Hens of the Tsarskoye Selo breed

Tsarskoye Selo chicken, productive and adapted to domestic conditions, was bred at the VNIIGRZ farm. The new tribe was obtained by crossing several breeds – Poltava clay, Broiler-6, New Hampshire.

  1. Characteristic of the breed
  2. Cost <
  3. Like <
  4. Performance indicators
  5. Advantages and disadvantages
  6. Features of breeding
  7. Incubation <
  8. Care <
  9. Feeding
  10. Adult chickens
  11. Birdhouse
  12. Place for walking
  13. Feeding <
  14. Shedding and egg laying break
  15. Possible illnesses
  16. Cold
  17. Coccidiosis <
  18. Pasteurellosis <
  19. Worms
  20. Lice, lice, ticks
  21. Prevention
  22. Breeder Reviews

Куры Царскосельской породы

Chickens of the Tsarskoye Selo breed

Characteristic of the breed

Description of the external species of Tsarskoye Selo breed:

  • body with strong muscles and large muscle mass;
  • the back is wide, the chest, peritoneum and stomach are developed, therefore the bird looks massive;
  • medium-sized head, round;
  • neck elongated;
  • catkins, scallops and lobes of red or scarlet color;
  • legs strong, long gray-yellow tone;
  • the beak is small second, on the tip curved, yellow

Plumage unusual and dense -. the male is brighter, whiter females.All feathers with a striped pattern, marked by the alternation of light and black stripes. Black tones predominate on the tail of males and chickens.

Some individuals contain grayish or tarry inclusions over the entire surface of the feathers.


This breed is bred in several Russian farms – Golden feathers, Oktyabrevskaya bird and Smolensk farmstead.

The price of one hatching egg is 50-60 rubles, young growth has grown from 300 to 600 rubles, depending on age and season.

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It has a calm, balanced character, easily tolerates stressful situations and does not reduce the product of the universe. Roosters, like chickens, favor the owner, small chicks and adults of a different color. The livestock can be kept with confidence on a common compound with representatives of other breeds.

The only thing breeders note is the showdown between the males between the tribe. Therefore, you need to clearly distribute the number of males in the herd in order to avoid fights for superiority.

Productivity Indicators

In terms of productivity, this breed belongs to the meat and egg group with high decorative qualities .

The first laying of the hen is carried out at the age of 5-6 months. About 180-200 eggs, which differ in large weight (59-60 g) and a thick shell of dark brown color, can be laid per year.

If you provide them with a good and balanced diet, then in the winter they will rush well.

The mass of the rooster at the head of the head is 2.8-3.2 kg, chicken – 2.2-2.5 kg. The meat has a good taste, juicy, practically does not contain fat.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the description, the main advantages of the hens are:

  • relatively good productivity indicators;
  • resistance to stressful situations and sudden changes in weather conditions;
  • good chick survival – about 95%, adult chickens – 90%;
  • increased immunity against many diseases;
  • has high decorative qualities;
  • a good instinct for incubation – in one season a hen can withdraw 2-3 offspring
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Of the disadvantages highlight the need for a balanced feeding, otherwise productivity indicators are significantly reduced.

Features of breeding

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For For breeding it is important to choose a healthy female

To breed naturally, you should follow some rules:

  • in order to get good offspring, you need to choose a healthy female with a calm character that sweeps over two years;
  • eggs should be of medium size, without cracks and defects, not too sharp or blunt, 5-6 days old they are laid in number – 13-15 pcs. under one hen;
  • the optimal time for laying eggs is the end of April or the beginning of May. Chicks will appear in 20-21 days, by this time heat will stabilize, which will greatly facilitate the care of them, and provide them with good conditions for growth.


Natural reproduction is not always justified, therefore, many breeders resort to the incubation method (all requirements for material for breeding new offspring are standard).

Eggs are laid in the incubator, the temperature is set to 40 ° C, every week it is lowered by 1 ° C. Every day, the testes need to be turned several times a day so that they evenly warm up.


After 10 days of keeping at home, the chicks are taken out to fresh air.Walking under the sun strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of young

Three weeks later they are placed in a cardboard or wooden box, previously covered with a rag, straw or sawdust. For quick drying and high-quality heating, a lamp is installed at a height of 50 cm.

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The optimum temperature in the first days is 32 ° C, the next day it is lowered by 2-3 ° C and so brought to the level of 19 ° C. The daylight hours are 21-22 hours a day.

After 1.5 months, the grown individuals are transferred to the general diet and maintenance regime for adult hens.


Food for chickens in the first three weeks should be correct and balanced, because during this period of time, the risk of their death is high.

  • one hour after the birth of the chicks, they give boiled finely chopped chicken eggs;
  • on the second day, they are additionally fed with chopped feathers of green onions ;
  • after a week you can feed the chicks with low-fat cottage cheese, small cereals, grated cooked carrots;
  • starting from 14 days, chickens need food with a high protein content, so they are offered meat and bone or fish flour, meat or fish broth, boiled root vegetables mixes, vegetable her;
  • to normalize calcium in the body, egg shell powder is mixed into the feed;
  • at the age of 1.5 months, the grown chicks are transferred to the diet of adults.

To eliminate the risk of cannibalism among young animals, you need to feed it often – at least 5-6 times a day.

In the first days, solder with a nutritious glucose solution – dilute 50 ml in 1 liter of water. Next, water of room temperature is served.

Adult chickens

The productivity, growth and health of Tsarskoye Selo chickens depends on the conditions of feeding and feeding.


