Experienced farmers know that broiler chickens do not require large financial investments. Birds grow and develop fast enough. Despite the fact that they are carried less often than relatives, their popularity is enormous, since with one individual you can get several kilograms of excellent dietary meat. How are day-old chicks kept? The answer can be found in the review.
- Growing chicks
- Nutrition rules for young
- Natural diet
- Nutrition in the early days of life
- Improper nutrition problems
- Antibiotic drinking
- Basis for vaccination
- Preparing the house
- Litter Selection
- Content Features
- Baby Care
- Comfortable Conditions
- To summarize
Kids turn into adult birds only a few months after hatching, but these chickens, in particular daily chickens, require special attention and care. Breeding broilers at home is a very profitable activity, of course, if you know some of the nuances of proper maintenance and feeding .
Lack of experience and theoretical knowledge leads to the fact that many beginner poultry farmers destroy their young stock by the first week of their life.
Growing chicks
At first glance it may for now atsya that apparently all diurnal broiler chickens: and cockerels and hens – all look the same. But if you look closely, the plumage of females appears faster, but males have a wider wingspan.
Yes, the feathers of small cockerels are larger and longer, but this can only be understood if several chickens are put together and well examined. If you have only one yellow lump in front of you, it is very difficult to determine its gender, but you can still. To find out how chickens are distinguished by sex, you can watch special photos and videos on the Internet.
Cultivation of one-day broilers can be done not only at home, but also, for example, on a garden plot . In any case, a number of preparatory work is necessary. First of all, you should determine in which room the chickens will be kept and equip it. Cultivation of birds can happen equally well both outdoor and in a cellular way.
Making cells is easy. Having spent some time creating the right home-made aviaries, any farmer can easily provide the livestock with excellent conditions for growth and harmonious development. But in order for the chickens not to die and quickly get back on their feet, they need good care and proper feeding.
Always make sure that the place where the feeders are located, and these containers themselves are clean and full. You can not use cheap suspicious mixtures as food, prescribe feathered medicine and preventive drugs without one hundred percent confidence in their necessity.
Broilers do not need large areas, chickens to accommodate a fairly ordinary cardboard box or wooden box of medium size. A week after the birth of the chicks will need more free space, so they will need to be released into an impromptu aviary (brooder ). Active movement in the brooder promotes thermoregulation and improves the circulatory system.
Nutrition rules
An important question that worries most beginner farmers: when should you start to feed day-old chicks? When to give them food? Poultry farmers have different opinions on this matter, each proves his truth based on his own long-term successful experience.
Of course, you can listen to the advice of experienced people, but it’s better to turn to statistics instead: for children, especially those who visited the incubator who were given food in the first 16 hours of their life, are 20% more likely to survive than those who were fed for the first time only on the second day.
Natural diet
Nutrition greatly affects the formation of the internal organs of young animals, therefore, what b Streit useful minerals enter the body, the faster replenished energy and protein resources that subsistence broilers spent for their own development.
If this argument is not enough, you can draw a simple analogy to the life of domesticated birds grown in an incubator, and their relatives born in natural conditions. In the second case, the chickens are already in a hurry after their mothers for a walk 5-7 hours after birth. And they look very confident.
Chicks growing in natural conditions can choose their own diet, so it usually includes:
- plant seeds,
- some insects,
- fresh grass.
Naturally, nobody will add bugs and spiders to the diet of chickens, but this is not necessary. An excellent alternative to natural pasture is grated boiled yolk, groats, chopped greens, and fresh nettles.
Nettles are not stored for long, so it is advisable to add only recently picked grass to the food, in which vitamins have not yet been destroyed. In addition, lingering in the fridge for some time, hydrocyanic acid, very dangerous for chickens, begins to form in chickens.
Care should be taken in planning the menu for daily young animals. Any mistake in the preparation of the diet can lead to the loss of the whole yellow-horned livestock.
So, the chickens warmed up under the lamp, dried out, stood on their paws, and the first thing they dream about is to enjoy a chopped hard-boiled yolk.They will be very grateful if they add some semolina and eggshell, peeled and finely ground.
It is important not to overfeed the babies with yolk. Giving it should be based on: for 10 goals, 1 egg.
