Tomato productivity indicators from one bush

Tomatoes count as one of the most popular vegetable crops. In order to get a high-quality and large crop of tomatoes, you need to choose the right variety for certain growing conditions and carefully care for seedlings. What is the yield of tomato from one bush, depending on the species characteristics of the vegetable? Is it possible to increase the indicator in this area without harming the fruits?

  • genetic and geographical features of the variety;
  • soil fertility;
  • seedling quality;
  • climate ;
  • timely watering;
  • fertilizers and top dressing;
  • tying;
  • pest control.

Before stopping on this or that variety of tomatoes, it is necessary to consult the gardeners growing plants in the same area. It is advisable to focus on the numbers indicated on the packages with seeds.

Yield indicators

There are standard indicators of tomato yield from the garden.Approximate indicators from one bush per season, subject to established recommendations:

  • early ripe undersized determinants – 1-5 kg;
  • tall indeterminate – 5-10 kg or more (in a greenhouse );
  • oversized pink tomatoes – 8-16 kg.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

As a rule, the average yield of a given plant is indicated on a bag of seeds. It may be higher or lower than the stated numbers, but still gives an idea of ​​true productivity. The average weight of 1 fetus is also indicated.

High-yielding varieties

Выбор высокоурожайных сортов велик

The choice of high-yielding varieties is great

  • medium-sized variety Intuition F1, unpretentious and resistant to fungus, brings 10-12 kg from the bush;
  • multi-colored varieties (Golden fish, Black Prince, Zephyr) – up to 8 kg;
  • Emerald apple – up to 10 kg;
  • De-Barao yellow – up to 15 kg;
  • large-fruited red and pink varieties also delight hosts with high rates both from indoor and open ground: Krasnobay – one of the most fruitful tomatoes, gives in conditions of a good season up to 30 kg from one bush, Giants Novikov and De Barao – up to 15 kg, Pink giant – up to 12 kg, early Puzata Hata and Rosana less prolific – up to 10 kg;
  • early variety Vitador F1 – 25 kg per 1 square. m and Kostroma F1 – 18 kg per 1 square. m.

How to increase productivity

For the industrial cultivation of fruits use year-round glazed greenhouses. Supporters of this particular method can get the maximum amount of yield.

Fruits in open ground are at risk due to unstable weather conditions and pests, so they may not have time to ripen before frost. In the greenhouse, the growing period is from 5 to 7 months, which guarantees almost one hundred percent successful formation of ovaries and harvest.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

In open ground to extend the period of fruit collection with the onset of cool weather will help light shelters in the form of arches with a stretched nonwoven material on them.

Secrets to increasing the number of crops:

  • You can’t use the same place twice for planting seedlings, do not change the greenhouse soil, do not plant bushes close to each other and provide them with sufficient coverage.
  • Mandatory weeding and loosening the soil, hilling and mulching.
  • The first watering should be carried out infrequently, but use a lot of warm water, gradually increasing the dose.
  • Feed potassium and phosphorus, do not neglect immunomodulators.
  • Increased attention is required during the flowering period of the fruit. Do not forget to remove ripened tomatoes in a timely manner so as not to interfere with new ripening.

Tatyana Orlova (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Tomato requires high intensity of sunlight. In those areas of the country where there are not enough sunny days and heat, it is better to divert southern open slopes for tomatoes.The best soil for tomato is light, rich in humus with a neutral reaction ph. The plant carries out a large number of nutrients from the soil. It most tolerates potassium, then nitrogen. Phosphorus tomato tolerates 5 times less than potassium, but it is difficult to find a more demanding plant to digest phosphorus, which mainly accumulates in fruits.


This is a general list of recommendations on how to increase tomato productivity. You should also consider the individual characteristics of each of the varieties. Only with proper care can a high yield be achieved.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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