Курятник необходимо правильно обустроить

The chicken house needs to be properly furnished

Basic requirements for the habitat:

  • temperature in winter – 15-19 ° С, in summer – 12-13 ° С;
  • humidity not higher than 70%, which ensured by good ventilation (daily ventilation through windows, doors);
  • dim lights with at least 10 hours a day with infrared or infrared lamps.

Before you start the herd in the hen, you must carefully prepare it.

  1. Disinfect all surfaces ( walls, ceiling and floor) with a solution of colloidal sulfur (2%) or hydrated lime. After whitewashing, sewn the bottom with any material that closes the gaps and protects the chicken coop from the penetration of various rodents – carriers of infections and parasites.
  2. Then lay a bed of straw, hay, sawdust or peat. Stacking is carried out on a sunny day, otherwise the material saturated with dampness will quickly mold and become a source of fungal and other diseases.
  3. On the floor, feeders and drinking bowls are installed based on one individual 4 and 3 cm, respectively. A bowl of ash, sand or dried clay is placed next to it. Dry baths will provide protection for chickens from various parasites and help preserve the decorative feather cover.
  4. Perches are arranged around the perimeter of the room at a height of 40-50 cm so that chickens can freely fly up on them. In secluded places with dim lighting, nests are placed at the rate of 1 box for 3-4 hens.
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The optimal amount of space in the chicken coop per individual is 50 m³.

A place for walking

A walking patio is one of the most important conditions for the full maintenance of chickens. The plot is fenced at a height of 1.5 m. 1-2 m² is sufficient for one bird.

In order to provide chicken with fresh herbs in the summer, in early spring the plot is sown with clover, barley, wheat or other herbs.

The place of walking is sprinkled with shells, gravel and pieces of chalk – all this is eaten by the hens with great pleasure, saturating the body with calcium and other trace elements.


The performance indicators largely depend on poultry diet.

The basis of daily feeding is compound feed, which can be purchased at . Tsializirovannom store or made at home

It is necessary to mix the shredded wheat or barley from sunflower meal, corn, and meat and bone minerals (fish) flour at a ratio of 4: 3: 2: 1: 1.

The daily dose per individual is 120 g.

At different times of the year, the diet of birds will be slightly different.

  1. In summer they give greens , forbs, give a mash of grated vegetables, fruits, root crops. In addition, chickens eat shells, chalk and gravel. In winter, with a lack of vitamins and minerals, grass, meat and bone meal and fish meal are mixed in the feed. Add fish oil, as well as chopped eggshells. Daily give sprouted wheat, barley or rye, as well as a vitamin and mineral complex.
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Clean and fresh drink plays an important role in the health of poultry, so it is changed every day if the drinkers are open .

When using nipple, groove structures, water is changed after 1-2 days (in winter – room temperature, in summer – cold).

Shedding and egg laying break

This process usually occurs in the spring. The change of feather cover has a beneficial effect on the health of the bird and contributes to its rejuvenation. Lasts from 2.5 to 3 months. Shedding chickens cease to rush.

For quick recovery and intensive feather growth, the bird is provided with the following conditions:

  • feeding with a high protein content and low calcium;
  • separate room with soft litter to eliminate the risk of injury to exposed skin;
  • stable heat and regular airing.

Possible diseases

Здоровье птицы зависит от качества ухода

Poultry health depends on the quality of care

Tsarskoye Selo chickens rarely get sick if they are well cared for and fed. When crowded in cold, poor food and on a dirty litter, chickens suffer from parasite invasion.

Often, wild birds and rodents act as their carriers, so it is important to provide maximum protection against contact.


It affects young and adult individuals, which are kept in a cool and damp place, where there are constant drafts.

Symptoms: secretion of mucus from the nose, rapid breathing, lethargy, cough, sometimes elevated body temperature. The treatment is carried out with the help of Biomycin or Tetracycline.

See also  How many eggs does a chicken carry per day?


Infected birds who drink dirty water and are kept in an unclean room.

Infected individuals press wings to the body, refuse to feed, vilify. Antibiotics are used for treatment – Tetracycline or Terramycin.


Symptoms: hoarseness, heavy breathing, fever, bluish crest, ruffled feathers.

They are treated with antibacterial drugs – Levoerythrocycline, Cobactan or Trisulfone.


Eggs are transmitted through litter, infected food, water, and infected individuals. Antihelminthic drugs are used for treatment.

Lupus, lice, ticks

Usually appear in a damp room when crowded. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to timely treat the feather cover with Karbofos or Delcid.

With severe infection, three times spraying is required every week.


It is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house, regularly remove food residues, change water every day, once a year replace litter and disinfect surfaces with slaked lime.

It is important for birds to ensure a balanced diet, daily walk in the fresh air and gular inspection for lesions diseases or parasites. Sick individuals should be sent to a separate room in a timely manner, at a neglected stage, allowed to slaughter.

Tsarsko-rural breed of chickens. Living house 102.
Brief overview of the Bielefelder chicken breed. Balakovo.

Breeders’ feedback

Most poultry farmers are satisfied with the Tsarskoye Selo chickens and leave positive feedback.

  • Chickens with good endurance, rarely get sick and have high productivity of both egg and meat;
  • Despite they do not eat much, so they are considered profitable and in demand;
  • Chicks grow quickly, adapt well and have a high survival rate;
  • Many people value the breed for early egg laying – they begin to bear eggs in their fifth month of life.

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Anna Evans

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