Food in the first days of life
On the first day of life, babies (it doesn’t matter, they appeared on light in the incubator or caring layers sat them) snacks are needed every 2 hours, and food is needed not only in the daytime, but also at night. In addition to yolk, you can give fresh kefir and nonfat yogurt.
Dairy products have a beneficial effect on the development of the digestive system, filling the young avian intestine with vital bacteria and microelements. As a basis for food, you can use barley or small corn grits, as well as millet.
Problems of malnutrition
A common problem that most poultry breeders face is diarrhea in birds, leading to the death of the livestock. To solve it, you must first determine the cause and only then accept take measures.
Diarrhea can develop in chicks due to factors such as:
- overfeeding,
- abrupt change in the ingredients that make up the diet ,
- improper care for the daily chickens,
- sudden overheating or rapid hypothermia,
- non-compliance with the feeding schedule,
- lack of minerals.
On the first day, after the birds hatch, they only learn to eat, so they can accidentally eat some straw, sawdust or other garbage that can lead to digestive upset. To protect the chicks from accidental death, instead of straw, it is permissible to lay a white rag or ordinary paper in several layers on the bottom of the box.
You can cope with diarrhea:
- after drinking chickens with a solution of manganese (it can be given as a preventive measure several times a week throughout the life of the bird);
- excluding from the diet all types of dairy products;
- carefully separating the grains from flour and any other impurities that may clog the stomach;
- drinking the diarrhea with herbal infusions (calendula, St. John’s wort or oak bark) .
If diarrhea started in all babies at the same time, and some of them even died, then the cause of the disease is not poor care, and in severe intestinal infection. Here you can’t do without special processing of the room where the birds are kept. You can not self-medicate, you need to immediately seek veterinary help. The faster this happens, the more chickens will be saved.
Antibiotic feeding
Some poultry farmers begin to drink antibiotics with their antibiotics from the first day of life according to the following scheme:
- to chickens from 1 day to 5, to protect against bacterial infection, give “Baytril” or “Enroksilom.
- 6 to 11 days of life, birds need prevention of vitamin deficiency, which performed with the help of special vitamin complexes, for example, Nutril’s aqueous solution.
- 12 to 14 days need to be prevented tsidioza using “Baykoksa” or its analogs.
- 15 to 17 day give vitamin complex.
- 18 to 22 days, add “Baytril” or “Enroxil” to food.
Before diluting the preparations in water and starting to solder the chicks, carefully read what dosage it is necessary and how many times a day the procedure should be carried out.
Grounds for vaccination
There are a number of reasons why it is impossible to grow daily broiler chickens without vaccination:
- Newcastle disease . Infection. Birds develop pneumonia, and hemorrhagic injuries are observed on most internal organs.
- Marek’s disease . In the advanced stage, it causes paralysis, blindness and swelling of the internal organs.
- Bronchitis of the infectious type . A sick bird has severe conjunctivitis, hoarseness and cough, which makes her shake her head.
- Adenovirus infection. There is a strong decrease in the already not high egg production of broiler chickens. Eggs that were nevertheless laid, deformed and have a very soft shell.
- Salmonellosis . Chickens begin to watery eyes, drowsiness and runny nose appear.
Due to these and some other less popular diseases, the growth and development of birds slows down, they begin to lose weight and stop gaining weight. If the vaccination was not delivered on time, the birds may not survive to the slaughter. Broilers are very sensitive to epidemics of infectious origin.
We prepare the house
The main requirements for the room where the day-old chickens will be raised are:
- dry,
- cleanliness,
- correct and stable temperature conditions,
- well-organized lighting,
- the ability to air.
Before settling birds, it is necessary to clean the territory of the house, disinfect the drinker, feeders and the entire room using special means.
To get rid of the smell of potent drugs, It is important that the house is thoroughly ventilated during processing. You also need to make sure that the walls, floor and ceiling in the room are dry, and then whiten them in several layers.
Broiler chickens are poorly oriented in a dark space, so they should be kept in a sufficiently lit room. The light should be turned on continuously for 20 hours a day. Teaching young animals to the dark should occur gradually (it is necessary to turn off the lamps for a quarter of an hour, then turn it on, after some time turn them off for a longer time). Thus, the birds will become accustomed to the dark and will not experience panic at the same time.
Litter selection
Litter is an essential element of the house.Properly selected materials will ensure that in the room where the birds will be kept, good thermal insulation and protect the livestock from meeting with dangerous microorganisms living in chicken feces.
