8 moody indoor plants that beginners should grow – Beautiful indoor plants

Among indoor plants, there are both popular universal favorites and species “not for everyone”. Striking appearance, dazzling colors or stunning flowering are the advantages of plants with a difficult character. They are the first to catch the eyes of amateurs on the shelves. And often even novice flower growers decide to start a fashionable plant that they like, not taking into account its capriciousness. Meanwhile, it is far from always possible to preserve plants from among the difficult ones. In this article, we’ll detail the 8 best capricious plants that even beginners should grow.

When buying a new houseplant, ask – how capricious is it? Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Walmart Canada

What indoor plants are called moody?

It is customary to call capricious any indoor plants that have strict requirements for growing conditions, most often, atypical for ordinary living rooms and offices, or do not tolerate even small mistakes in care. The list of such plants can include any crop, the cultivation of which differs from standard care or requires tireless, careful care and supervision. But the key is always the factor suitable for the plant conditions. Such plants impose a whole list of requirements for them that must be observed, and for the period of active growing season and the dormant stage, the conditions are usually different.

Some of the moody plants include:

  • plants that cannot tolerate skipping watering or overflowing, requiring stable soil moisture;
  • plants that suffer from an inattentive approach to feeding and require the use of special types of fertilizers;
  • crops in need of formation, stimulation of flowering, special hygienic measures;
  • prone to diseases and pests to a greater extent than ordinary indoor species;
  • plants requiring special conditions during the dormant period;
  • species sensitive to air humidity (usually requiring high levels of humidity);
  • all plants that do not flower without stimulation or forcing, etc.
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How not to buy particularly capricious specimens of indoor plants?

When buying any plants, it is very important to evaluate their preferences for growing conditions. A careful study of the characteristics of the plant allows you to select crops that can be grown in a specific room or apartment. Buying just on an impulse of the soul, captivated by the beauty of individual plants, always brings joy, but in some circumstances it can lead to great disappointment in the future.

Plants must receive the conditions (lighting, temperature conditions, air humidity, ventilation) that they need. And these needs should always come first. Any plants, the information on the cultivation of which you do not have in full (or you cannot get advice from the seller), should be conditionally ranked as capricious. You should not completely trust the recommendations of specialists, if we are not talking about proven flower centers: in spontaneous places where houseplants are sold, sellers often advertise as a simple, far from a little demanding plant.

When buying plants that are classified as capricious, it is important not only to assess the requirements of the plant itself. First of all, you need to think about your capabilities. Demanding plants need constant attention and care. They will not work for any grower. And it’s not just about experience: with enough diligence, even a novice florist can grow a plant from among the difficult ones. But irregular care and lack of proper attention will not do without consequences.

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You can choose capricious plants only when you are ready to devote enough time and attention to these plants. Frequent trips, travel, unstable work schedule or busy schedule are the main “contraindications” for acquiring capricious plants.

All exotic or tropical crops are often “automatically” attributed to capricious plants. But it is far from the origin that determines how demanding the plants are. Among the blooming stars, and among the rare collectible plants, and among the more popular Spartans, there are cultures that can be ranked as capricious.

All exotic or tropical crops are often referred to as capricious plants. But it is not soAll exotic or tropical crops are often referred to as capricious plants. But this is not the case. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Rustica

List of popular indoor plants with a difficult character

The list of demanding plants with a complex character rightly includes:

  • blooming classics – rhododendrons, camellias, gardenias, roses, hydrangeas, gerberas, bougainvillea, zantedeschia;
  • all citrus and fruiting plants – from oranges to ardisia;
  • bromeliads, primarily pineapples;
  • gorgeous indoor orchids;
  • fashionable today universal plants with attractive leaves and flowers – anthuriums, akalifs, aphelandras, spathiphyllums, abutilones, allamands, anigosanthus, clerodendron, columnea, turmeric, gloriosa, ixora, medinilla;
  • decorative leafy and textural – achimenes, arrowroot, maidenhair, davallia, selaginella, eschinanthus, stromanta, scindapsus, poliscias, eutherpa, caladium, alocasia, cicasa, jacaranda, crystal anthurium, calathea, araucaria;
  • indoor predators led by the Venus flytrap.

Among these plants, there are crops that, for all their capriciousness, are still considered one of the best for novice florists. By growing these plants, it is easy to learn more complex care and better know your own preferences for indoor collections. Let’s take a closer look at the eight most fashionable capricious plants, which, although they have a difficult character, still justify the efforts made to care.

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8 stars among capricious ornamental deciduous and flowering plants

Blooming stars have always been considered more moody than deciduous crops. After all, in most cases it is possible to achieve flowering only when the plant is in ideal conditions. Deciduous plants are more often found on the list of unpretentious ones, but not always the absence of flowers or the status of a culture in which the most attractive feature is leaves means that it will be easier to grow such a plant. Among decorative foliage crops there are special stars – bright, patterned, luxurious, which reveal their beauty only under certain conditions and with careful care.

Read about capricious houseplants that are worth growing even for a novice florist on the next page.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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