Butterfly flower – Oxalis, or Kislitsa – care

The large genus Oxalis, or Kislitsa, unites about 800 species of plants of the Oxalidaceae family. Natural distribution – South Africa, South and Central America, and only a few species are found in Central Europe. The plant got its name from the sour taste of the leaves, which can be used for food, adding them to salads. Potassium oxalate gives sour taste to sour leaves. The most common view we have is Oxalis ordinary (Oxalis acetosella) is known as hare cabbage.

Oxalis, or sour cream. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com greenobsessions

Description oxalisa

Oxalis is a shrub or herbaceous plant. Among the huge variety of oxalis species, there are annual or perennial representatives. Most often, you can find herbaceous species, they are grown as ampelous or ground cover decorative leafy specimens. In most species, the leaves are three to four-lobed, less often they are found with five to six and nine lobes, on long petioles, they have a peculiar sour taste.

The underground part of oxalis, depending on the species, is a rhizome, tuber or bulb. The modest but very attractive flowers are white, yellow, pink, purple in color and are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. Many sour leaves fold the leaves at night, in bright sun or before rain.

Since ancient times, certain types of oxalis have been eaten. The Indians were specially engaged in the cultivation of oxalis and ate boiled tubers containing a large amount of starch.

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As an indoor culture, oxalis appeared in the XNUMXth century and conquered the hearts of flower growers in many countries with its amazing appearance and unpretentiousness. In everyday life for oxalis grown in room culture, the name “Butterfly Flower” is used.

Oxalis, or common oxalis (Oxalis acetosella)Oxalis, or common oxalis (Oxalis acetosella). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Tintucmoi

Useful properties of acid sour

In traditional medicine, parts are more often used Carob oxides, or horned oxalis (Oxalis corniculata) – flowers, peduncles, leaves. The plant contains organic acids (oxalic, malic, citric). Raw materials are harvested in spring or early summer (May – June) and dried at a temperature of 40-50 ° C.

The plant improves metabolism, enhances appetite, has an antihelminthic, hemostatic, wound healing, urinary and choleretic effect. Oxalis is a good antiseptic. In addition, oxalis eliminates heartburn, vomiting, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, and lowers blood pressure.

Infusions, decoctions and tinctures are used for diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall and urinary bladder, gastritis, diathesis, cardiovascular diseases, bleeding, stomatitis, putrefactive processes in the mouth (for rinsing). Sour sour juice is used to treat scabies.

Self-treatment is strictly prohibited!

Some types of oxalis

Oxalis ordinary (Oxalis acetosella) Is a rhizome plant, 8-10 cm high. The leaves on a long petiole resemble clover leaves, tend to fold at night, in cloudy weather and in bright sun. Flowers are white, solitary, on long peduncles. Blooms in May-June.

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Succulent acidity (Succulent Oxalis) differs from other species in four-syllable bronze-green leaves and pink flowers. The plant is 30-35 cm high, blooms until late autumn. This acid plant is also cultivated in rooms as an ampelous plant.

In the modern nomenclature, it belongs to Megaloriza Kislitsa (Oxalis megalorrhiza)

Four-leaf oxalis (Oxalis tetraphylla) is a popular garden plant and houseplant. In horticulture, it is known under the name Deppé acidOxalis deppei).

Four-leafed oxalis (Oxalis tetraphylla)Four-leafed oxalis (Oxalis tetraphylla). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com plantsam

Caring for ornamental acid lilies at home


The acid is placed in a room with bright, but diffused light. The plant perfectly tolerates partial shade, however, a long stay in dense shade leads to a loss of decorative effect of the leaves. Direct exposure to sunlight can cause burns.


Oxalis is a rather unpretentious plant for growing conditions. There is no need to create a special microclimate for it, it grows well at room temperature. In the summer, the acid can be taken out into the fresh air, protecting it from drafts. In winter, make sure that the temperature does not drop below +16 .. + 18 ° C. Species, in which the aerial part dies off for the winter period, are kept at +12 .. + 14 ° C.


In summer, the oxalis needs abundant watering, but care must be taken to ensure that moisture does not stagnate in the pot. The plant is very sensitive to excess moisture, it is better not to add water to the pot than to pour it over. In autumn, watering is gradually reduced, in winter, it is limited to maintaining the soil in a slightly moist state.

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Oxalis megalorrhiza, formerly Oxalis succulentaOxalis megalorrhiza (Oxalis megalorrhiza), formerly succulent oxalis (Oxalis succulenta). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Manuel M. Ramos
Ferruginous oxalis (Oxalis Adenophylla)Ferruginous oxalis (Oxalis Adenophylla). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Orkel2012
Triangular oxalis (Oxalis triangularis)Triangular oxalis (Oxalis triangularis). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Maja Dumat

Reproduction of acid

Oxalis reproduces well by nodules that form around the taproot of old plants. The nodules are planted in pots of 5-10 pieces, covering them with 1 cm of earth on top. Planting is done at different times, depending on the desired flowering time. From the day of planting to full development, depending on the season, it takes 30-40 days. The same principle of reproduction and bulbs.

Some types of oxalis, for example Kislitsa Ortgis (Oxalis ortgiesii), can be propagated by leaves, which, when cut with a small cut, are rooted in water or in wet sand. With the appearance of roots, cuttings can be planted in several pieces in one pot.

If you want to propagate oxalis by seeds, then pay attention to the fact that they are very small and when planting they are sown on the surface of the earth without falling asleep. Watering with a jet is not allowed, the soil should be moistened by spraying.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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