Orchid roots

Due to improper care Orchids often lose their roots. They dry or suffer from rot. Growing roots in an orchid is a long process. And the sooner treatment is started, the more effective and faster it will be to return the plant to its health and beauty.

  1. Causes of orchid root problems
  2. Resuscitation of the flower
  3. Root growth in the greenhouse
  4. Resuscitation in the moss of sphagnum
  5. Resuscitation of a plant in water
  6. Treatment on tree bark
  7. Use of drugs
  8. Saving a flower without roots
  9. Preventive measures
  10. Conclusion <

Наращивание корней у орхидеи

Root extensions of the orchid

Causes of orchid root problems

Phalaenopsis grows in the wild in the tropics. An exotic flower is used to high humidity and air temperature. Therefore, when growing orchids at home, problems often arise. Errors in organizing watering, temperature and humidity, air permeability of the substrate and fertilizing can lead to problems with the roots of the flower.

If you continue to care for the flower incorrectly, it may lose a healthy appearance. First, the leaves look lethargic or dry, flowering is absent, and with further inaction the orchid dies. The cause of the pathological condition of the root system are also diseases and pests.

Resuscitation of a flower

You can save a flower that has lost most of its roots due to floricultural errors by providing first aid to the plant. Rinse the roots under running warm water, remove the damaged roots with a clean sharp blade (it also needs to be disinfected) and treat the wounds with activated charcoal or cinnamon.

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If the roots are slightly affected, the pet should be transplanted into a new substrate. But, if more than 90% of the roots were destroyed – the flower is resuscitated. There are such ways to restore the Orchid’s root system:

  • root growth in the greenhouse;
  • rooting in the moss;
  • rooting in the tree bark;
  • water treatment.

Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. The most risky way is the option of treatment in water. Safer, but longer-lasting options are rooting in moss and tree bark.

Growing roots in a greenhouse

This method has many advantages. The greenhouse equipment for keeping a sick orchid will allow to grow root processes for 1 month. But to obtain such a result, you will have to take certain measures. The owner of the plant should:

  1. Prepare a sealed container – a glass jar or a cut bottle.
  2. In the base of the greenhouse, put expanded clay, which is a drainage layer.
  3. As the second layer to put sphagnum moss.
  4. Set the damaged orchid so that its base touches the soil surface.
  5. Cover the greenhouse with glass or polyethylene.

After equipping the greenhouse, place the container on well lit place. A positive effect is achieved by keeping the temperature and humidity levels in the greenhouse. If necessary, the container is immersed in warm water up to 3 times a day for 5-10 minutes.

Resuscitation in moss of sphagnum

It will be possible to restore the root system of the pet using a light soil used for the cultivation of Orchids – sphagnum moss. Apply it after preliminary disinfection or steaming. Save the flower like this:

  1. Put a drainage layer on the bottom of the plastic container.
  2. Tamp the layer of moss.
  3. Set the damaged pet so that the growth area point remains open (installation of supports for the stability of the nursery is possible).
  4. Spray the surface of the soil with a spray gun.
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This method is suitable for those gardeners who find it difficult to control the humidity of the substrate. Its only drawback is the timing of rooting. Prepare for a flower transplant no earlier than after 6 months.

Resuscitation of a plant in water

Реанимировать растение в воде очень сложно

It is very difficult to reanimate a plant in water

Resuscitation of an orchid without roots should be based on stimulation of a sleeping bud to germinate or on stimulation of root formation of a growth point. If orchid cubs appear, it will be easier to reanimate and plant a flower. Good results in the treatment of the root system are shown by the content in the water.

To save the flower from death will turn out when the flower is immersed in water. This method is effective if the cause of damage to the root system is not waterlogging of the soil (repeated immersion in the liquid often provokes the development of the pathological process, so the plant will not survive). Perform this procedure step by step:

  1. Pour warm, settled water into the container.
  2. The base of the flower is immersed in the liquid.
  3. Set the vessel with the flower in a well-lit place.
  4. If necessary, add water (once every 7 days the water will have to be completely replaced).

Restoring the roots of a pet in this way is difficult. We will have to control the condition of the flower and in the event of the death of its tissues, determine this in a timely manner.

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Another version of the water procedure is with the leaves down. The flower must be planted in a cropped plastic bottle, folded in a bunch of leaves down. It is necessary to crush activated carbon, take wood ash and mix with water.The resulting liquid is poured to the middle of the tank, so that the living processes of the roots remain in the air. Moisture, evaporating, will go into the flower growth zone, which will stimulate it to root formation. Spray aerial roots from a spray bottle periodically.

Air baths

When water treatment is unsuccessful, air baths can help grow roots. Among flower growers, this method is known as drying the roots.

