Why does a chicken carry eggs without shells

What should I do if the chicken lays eggs without shells? Why don’t ducks and geese suffer from such a problem? The sight of an egg lying without a shell is rather unpleasant. If the chicken laid an egg 1-2 times without an egg, this is an ordinary malfunction in the body, but if this is repeated regularly, you need to sound the alarm. There are several reasons why chickens lay eggs without shells.

  1. First signs of a violation
  2. Main causes
  3. Diseases and infections
  4. Solution

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Hens carry eggs without shells

If a chicken laid an egg without shell, you need to understand the reason for the appearance of a similar problem, and if the egg is completely without a film, you must urgently save the bird: this is the last stage of the disease . What should I do? factors.

The first signs of a violation

K where the hen lays eggs without shells, a film forms in its place. The egg itself looks normal, only it has a hard coating, it is very easy to damage. There are times when a bird pushes an egg out of itself in the form of a liquid. remove from the nest and behaves extremely restlessly. Treatment should not be postponed.

The first reason is poor heredity.

The second reason is health problems: the laying hen has a weak reproductive system and it cannot carry fully formed eggs. The individual may already be middle-aged, and therefore physically not have the ability to carry an egg in the shell. It is necessary to disassemble completely, from and to, the physical condition of the bird, its nutrition, whether it was subjected to stress.

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The main causes

The factors causing this problem include poor ecology, poor diet, stress, hormonal disorders, changes in ovulation, age. If this problem is left to chance, you can stay without layers at all.

  1. Improper nutrition. Usually, chicken lacks calcium, as well as various vitamins. Due to poor feeding, the chicken will have soft and shaky bones (keel), which entails a lack of shell. Shell rock, calcium, small gravel – a good option at home to improve the feeding of laying hens. But in case of an excess of these components, a violation can go in the opposite direction: it will be difficult for the chicken to lay an egg. The first symptom is that the laying hen sits for a long time in the nest and cannot take off from it.
  2. Hormonal malfunctions and disorders. Due to some stressful situations, the laying hen may fail to mature properly and form an egg, which will lead to a large exit of eggs without shells.
  3. Infectious and viral diseases. This is one of the reasons that cannot be cured at home. There are a lot of such diseases, but the most common are SSN-76; bird flu ; pseudo-plague. In infected individuals, the egg may be of an unusual shape, with a soft shell or without it at all.
  4. Formation of a rough and compacted surface of the egg shell. This indicates an insufficient amount of water in the body of young fish.In such cases, the chicken also cannot take off the nest for a long time, the egg production function is impaired. The egg, enveloped in calcium, becomes dehydrated and non-viable. Water problems can occur in winter. Layers should have constant access to water.
  5. Stressful situations. If the layers have experienced stress, they need some time to move. After a couple of days, they will begin to rush normally again.
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The most appropriate solution for hormonal and viral diseases is to consult a veterinarian. Other birds, whether domestic or not, have no such problems. The reason for this is the large-scale production of eggs (usually 270-300 eggs per year) in hens. Among other things, problems such as double yolk, eggs with blood, and the like may occur.

The first 11-19 eggs are small, and this is normal.

The reason for the thin shell there is also a lack of vitamins, calcium, and phosphorus.

To prevent this problem from occurring, it’s enough to feel the chicken’s large bones on its legs: if they are weak, become soft, the reason is the lack of vitamin C, shell lime, which can be replaced with chalk, calcium, ground shell. However, you should not give calcium in excess: this can contribute to the need for zinc, and then you need to calculate the correct diet again.

Diseases and infections

This problem should be paid more attention.Infectious diseases and viruses cannot be destroyed without knowing the parasite and the disease itself. For this, you need a veterinarian. As soon as the first signs of infection appear, an urgent need to call a doctor. Common viruses include pseudo-plague or Newcastle disease , mycoplasmosis , bird flu, encephalomyelitis, etc. These diseases worsen the quality of eggs, destroy the reproductive system of bearing hens, sometimes even fatal.

  1. With pseudo-plague or Newcastle disease, the hens are completely destroyed, not only in one chicken coop, but also in nearby ones. This virus easily and quickly spreads from the chicken coop to the chicken coop.
  2. Disposal can be made to a bird suffering from infectious bronchitis or mycoplasmosis. The bottom line is the effect on the formation of the shell in the oviduct, its softening and destruction. The output is the same chicken egg in a soft film. However, this virus can also be cured with aerosols and various medications, but only at an early stage of the disease, otherwise the bird must be disposed of.
  3. One of these viruses – helminthiasis – is dangerous not only for the chicken coop, but also for humans. If you eat an infected chicken egg, a parasite enters the human body. Immunity is powerless against such a disease, so the sooner it is detected, the higher the chances that no one will get infected.
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Prevention is the best solution to prevent viruses and infections.If preventive measures are taken correctly and in a timely manner, problems with the exhaustion of the eggshell can be avoided.

What about the hens. Eggshell.
What to do if the chicken soft eggshell
The chicken carries eggs without shells, only in film.

Solving the problem

What to do in this case?

  1. If the problem is poor food, it is worth studying the composition of the diet and completely changing it or add the necessary components, vitamins and minerals.It’s easy to find many different mixtures, lures, chalk, bone meal, calcium, phosphorus, shellfish in stores.
  2. In the absence of vitamin D, fish should be fed with fish oil . The cause of the problem is a sharp change in feed, the transition to the mash of another manufacturer. The main thing is to choose the right high-quality compound feed and not overdo it with the addition of various mixtures.
  3. As mentioned above, with viruses and infections it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian, he will determine the cause of the disease, irritant and treatment method. The veterinarian can also determine what is missing in the chicken’s diet and correct the situation.

In order for the hens to continue to run, be healthy and eat well, you need to regularly check and monitor the health of the whole chicken coop, this will allow not only to obtain the necessary product, but also save livestock.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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