Description of the Kotlyarevskaya breed of chickens

With good vitality, egg production and meat indices, the Kotlyarevskaya breed of chickens became popular among breeders and was bred in Kabardino-Balkaria. Several breeds were involved in the selection process – Golosheynaya, striped Plymutrok, Zagorskaya salmon, New Hampshire and Russian White.

  1. Features of the breed
  2. Cost <
  3. Character <
  4. Productivity <
  5. Advantages and disadvantages
  6. Features of breeding
  7. Care <
  8. Feeding <
  9. Content of adults
  10. Chicken house <
  11. Feeding <
  12. Place for walking
  13. Shedding and laying eggs
  14. Diseases
  15. Breeders’ comments

Описание Котляревской породы кур

Description of the Kotlyarevsky breed of hens

Person breeds

The description of the hens of the Kotlyarevskaya breed includes several features:

  • medium-sized body, proportional;
  • scallop, scallop, erect, leaf-shaped; li>
  • broad chest, pronounced;
  • earlobes are reddish with elements of white;
  • legs are strong, stocky, yellow;
  • eyes are orange- red;
  • the head is small, rounded.

The plumage is diverse and contains color elements of all the ancestral breeds taken for breeding – silver, salmon, light brown.


This breed is considered one of the rarest – the price for one hatching egg varies from 25 to 40 rubles.depending on the season (in winter it is cheaper than in spring or summer).

Daily chicken costs 50 rubles.


Chickens they have a calm and peaceful nature, rarely leave the walking yard, tolerate stress well when moving to a new habitat.

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Roosters are favorable to young animals, are not aggressive towards the owner, but can be impulsive to other birds.


Regardless of the weather, chickens are carried every day. For a year, one hen can produce from 180 to 240 eggs weighing about 60-63 g.

With a good and balanced diet, the weight is 70 g.

The shell is pink- beige colour. Egg productivity is increasing every year. The first clutch can be expected 6 months after the birth of the chicks.

Good performance indicators are observed during 5 years of laying hens, after which they are replaced by young growth.

Kotlyarevsky hens belong to the group precocious breeds – by the age of six months, roosters reach 3 kg of weight, adults 3.8-4 kg. The weight of the chickens is 2.5-3 kg.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the description, several advantages of the breed can be distinguished.

  1. High immunity against diseases and excellent survival of chicks – from 95 to 98%. In adult birds, about 85%.
  2. Almost 100% of the fertilized laid eggs.
  3. A variety of coloring.
  4. The opportunity to save on feed, because these birds are not fastidious in food, they feed well.
  5. Stable productivity.
  6. Great taste and attractive appearance of eggs.
  7. Relatively low cost.
See also  How to feed chickens in winter

The disadvantages are low prevalence – young animals can be purchased only in one place – the Sergiev Pasad gene pool. The second minus is a weak instinct for incubation: there is frequent interruption of egg laying by laying hens to breed new offspring, so breeders have to use an incubator to breed the breed.

Features of breeding

Двухнедельных птенцов можно выносить гулять

Two-week-old chicks can be taken out for a walk

To successfully incubate chickens in the incubator, you should follow some rules .

  1. Collect eggs in the daytime. You can’t wash them before laying.
  2. Choose fresh, medium-sized, without cracks, with a flat and smooth surface. The optimal egg age is 5 days.
  3. Do not lay too large specimens, because Of these, chicks with various defects and pathologies usually appear. Embryos from small eggs are often not viable.
  4. After laying the material in the incubator, the temperature is set to 40 ° C, every week it is lowered by 1 ° C.During incubation, the eggs should warm evenly, so they are turned 3-4 times a day.


The hatched chickens are placed in a small box from wood and cardboard. The bottom is covered with a rag or straw. For quick drying of the gun and high-quality warming, a lamp is installed on top of the box at a height of 50 cm.

The optimum temperature for the brood is -23-25 ​​° C.

Through two weeks of chicks can be taken for a walk in the fresh air. Walking in the sun has a beneficial effect on the further growth and development of chickens.

See also  What breeds of chickens carry the most eggs

After three months of keeping, the young growth is transferred to a common herd, they are fed adult birds.


When the chicks dry out and begin to move actively, they are served a boiled finely chopped chicken egg 5-6 times a day.

On the third day, they additionally offer finely chopped green onions, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. After 5-6 days, fat-free cottage cheese and cereals are introduced into the diet.

