 10-18 cm long. Bracts are green, oval, with a sharp tip, pubescent with simple or glandular hairs.

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Bracts narrow, very small during flowering, approx. 2 mm long. After flowering, increase to 1,5 cm long. The calyx is 5-membered, 3-5 mm long. Corolla is bright red, two-lipped. The upper lip is erect, bent, two-serrated; the segments of the lower lip are curved downward. Stamens 2, pubescent, ovary and column glabrous. The fruit is a capsule. Does not bear fruit in culture. Homeland – Guiana. Known in culture since 1770.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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