Description of broiler Arbor Aykres

Broiler Arbor Aykres belongs to one of the newest bird breeds. Despite this, almost every farmer knows Arbor broilers. The breed has rapidly gained popularity around the world and can be found in almost every poultry farm. British, American and French breeders worked on the creation of this breed.

  1. Description of the appearance of the birds
  2. Positive aspects of the breed
  3. Growing rules
  4. Formation of proper and high-quality nutrition

Характеристика бройлера Арбор Айкрес

Broiler characteristics Arbor Aykres

Description of the appearance of the birds

Description of the broiler breed Arbor Aykres says that it is a well-built, strong species with strong bones. shape resembles small leaves with ost the broiler’s breast volume is much larger than that of other broilers, due to which the meat yield after slaughter is greater. In addition, broiler meat is dietary, so it can be eaten by absolutely everyone. Breast fillet contains many nutrients.

Внешний вид бройлера Арбор Айкрес

Broiler appearance Arbor Aykres

U neck and legs small birds, but the muscles of the hips and legs are well developed, it is because of this that the chicken looks low and quite large. The feathers of the bird are white, their structure is dense. The broiler skin itself has a slightly yellowish tint.

This species is madly in love with heat, and therefore it is extremely important to create warm living conditions for it.

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Positive aspects of the breed

Arbor is considered one of the most highly productive species among other species . If the broiler is fed with high-quality food, he will quickly be able to gain weight. A normal-sized chick may weigh 2 kg per month. After one week, the young can gain 1 kg. Adult representatives of the species can weigh more than 6 kg. The meat of representatives of the variety has incredible taste characteristics: it is soft, satisfying, tasty, dietary.

The second positive feature is the unpretentiousness of young animals: chickens can eat everything in a row. This ability should not be abused: the quality of meat will depend on what winged people eat. As mentioned earlier, meat of this type is dietary, which means it contains a small percentage of calories. In addition, most doctors say that meat of this type can be considered hypoallergenic.

All characteristics of the Arbor cross broiler have only positive reviews, because the pets are calm, unpretentious, can eat absolutely everything and at the same time gain weight, have a good egg production. This type of meat is perfect for small children, adolescents, the elderly, allergy sufferers, dieters. The reason for this is the presence of many useful substances in the composition of the product.

After slaughter, the meat yield is more than 72%.

Growing rules

Here are a few rules on how to grow healthy and strong broilers:

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  • Carefully draw up a diet: it should contain everything vitamins , positive substances, calcium, magnesium. The easiest way is to buy compound feed for chickens: there will be everything you need for a bird.
  • The chicken coop should always be warm, especially in winter.
  • Perfect cleanliness and sterility in place of detention.

If you follow all the rules for feeding and caring, you can achieve a 100% guarantee of tasty and soft meat. Arbor is considered to be a destroyer of meat stereotypes because this meat is always soft.

Formation of proper and high-quality nutrition

Chickens that are one day old must give a hard boiled egg. Using this method, chickens get used to and adapt to the environment much faster, immediately learn how to eat and, of course, get the protein and calcium that they need on the first day. In no case can adults be given an egg: this can cause severe upset stomach or even lead to the death of the bird. Then feathered can be transferred to dry food. A solution of potassium permanganate must be added to the water.

After a week, the chicks are slowly transferred to standard compound feeds. We must not forget to breed Baytril in water: it is a drug that works as a disinfectant.In addition, you can add vitamins of broad action – Triavit.

The average diet for young animals is 15 g per 1 chicken. Birds should always have easy and regular access to food. Products that should never be given to this broiler breed:

  • pure potatoes;
  • flour products, especially bread;
  • any fine sand .
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Chickens of this breed should not be allowed for a walk: because of this, their weight can greatly decrease. : they cannot sit in the cage all the time, this can cause problems with excess fat. You can buy special cages for prog or make them yourself, which will be 2 times cheaper.On average, 10 Aikres individuals feel comfortable per 1 sq. m.

Reviews about the broiler Arbor Ikres are always only positive. All farmers are satisfied with Arbor Irex broilers, their productivity and rapid mass gain.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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