Sheep Sheepfold Construction

Anyone who wants to raise sheep should seriously consider building a warm, isolated room. In fact, the answer to the question of how to build a shepherd for your cattle is simple: it is enough to know the features of sheep husbandry, draw up a work plan, and choose the right materials. The sheep’s shepherd must be warm, drafts are not allowed, especially if the herd will include small sheep.

Sheep - a profitable occupation, sheep meat and wool are in great demand in the market. To breed mammals, comfortable living conditions, good nutrition are required. In order to ensure good growth, the construction of a shepherd will be required.

Start of construction

How to build a shepherd with your own hands, what is needed? For sheep breeding, you will need:
  • shepherd;
  • field for grazing.
What is a shepherd? A shepherd is a one-story building made for animals in the autumn-winter period. In summer, a simple fence with a roof is also suitable. In summer, many lambs are grazed in fields and meadows. Herd instinct is inherent in them, and therefore it is easy for a person to follow them and the pasture fence is optional. Already after the construction of the crib, it is required to determine the territory for grazing. You can also make a fence with your own hands.
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Территория для выпаса

Grazing territory

Creation plan the shepherd is as follows:
  • Construction should begin with the marking of the territory and pouring the foundation.
  • The middle part is the decoration of the walls and roof.
  • In the end, they install windows, they lay floors, deal with equipment issues.
The size of the shepherd depends on the number of livestock: standards require 1.5 square meters for each sheep. m, on the uterus with offspring - 3 square meters. m. Everyone has their own sheepfold project, but keeping at least a dozen animals in a barn for at least 100 cattle is unprofitable.

Laying the foundation

Of the many species foundation should choose the option that is most suitable for time and budget. Pouring freezes for at least a month, construction should begin taking into account all the details so that the lambs sit near the warm feeders until frost. Consider the pile foundation. It is considered the most reliable, the technology does not require digging huge pits, making formwork. In addition, it is suitable for any type of soil. Wooden piles are driven into the ground with special equipment, and for bored wells they are drilled with a hand tool. A layer of waterproofing is laid on a fundamental basis for strength and reliability. After they make a frame of wood.

The second stage of construction

Do-it-yourself sheep sheepfather involves the construction of walls and roofs as the second item. The construction of the walls includes a series of sequential actions:
  • installation of support beams;
  • wooden battens;
  • facing the outside;
  • insulation inside.
Facade works are usually left for later: it’s better to quickly arrange a room where there will soon be a huge number of sheep. It is more expedient to first of all take care of the heat and waterproofing the joints inside and out. The construction of the roof involves the following manipulations:
  • laying the beams on the walls;
  • fixing the rafters ;
  • installation of the battens;
  • laying of the roof.
The strength of the roof will depend on the time of further operation of the room.

Completion of construction works

Construction of the shepherd is crowned by the installation of windows and laying of the floor. It is important to understand: a simple concrete pouring is not suitable. A sheep is a tender animal that can catch a cold, soft bedding made of straw will not work because cattle on these surfaces will strain their legs, which causes problems with ligaments and illnesses. A board should be placed on top of concrete: this combination is ideal with prolonged use of the room.If you make the floors initially entirely from wood, it is better to prepare in advance for its quick replacement. Short-lived material is not recommended for use in building livestock yards. Another tip: the floors in the building should be slightly inclined, then it is easier to clean the sewage. Windows should be located at an approximate height of 1 , 5 m. You can choose the value yourself, the main thing is that the shepherd is well lit. It is better to build two-leaf doors, convenient for leaving 2 or 3 animals at once.
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Basic requirements

The construction of the cat’s house is almost completed, it’s not so big: carry out a strength test and arrange equipment. At this stage, anyone who has decided to save on warming is advised to carefully check the shepherd for cracks. Sheep, although they possess warm thick fur, are still very sensitive to drafts, especially for small individuals. Finally, it is important to install hoods: one for each individual room. According to the Sheep Care Dictionary, the temperature inside should be at least 12 ° C. It is necessary to design several stalls for older curls and for brood. Be sure to have a large number of drinkers. Possible location of the heating furnace. Ventilation is important, especially when it comes to a large number of sheep. Construction is a laborious and responsible process, which should be approached as seriously as possible.


A person is able to do with his own hands any typical shepherd project. There are various schemes for building the premises: rectangular, the letter "P", T-shaped. The choice is the owner of the farm, the main thing is that ultimately the plan will work out. Not only external but also internal work is important: separate pens are formed with wooden sheets: individual and group. Feeders and drinking bowls are arranged longitudinally for each lamb. The length of the sheep’s feeder is at least 35 cm. Drinking bowls with a volume of 100 l are ideal. Ventilation is an important aspect in the construction of a 100-head shepherd project: the living room should be well ventilated. All odors from mammals must be ventilated. The heat radiated by living creatures, when closed, can create condensation, which will adversely affect the decoration of the walls, and also cause fungus and mold, which are then difficult to get rid of.
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Orthodox village Poteryaevka. 05/27/2015. Nikita.Sheepdog
Cossack Farm Ecofarm. Our Shepherd is spacious. There is room to grow.
Building a new shepherd
Sheepfold device STEP 0 +

When constructing a shepherd, you need to consider all issues, because ensuring comfortable conditions is the key to the health of the offspring and adults . For clarity, it is advisable to use photos and drawings during construction.

The more gentle the care of livestock, the better the wool and milk, and this will turn into a profit.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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