Macronutrient calcium. Functions. Signs of Deficiency and Excess – Hydroponics


Calcium (symbol Ca) is found mainly in the leaves and roots of plants, and primarily in the points of growth of the leaves and the tips of the roots. The correct ratio between calcium, magnesium and potassium is important because all plant functions depend on this ratio. Calcium is added to the nutrient solution in the form of superphosphate, monocalcium phosphate, gypsum, calcium sulfate or nitrate.


Examples of Calcium Deficiency Symptoms

From left to right: calcium deficiency in alfalfa, apple, banana, corn, lettuce, sugar beet, and tomatoes.

 Apple tree banana corn salad sugar beet tomatoes


Sources of

  1. IPNI Crop Nutrient Deficiency Image Collection.
  2. Bentley M. Industrial hydroponics. – M .: Publishing house Kolos, 1965 .– 819 p.


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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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