Faverol chicken

Among elite varieties, the Faverol chicken breed stands out. She was taken out in France. At the heart of the line are Mantian chickens, Kokhinkhin and Gudan. They attract attention not only with their appearance, but also with worthy taste characteristics.

  1. Summary
  2. Species of the breed
  3. Salmonidae <
  4. Blue <
  5. Dwarf
  6. Colombian
  7. Description of the breed
  8. Cost <
  9. Appearance
  10. Character
  11. Instinct for incubation
  12. Productivity
  13. Advantages and disadvantages
  14. Features of breeding
  15. Incubation <
  16. Food of chicks
  17. Care of chickens
  18. Adult Content
  19. What the chicken coop
  20. Meals
  21. Place for walking
  22. Possible illnesses
  23. Owner reviews

Курицы породы Фавероль

Chicken Faverol


  • Type of productivity : meat and egg.
  • Weight of the rooster : heavy (up to 4 kg).
  • Chicken weight : moderate (2.5-3 kg).
  • Start ovipositor : early.
  • Egg production : medium, up to 180 eggs per year.
  • Features : resistant to diseases, moderately capricious in care.
  • Egg size : medium Ii (50 g).
  • Will the beginner suit : yes.

Species of the breed

The selection resulted in several subspecies of this species. Consider the description of each.

The main symbol of any bird is the presence of brown spots on the rooster in the neck.


The color of feathers in hens is light, in roosters – black, with the addition of beige.

It is because of the attractiveness of the males that Faverol is considered a beautiful breed.

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Sometimes there may be a mixture of salmon with white-red, white, turquoise and other colors. Birds with an ermine color are also distinguished.


The species is fixed within the framework of the standard. Often the blue hue of plumage is combined with salmon, there are white individuals with a blue admixture.

This breed is much less common, so its cost is slightly higher. The color does not affect the productive characteristics in any way.


German breeders managed to get a dwarf variety of chickens. They weigh up to 1 kg, and their egg production is lower.

Otherwise, the bird looks the same as a regular faverol. There are significant differences in behavior – the character is more energetic.


Both hens and roosters have the same plumage: almost the entire length of the feather is white, and its end is painted black .But in the male it is distinguished by splendor and is slightly larger in size.

Description of the breed

Курам нужен солнечный свет

Chickens need sunlight

Faverol chickens are grown for sale in the meat and egg direction. Egg production is good, it starts early.

Birds are able to quickly gain muscle mass, but for this they will need certain conditions.

There should always be fresh and clean food in the feeder, as well as access to sunlight, therefore, they need to walk more often in the air.

See also  Characteristics of the Liven breed of chickens


Faverol chickens are rare, but they are in demand.

You can buy a chicken under 10 days old for 300 rubles and above. The price of an adult chicken or rooster will be at least 5000 rubles.


All representatives of the breed have common features that make them easy to identify.

The head is small in size, slightly flattened. The beak is powerful, but short, it can be of different colors: from pale yellow to pinkish or white.

The crest has a leaf-shaped, erect shape. All prongs are even, fairly high.

Chickens’ eyes are small, orange-red. The neck is not long, on it a loose, but magnificent plumage creates a mane, smoothly passing on the back.

Near the base of the head there is always a gate formed due to feathers that are located in the direction of the occiput.

The chest is round, protrudes slightly forward. The wings are high, the legs are well developed, they are covered with good plumage (this is a feature of this breed).

Feathers are lush, soft in structure. Plenty of fluff prevents freezing, so in winter in the absence of snow you can let the birds out.

The weight of cocks often reaches 4 kg. This indicator depends on the quality of the feed. Chicken is slightly smaller, up to 3 kg.

See also  Newcastle disease in chickens


The faverol has an inquisitive, but complaisant temperament. They get used to the host relatively quickly and are able to recognize it.

Hatching instinct

In adults of this species, the hatching instinct is poorly developed. We can say that he was completely lost. Special hatcheries cannot be dispensed with for breeding young animals.

The offspring always amaze with its activity and large size. Chicks are not prone to disease. From the very first days they have a great appetite, they grow quickly.


Chickens always rush early. During the first year, one laying hen may well lay 180 eggs: productivity is above average. But already for 2 years, indicators are reduced to 130 pcs.

The eggs are small, the shell is brown, the yolk is large.

