Description of Potato Cardinal

Potatoes Cardinal, mainly people grow for home cooking. It is endowed with a large number of vitamins and minerals. With proper cultivation and care gives a large crop. It is immune to many diseases and parasites. Sudden changes in the weather are not afraid of him. The Cardinal potato variety is popular among gardeners and has only positive reviews.

  1. Variety description
  2. Characteristics of the potato
  3. Rules for planting and growing
  4. Rules for caring for the plant
  5. Possible diseases and pests
  6. Conclusion

Описание картофеля Кардинал

Description of the potato Cardinal

Variety description

The Cardinal potato variety was bred thanks to the Dutch breeders. It is very popular all over the world. It is able to give a wonderful crop in any region, as it tolerates drought and can grow in areas with high humidity. Temperature extremes, strong winds and frost will not frighten the potatoes, it will also grow and develop well.

Characteristics of the potato Cardinal is positive , it is often grown by gardeners. The variety is recorded for late ripening. Harvest always gives a big one. On average, from 1 ha 300 tons of fruits are obtained. In favorable harvest years it is possible to get 350 c. The tubers have excellent keeping quality, so potatoes can be stored for 4-7 months in dark and cool places. The approximate storage temperature is 1-4 ° C.

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Characteristics of the potato

Description of the potato The cardinal is very interesting: the bush is tall, straight. It has many long leaves of bright green color.Leaves are smooth with sharp ends. During flowering, corollas have a burgundy hue. The ripening period is quite long 110-120 days. That is why the fruits of various shapes, from small to medium.

The shape of the potato is round slightly elongated. The skin is smooth without flaws, smooth. The fruits are pink, beige flesh. Potato contains starch, from 14 to 16%. Potatoes have an excellent commercial appearance, but mainly the variety is grown for personal use, and not for sale. Gardeners can independently sell, but large enterprises do not grow Cardinal. It has good taste and aroma. It is used for cooking various dishes. Many people like to cook fries and chips from potatoes.

Due to the small amount of starch, the potato does not boil. Cardinal does not cause allergies and is perfect for making juice. Fruits have the ability to reduce acidity in the human body. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to eat for people who have an ulcer, gastritis, duodenal ulcer and increased acidity. The potato is ideal for people suffering from many diseases.

Planting and growing rules

A complete description of the potato suggests that it is the ideal variety for planting. But, there are a number of some rules that gardeners must follow. Potatoes are grown only in open ground. Start landing in May.Landing scheme should have coordinates 35×70. It is also worth knowing that the more space is left near the bushes, the greater will be the amount of yield.

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During the planting according to the 40×90 scheme, the amount of yield will increase significantly, and if the gardener takes proper care of the plant, the volume of fruits will increase by repeatedly. Tubers are planted to a depth of 8-10 cm. It must be remembered that tubers are planted after winter crops, lupine and flax. This applies to this particular type of potato. In addition, the earth must be loosened, since hard soil will not be accepted by the plant, and it simply will not develop. Be sure to remove weeds, as they can absorb all the useful elements of potatoes.

Plant Care Rules

От качества ухода зависит количество урожая

The quality of the care depends on the amount of the crop

Cardinal potatoes are characterized as unpretentious, but he will need a little attention. The number and quality of the crop depends on proper and timely care. The following is a description of the care of potatoes.

  1. Conduct soil loosening around the bushes. This is done only 2 times: before emergence and after.
  2. The first dressing is carried out using a hoe, when the plant reaches a height of 14-17 cm. The second dressing is done 2-3 weeks after the first.
  3. The pits where the potatoes are planted must be carefully weed away from weeds. The more often this happens, the better.
  4. If you notice the first wilting of the leaves, and the soil is also dry, you need to urgently water the potatoes, and abundantly.
  5. If the weather conditions caused heavy rainfall and moistened the soil well, you can add fertilizer in the form of bird droppings. It will also be useful to dilute the earth with mineral fertilizers in the form of wood ash. Basically, minerals are added immediately after top dressing. It must be remembered that nitrogen fertilizers must be applied very carefully and only in the early stages of ripening. If you add nitrogen in the late period, it will increase the growth of tops, which will negatively affect the number and quality of the crop.
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Possible diseases and pests

Variety resistant to many diseases and parasites, as evidenced by a full description. The plant is not amenable to nematode and potato cancer. It has medium stability. If the parasites attack, then only the tracks. They can severely damage the stems of the plant and the tubers themselves. During maturation, the caterpillars penetrate the stem and gnaw through small tunnels. Then they pass to the fruits.

Such pests have the ability to cause the multiplication of negative microorganisms that produce rotting tubers. They greatly spoil the fruit, which will not be suitable for consumption. To stop pests, spray plants. Chemicals such as Zimbush and Decis are perfect for this.The variety can also be treated with folk remedies, for example, potassium permanganate solution to prevent late blight diseases.


Potato Cardinal is a table variety. Gardeners love it and grow it for themselves. It tastes great and is suitable for preparing many dishes. In the process of growing does not take a lot of time and effort. But the rules of care significantly affect the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Description of the variety allows us to conclude that this is a great option for breeders, and a full-fledged feature will allow you not to make a mistake in choosing.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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