You can revive the indoor flower by alternating the water and air procedures. During the day, the flower is kept in a container with liquid, slightly immersing the base of the nursery in it. At night it is placed above the vessel. This procedure is repeated daily until the root problems disappear. When the signs of rooting are noticed, planting in a light nutrient soil is necessary.

Treatment on the tree bark

This method is effective in the presence of a flower growth point. The resuscitation of the pet occurs according to the rules for the propagation of orchids. It will be possible to root the pet if the growth point is in contact with the ground. The only difference is that the peduncle does not need to be cut into sleeping buds.

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When using the method of growing roots on the tree bark at home, rooting takes place in just a few weeks. We save the flower like this:

  1. Pour the bark treated with fungicides into a plastic container.
  2. Remove all damaged parts of the root system.It is important to preserve only healthy tissues.
  3. Tie the leaves with elastic patches of elastic tissue to the base of the container so that the growth area of ​​the Phalaenopsis is in contact with the bark.
  4. Spray the tree bark from the spray.

Resuscitation of the base of the flower with leaves is done in 3-4 weeks. The main thing is to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room. The temperature should not be lower than 24 ° C, and humidity – 50%. If necessary, put a container of water next to the pot.

Use of medications

Опрыскивание фитоспорином стимулирует рост корневой системы

Spraying with phytosporin stimulates the growth of the root system

It will also be possible to cure the roots of fungal infections or signs of other injuries using specialized tools. After removing the damaged roots, as well as treating the cut sites with antiseptic agents, stimulate the growth of the remaining healthy root system. There are many such drugs. The most popular are:

  1. Kornevin. The proportion of the preparation of a solution of 3 g of substance per 6 liters of water. A flower pot is immersed in the prepared solution.
  2. Amber acid. Dilute the solution in the proportion of 1 tablet per 250 ml of water. Used to soak the damaged root system and for spraying the peduncle and leaves.
  3. Fitosporin. Bred in equal proportions.Use a solution for spraying leaves and soil.
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Glucose is useful for growing the root system. By rubbing the leaves, you will help the flower to get the necessary strength to build up a weak root system.

Saving a flower without roots

It is also possible to save an orchid without roots. There is hope for salvation only if the grower acts immediately and according to a certain algorithm. If only one stem is left from the pet, its resuscitation is carried out in water. Before immersing the flower in warm, protected water, trim the damaged tissues and treat open wounds with antiseptic agents.

After immersing the remaining stem with leaves in warm water, place the container in a well-lit place. Direct sunlight is best avoided. As the liquid level evaporates, it is added. They will complement the care of an orchid that has lost all roots, rubbing the leaves with a succinic acid solution prepared in the proportion of 1 tablet per 250 ml of water. In order to avoid overcooling the pet, at night lowering the air temperature, the container is covered with plastic wrap or do this using an ordinary package.

Under correctly created conditions of keeping, the flower rarely dies. After 2-4 weeks, root growth brings the first results – new young roots appear. When the orchid has produced several such processes, it will have to be cut, leaving the baby and transplanted into a pot.The best soil for further rehabilitation is sphagnum moss. It absorbs moisture well, is breathable, and rarely gets infected with various infections.

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Preventive measures

When deciding to grow Phalaenopsis at home, it is important to consider all the subtleties of caring for it. In general, Orchidaceae are moody plants. But with proper care they will grow and develop well, delighting their master with abundant flowering.

Such indoor flowers do not respond well to any deviations from comfortable conditions. And the roots are the first to suffer from this. To avoid problems with rotting or drying the roots, we grow the orchid correctly:

  1. It is necessary to organize a comfortable microclimate for the flower. The air temperature should not fall below 15 ° C in winter and 21 ° C in summer. Favorable humidity level of 50-60%.
  2. Organize a high-quality watering regime. To avoid problems with drying and waterlogging of the substrate will help control the state of the soil. Water the plant when it looks overdried. Another option is to immerse the flower pot in warm water for 20-30 minutes.
  3. It is important to shade the flower from direct sunlight and protect it from the heat of heating appliances in winter. The plant dies from their action.
  4. Regular top dressing with nitrogen-containing compounds should be carried out, which allows to stimulate the root system for development, especially if young phalaenopsis is without roots.Fertilizers are applied with watering no more than 2 times a month.

As the pet grows and develops at home, it should be transplanted every 3 years into a large container.

In Phalaenopsis, roots, sprouting, require space and a lot of air. Therefore, they will favorably perceive a new place of detention. It is also important that with transplantation, the air permeability of the earth also improves. And this is an important condition for the growth of a healthy orchid.


Despite their capriciousness, Orchidaceae are life-loving plants. Even if the flower loses a lot of roots, it will be able to reanimate. The remaining roots grow in water , moss, bark or greenhouse. Plant rescue can be carried out even in the case when Fanelopsis has one stem with leaves.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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