As a drink, a weakly concentrated glucose solution is given in the first three days – 50 g is dissolved in a liter of water. This gives strength and immunity to the chicks. From 4 days of maintenance they give ordinary water.

Adult content

Successful breeding of the Kotlyarevskaya breed depends on a properly equipped chicken coop, a place for walking and feeding.


The place for keeping birds should be clean, dry and warm.

  1. First of all, the chicken coop is cleaned of any garbage. The bottom is sutured with any durable material to close all the cracks and avoid the penetration of rodents. The surface of the walls and floor is whitened with a solution of slaked lime, which will destroy pathogenic bacteria and microbes, and in the future will serve as protection against the appearance of fungus and mold.
  2. The floor is covered with a thick layer of straw, sawdust or peat. The flooring must be dry, so it is laid in sunny and dry weather.
  3. For nests, equip nests, other birds perch at a height of 40-50 cm.
  4. The feeders and drinking bowls are installed in the room, convenient to clean and with good access for chickens.
  5. The chicken coop should have good ventilation, which is ensured by ventilation through the door and windows. At the same time, it is important that there are no drafts, because colds develop in birds from hypothermia. The optimum temperature in winter is 20-23 ° С, in summer – 12-13 ° С.
  6. The chicken coop should be spacious – 50 m³ are calculated per individual. With more crowded contents, the risk of developing infections is high. If the room is too large, the chickens will freeze.
  7. Lighting will be diffuse, dim. Many breeders use blue and red lamps to illuminate, in which birds behave calmly and rush well. The optimal long daylight hours are 12-14 hours per day.
  8. Additionally, basins or other not too deep, but wide bathing tanks are installed. Sand, ash, or dried clay are covered in them.
See also  Features of the Czech breed of chickens


Kotlyarevsky hens are not demanding for feeding and are not prone to obesity, but to maintain productivity and good health, they need to provide a balanced diet at different times of the year.

  1. The basis of feeding is compound feed at the rate of 120 g per individual. Additionally, in the summer, the bird feeds on greens, insects, and gravel. Also, they give her a mash of grated vegetables, fruits, root crops.
  2. In the winter season, herbal flour is added to the feed. To compensate for the lack of calcium, laying hens, pieces of chalk, meat and bone meal and fish meal, which are placed in separate feeders, are required for laying hens.
  3. Sprouted grains are given to maintain immunity and saturate the body with minerals and vitamins.
  4. feed is cleaned every morning to eliminate the risk of fungus, mold and bird infection with different types of infections.

Water should always be clean and fresh, so it is changed daily. In winter, pour liquid at room temperature to prevent the development of colds.

Place for walking

The description of this breed includes good flying abilities, therefore, for chickens, a free-range enclosure is suitable. First, a place for walking is fenced with a fence at least 1.5 m high, then covered with a net.

In the spring, the yard is planted with grass – wheat, oats, barley or other grass crops to provide birds with fresh herbs. Additionally, feeders with crushed chalk and shells are installed on the site.

If desired, the walking area can be covered with slate or tin so that the hens can go out into the fresh air in autumn and winter. They peck the snow with great pleasure and look for the remains of food under its cover.

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Shedding and egg laying break

During spring shedding, the laying hens’ productivity decreases but does not stop – this is one thing of the main advantages of the breed.

This is a long process and can drag on for 3-4 months. To help the bird return to normal faster and restore productive qualities, the breeder must ensure proper nutrition.

Plumage is well restored with a high protein content and low calcium in the feed.

Shedding chickens are better keep separately – this will reduce the risk of injury to bare skin.


In the presence of sudden changes in temperature and when kept in a cold and damp room, chickens begin to hurt a cold.It is important to optimize the care in order to avoid this problem.

After hatching, various defects are observed in the chicks – curvature of the neck, crest, limbs. The reason is the use of low-quality material for incubation.

To prevent infection by poultry farmers, vaccine chickens are vaccinated at an early age.

Also to prevent the occurrence of diseases when keeping young animals and adults it is recommended that individuals keep the chicken house clean, regularly change water, remove food residues, replace litter once a year and discard sick and old birds on time.

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Reviews of the breeders

When breeding the Kotlyarevsky chickens, experienced breeders have been positive for more than a year:

  • the breed combines all the necessary qualities – good egg production, excellent meat taste, practically does not get sick and is not demanding in feeding;
  • others value laying hens for continuous productivity, even during molting they don’t stop working to blow tasty and quality products;
  • for many – this is a profitable option that allows you to save on feed and easy labor.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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