Features of broiler cages in cells at home

The cultivation and maintenance of broilers in cages at home has its advantages and disadvantages, and this is due to the fulfillment of a number of requirements in order to preserve the livestock and ensure its growth and development.

  1. Features of broilers for breeding
  2. Selection of broiler chickens
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of cell growth
  4. We create conditions for cell growth
  5. Room and equipment
  6. Microclimate
  7. Food <
  8. Requirements for bird cages

Содержание бройлеров в клетках в домашних условиях

Content of broilers in cells at home

Features of broilers for breeding

Cellular broilers in household conditions are associated with their features, because, unlike the normal chicken breeding rate, the main task when growing broiler lines is to gain a gain as soon as possible.

Of no small importance when deciding whether to grow them in limited space, these hybrid pedigree lines are capable of intensively gaining body weight, which is why they were bred to get more chicken meat in a short period of time.

In addition to the fact that broilers are I am a source of meat products, many broiler breeds have established themselves as good producers of young animals, showing high rates of egg production .

Among the distinguishing features of broiler birds that require a special approach in keeping:

  • large size and large (average about 5 kg) bird weight, which limits the number of individuals for one cage,
  • intensive weight gain,
  • obesity of the trunk, located horizontally.
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Selection of broiler chickens

For the selection of young animals for the purpose of keeping them in the cells , the decision is made depending on the purpose of breeding: for meat or for eggs. Particular attention should be paid not only to the quality of the breed, but also to the behavior of the selected chickens, their activity, reaction to noise, eye condition and plumage.

To buy healthy broilers that would subsequently provide a good economically beneficial result, you can only at the poultry farm or professional poultry houses that are responsible for complying with all standards when breeding and raising chicks.

Due to the high mortality rates among newborn chickens, poultry houses recommend purchasing amb young, has reached the age of at least 10 days and having a standard size.

To grow and maintain broilers in cages at home, use one of the 2 available methods:

  • extensive, when chickens are acquired in spring and grow until mid-summer, after which they go to slaughter and sale, re-recruitment of young animals is not carried out until the next season,
  • intensive, in which a new generation is acquired every quarter, and individuals who have reached 2.5 months of age go to slaughter.

The best age for broiler breeding for slaughter is 70 days. After this period, birds begin to suspend their growth and build up mass, and the amount of feed consumed increases. Such broiler content becomes economically unreasonable.

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Advantages and disadvantages of cell growing

Growing and keeping broiler chickens in cages is considered a more economical way compared to outdoor. The cellular method has become more popular with the advent of modern technologies that allow you to organize cell batteries with your own hands.Among the advantages of broiler breeding in cages, poultry houses note:

  • saving space in the room and reducing the associated costs of electricity, heating and ventilation,
  • reducing the amount of feed required as a result of being on limited territory,
  • an increase in growth rates due to a decrease in bird activity,
  • restriction of contact and, as a result, hindering the spread of various infectious and other diseases ,
  • lack of contact of birds with litter and the inability for birds to eat excrement,
  • optimized opportunities for feeding and drinking birds, caring for them, veterinary examination, thinning the number of individuals.

In addition, reviews of poultry houses that prefer grow and maintain broiler breeds of chickens in cages, note a reduction in the period of feeding of chickens by an average of 3-5 days.

Many of the minuses of keeping broilers are:

  • rather large initial financial and labor the cost of arranging cells or the purchase of ready-made equipment complexes,
  • obligatory daily cell cleaning, disinfection , after the cell is freed from the bird.

In addition, the cellular content of home broilers also affects on their health.Thus, birds that grow in a cage begin to suffer from paw problems due to limited activity and a sharp large weight gain. It affects the state of chicken legs and the mesh floor of the cage.

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Create conditions for cell growth

Before deciding on the cells and the content of broilers at home, it is necessary to determine the basic issues according to the conditions of breeding birds in a limited space.

Premises and equipment

For self-construction of structures or installation of ready-made sets of equipment for planting chickens, ordinary wooden can be chosen as a suitable room barn. In summer, chicken cages are located directly on the street.

The list of equipment necessary for the purchase includes:

  • lamps for light lighting,
  • heating elements for creating heat,
  • ventilation systems,
  • feeders and drinking bowls .


The necessary conditions must be created and maintained for broiler young animals to be expelled:

  • the temperature for day-old chicks is about 32 ° C with a gradual decrease of 0.2 indicators daily until 16-18 ° C to weekly age,
  • humidity from 50 to 70%,
  • daylight hours – at least 23 hours for chickens, reduced from a weekly age to 16-20 hours.


When breeding chickens by the cellular method, it is recommended to ensure a constant presence in the cage of feed. The diet of small broilers includes a boiled egg, wheat grain, greens. Starting from the age of five days, chickens are soldered with vitamin solutions, adding shell rock and bone meal to the diet. In the last weeks of growth until the time of slaughter, the chicken feed is varied with roughage.

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Requirements for bird cages

Today, for the cultivation of meat broilers on an industrial scale and household conditions, cell batteries are created, ensuring compliance with the density of planting of chickens.They are mounted in the form of a tier of 4-6 cell rows and allow you to keep up to 150,000 individuals in the house. You can see how this looks in the video. drinking water, allows you to mount additional light sources if necessary. The floor of such cages is extended, which allows the bird house to easily catch the bird. A special tape is placed under the floor to remove droppings. using the built-in heating systems and ventilation , controlled both manually and automatically.

Light-weight varieties are possible for keeping chickens in a small household farm. nt cell batteries of 2-3 tiers, not more, subject to a tight fit, which can be made with your own hands, if you follow the video instructions.

Among the basic requirements for do-it-yourself mounted cell maintenance, we can distinguish:

  • the norms of maximum planting density – up to 25 chicken heads per 1 sq. m. m of floor, but not more than 40 kg of weight to the final stage of cultivation,
  • material for the manufacture of sections – galvanized wire mesh, wooden cages are less wear-resistant,
  • the presence of grooves outside the sections for manual feeding and feeders inside for mechanized,
  • the presence of saws and a drinking water supply system,
  • the availability of galvanized trays for litter,
  • a small cell near the grid covering the floor.
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The presence of wheels in the equipment of cell batteries creates advantages for the movement of cells in the event of heat on the street.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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