Advantages and disadvantages

Птицы отличаются спокойным нравом

Birds have a calm disposition

Among the advantages, the following qualities are distinguished:

  • good productivity indicators;
  • calm temperament;
  • beautiful and aesthetic appearance.

The main disadvantages are only the high cost of birds, the obligatory daily cleaning of the house.

Features of breeding

The most suitable period for hatching is in February.

To prevent To breed a degeneration of a variety, it is necessary to contain a rooster and at least 5 hens from different lines. This will help to avoid various health problems of the offspring and lower productivity.

In spring, chickens can safely go for a walk. With the beginning of the summer season, the period of egg laying begins.


To breed offspring, eggs are taken from hens who are already 1 year old. They are placed in a place with a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C. Such conditions are provided for approximately 2 weeks.

It is important to always maintain certain indicators. Even with the slightest deviation in the chickens, the toes can twist on their legs. The most suitable mode is 37.6 ° C.

Chicks from eggs are born after 22 days. They must be immediately placed on dry bedding.

It must be warm. The temperature is 38 ° C. If the weather is cloudy, you can’t do without lightning.

Food of the chicks

During the first 10 days, the chickens should be given boiled and well-chopped eggs, porridge (preferably corn), cottage cheese. Feed begins on day 11, but it needs to be done gradually.

The intervals between meals at different stages of development change.

The first month they feed up to 8 times (observe same interval). On the second – 4 times. Then it becomes stable – three times a day.

Care for chickens

It will take a lot of effort to care for chickens.

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It’s important to prepare a place for keeping: choose a clean and warm room where it is dry, fresh air always circulates, but there are no through flows.

More than 25 chicks cannot be placed on an area of ​​1 m². Free space should be sufficient for each of them.

5 days after birth, keep chickens on the floor, which is pre-covered with paper. Feed and some cereals are poured on it. This approach will allow babies to get food without any health risks.

За цыплятами необходимо хорошо ухаживать

It is necessary to take good care of the chickens

For 1 nestling, 50 g of cereals and cottage cheese are allocated.

The floor should not be cold: there is a possibility that the birds may get sick. Since their body is still weak at this age, it will be extremely difficult to cope with the disease, many of them die as a result of infections.

Content of adults

On how much good conditions are created, the productivity and health of the birds depends.

What the chicken coop should be like

Choose a spacious room. If you neglect this, the chicks will simply begin to stomp the food, it will become unusable, and there is a likelihood of injury.

The humidity level should be regulated, because hens cannot tolerate it. Feeding troughs always hang over the floor, otherwise they will scatter food.

See also  Description of decorative hens

It is better to keep no more than 15 goals in the chicken coop. You cannot keep the Faverole in the same room with any other breed. So the birds will be calm, there will be no unnecessary factors that can affect productivity.


The diet should be balanced. Use compound feed or dry food. Remember that wet food can ruin the plumage.

In this case, birds can start to peck it, causing injuries to themselves and their neighbors. During the summer season, one third of all feed should be green. Pay special attention to legumes, oats with wheat, dandelions, clover, nettle, wood lice. After walking you will need additional feed in the form of feed.

We must not allow chickens to eat nightshade, colchicum, hellebore – these herbs contain poison. Up to 150 g of feed is needed per day for one individual. In the case of obesity, the daily norm is reduced by almost half – to 80 g.

With the advent of winter and spring, the greens are replaced by well-sprouted ears of wheat, carrots, pumpkin, needles of spruce or pine. You can give zucchini, nettle, but only steamed. Pay attention to vitamins.

If productivity drops, add oatmeal (raw) to the diet. In winter, wet food is warmed up. If the food is combined, then dry food is alternated with wet, and the number of meals is 3-4 times.

See also  Salmonellosis in chickens and cocks

Place for walking

Walking strengthens the immunity of birds and prevents obesity . This breed likes to eat well, therefore, they have a high tendency to it.

Since chickens almost do not take off, too high fences are not needed. They will not trample the beds either. The main thing is to choose a spacious place.

Possible diseases

The representatives of the Faverol breed have a high resistance to diseases. Chickens have no immunity, but with proper care, the risk of illness will be minimal.

The main danger is litter. It should never be wet. If this item is neglected, the birds can not only lose their ability to lay eggs normally, but even die.

Owner reviews

Faverol chicken is an excellent meat variety, according to a large number of farmers. She also has good egg production, which makes the content really profitable.

It’s not always easy to get livestock.The reason for this is not only high cost, but also not too widespread.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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