To ensure sufficient friability and dryness of the litter, it should consist of several layers . The following materials can be used:
- hay,
- sawdust,
- wood shavings,
- husk of sunflower seeds,
- dry leaves.
Regardless of which material is chosen as the litter, the following requirements will be imposed on it:
- In small parts of loose there should not be a drop of moisture in the material (in order to eliminate the consequences of accidental wetting, for example, due to heavy rainfall, it is necessary to dry the flooring, having previously uniformly laid it on a flat surface).
- U m The material must have high absorbent characteristics.
- The embankment should have a crushed structure – all large particles should be immediately removed from the flooring.
- Mold, even in minimal quantities, is unacceptable.
The most affordable litter option is layers of sawdust or dry grass. Laying the material should take place in several stages: laid the first thin layer – well tamped, stacked the second – tamped again until the total thickness reaches 1 cm (for summer) or 2 cm (for winter).
It is also undesirable to make a thick layer: good air permeability is needed so that a lot of chicken droppings are not accumulated in the material, which is toxic and very harmful for chicks. You cannot use the same litter for a long time: it must be carefully updated every few days.
Content Features
Improper care of daily broilers is the main cause of death chickens. Due to too high humidity or low temperature, drafts, poor lighting, the birds begin to hurt, panic and as a result die one by one, so ignoring these factors is extremely undesirable.
Kids can not stand the cold, and even familiar to us room temperature is deadly for them. This should be taken into account when organizing the transportation of daily broilers.
If you do not want the trip to end sadly for the fluffy yellow lumps, you should not use an ordinary cardboard box for this. In addition, they are very dirty, the plumage of the chicks sticks together, the legs freeze, and even a runny nose can develop. Naturally, the absolute safety of such a livestock is out of the question.
In addition, to restore the strength of the survivors, daily chickens will require a lot of care and time (from one week to several months). Many after this completely lose their desire to engage in breeding birds.But you just had to use a special insulated container instead of a cardboard box, covered with dense woolen material.
The bottom of the box should not be soft, otherwise the kids could not get bored, and therefore injuries could not be avoided. If you make a container for transportation yourself, do not forget to make holes in it through which air will flow (there are a lot of training videos on this topic in the network). You cannot put more than 20 chickens in one cage at a time.
Care for babies
Care for the chickens very carefully, therefore, if you equip the house with flooring, drinking bowls and feeders, you should take care of so that there is constantly maintained air temperature. The norm is 30 ° C.
You can’t keep the chicks brought to their destination in the shipping container for a long time. They must be carefully sorted into cardboard cells. Clean and healthy chickens should not be planted with dirty or swearing chickens. the latter should be placed in a separate box and fed with food with the addition of vitamin C.
It is recommended to drink the kids only with cool, pre-filtered and boiled water to exclude any possibility of infection through the drink in organisms that have not yet matured. If the chickens themselves cannot drink water, then they must be drunk.
Lighting and heating the room is the easiest and most effective way to do this with an infrared lamp.The first few days after the birth of chickens, you can not turn off the lamps often and more than 15 minutes. This time It is necessary for young people to settle down in a new place, to find out where the feeder and drinking bowl are.
Comfortable conditions
You need to carefully observe how the kids behave from the first day after hatching, in order to determine and satisfy their needs in time:
- If a happy squeak comes from the house and the yellow lumps scatter evenly across the floor, then the birds are happy. It’s cozy in the house, the temperature is right and it’s very dry.
- If all the chicks are heaped together, it means they’re cold and it’s time to think about warming.
- If the daily chickens have heavy breathing and beaks are wide open, on the contrary, it is very hot in the room. The faster the host reduces the lamp power, the fewer chickens will die. Even the slightest overheating is dangerous no less than hypothermia. From it, the appetite decreases in kids, and, consequently, growth and development slows down.
To summarize
If you have enough desire and basic knowledge, you can even at home to carry out the necessary care for daily chickens, as well as provide them with high-quality feeding. If you do everything right, very soon you can grow beautiful and healthy little hens and males from small yellow little lumps, which means that there will always be fresh, tasty, and most importantly, healthy meat on the table.Species of birds in this case do not matter. In general, in order to grow each of them, to properly feed, you must adhere to similar rules.