Characteristics of tomato varieties Olesya

Tomatoes have long been popular among gardeners. They do not require special care and quickly bear fruit. One of the newest varieties of tomato, bred by Russian breeders from the Siberian Garden company, is Olesya tomato.

  1. Feature
  2. Description of the variety
  3. Description of the bush
  4. Description of the fruit
  5. Growing seedlings
  6. Planting seeds
  7. Caring for sprouts
  8. Planting seedlings
  9. Fertilizer <
  10. Watering <
  11. Disease and prevention

Характеристика томата сорта Олеся

Characteristics of the tomato variety Olesya

This variety is chosen because of its beautiful appearance and useful properties. According to experts, the taste Olesya’s omata is at a high level, with delicate flesh and soft fruit structure – that’s why these tomatoes are chosen by those who follow a balanced or dietary diet.


Gardeners know that saturated red tomatoes always occupy a leading position in the market. In second place are orange tomatoes. They do not cause allergic reactions in adults and children.

Their special value is the presence of a large amount of carotene. This affects the improvement of metabolic processes, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the improvement of vision, strengthens the immune system. Experienced gardeners note that the yield of the variety is average.

Description of the variety

The cultivation of tomatoes Olesya in most cases is carried out in greenhouses. This is especially true for residents of the middle zone.

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Characteristics of the tomato Olesya is as follows:

  • medium early, therefore, fruiting 100-110 days after planting;
  • indeterminate , the growth of the stem of which is not limited;
  • yellow fruit, which manifests itself as yellow fruit, etc.

Having a dense peel, the tomatoes showed themselves excellently during transport . Cracks did not form, as did dents. It is resistant to low temperatures, but it is better to keep the plant in conditions comfortable for it. Productivity is 8-11 kg per square meter.

One of the methods of breeding is planting in open ground or under a film coating. It is these options that are noted in the State Register of Russia.

Description of the bush

Bush tomato varieties Olesya reaches a height of 1.5-1.8 m. The plant has such a characteristic as indeterminacy, therefore, the indicated indicator may be exceeded.

The leaves have a pronounced green color. In shape, they are no different from the foliage of other varieties of tomatoes. The inflorescences are simple, but the axis of the plant does not branch.

Tomato Olesya requires garter bush to support. It can be made of metal or wood. To get good results, tomato can be formed into two stems.

Description of the fruit

Плоды сорта Олеся не подходят для консервации

Fruits Olesya varieties are not suitable for preservation

The quality of the fruit depends on the quality of care for the plant. Each gardener wants to get tasty, juicy, meaty tomatoes in large quantities.

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The description of the fruit looks like this:

    • in shape it is oval elongated plum-like tomatoes;
    • have a fiery yellow color or orange hue;
    • the average weight is 180-280 g;
    • the structure is fleshy;
    • the number of seeds inside is small.


The productivity of tomato Olesya is not very high. It is in the range of 8-11 kg.

Tomato is actively used in cooking. Most often it is added to salads or consumed fresh.

It is important to note that this variety is not suitable for conservation. In the absence of oxygen and under pressure, the skin breaks and the tomato loses its attractive appearance.

Growing seedlings

Buy seeds for seedlings only from trusted sellers or suppliers. This will help prevent rotten or painful foods. Experts recommend purchasing seeds in specialized garden stores. A short description of the variety can be found on the back of the package.

Planting seeds

After purchasing the seeds, they can be treated with a manganese solution.This will help disinfect the plant and remove any bacteria in it.

Seeds must be planted 65 days before the seedlings are transplanted into the ground. Olesya needs to plant tomatoes at a distance of 30-40 cm to protect the root system and plant growth.

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Care for sprouts

Small stems with leaves will appear in the soil up to 10 cm. Grow sprouts need to be given the temperature in the room, lightening and humidity. Depth of seeds can not exceed 1 cm. Future tomatoes are covered with a film or special caps, caps.

The temperature regime should be in the range from 23 to 25 degrees. This contributes to seed germination or continued growth of sprouts.

The lamp will create optimal lightening. In the first 5 days, it should work around the clock. Later daylight hours for the sprouts are 12-17 hours.

Watering the plant before the germination is impossible. This can lead to waterlogging of the soil and plants.

Planting seedlings

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The hardening of plants will give them resistance to negative factors

The main procedure at this stage is diving – replanting the sprouts in separate pots. You can use other containers: boxes, boxes, cups. Most often, one sprout is planted in a separate pot. Thus, tomato Olesya will have a strong root system and stem.

It is necessary to temper every sprout, which must have high resistance to the negative influence of external factors. To do this, gradually lower the temperature to 14-16 degrees.


The first two weeks after the formation of sprouts, the soil needs to be fertilized. The following products are used as fertilizers:

  • ash;
  • urea;
  • iodine;
  • mullein;
  • green tea and more.

At the initial stage, solutions based on nitrogen, superphosphorus, and potassium will be very effective. For 1 square meter, about 10 g of each substance is needed.

During the fruiting period, tomatoes of the Olesya variety are fertilized with special granola. They include sulfur, iron, boron, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other mineral components.

During intensive growth, fertilize the soil with any chemical or natural fertilizer.


Watering of tomatoes must be regular. Before wetting the ground, check its condition. Wet soil should not be watered; with a dry one, do the opposite.

The best time for watering is after 17 o’clock in the afternoon. It is important that the sun’s rays no longer fall on the bushes.

Diseases and prevention

Despite the resistance of Olesya tomatoes to diseases and pests, prevention will not be superfluous. Among the diseases that can negatively affect tomatoes, there are:

  • mosaic;
  • late blight;
  • apical rot of tomatoes;
  • gray rot.

Gardeners have already developed some measures to combat such diseases.Manganese solutions are excellent against mosaic and late blight. You can try to remove infected leaves or bushes.

You can get rid of different types of rot using a solution of calcium nitrate. The recipe is quite simple: 1 tablespoon of the product is needed per 10 liters of water. Many farmers choose tomato Olesya from year to year and reviews say that this choice justifies itself 100%.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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