Characteristics of tomato De Barao Pink

If you want to get a rich tomato crop, but especially do not want to bother with growing, you should choose De Barao pink tomato. The selection of this variety, at first glance, seems banal, but pink tomato will bring you a rich harvest, and with it a good product for sale.

  1. Origin of the variety
  2. Features and Description
  3. Tomato Benefits
  4. Use of Tomatoes
  5. Benefits and
  6. disadvantages of De Barao
  7. Deficiencies <
  8. Tomato cultivation on its own

Характеристика томата Де Барао Розовый

Characteristics of tomato De Barao Pink

Origin of the variety

The name of the variety has Brazilian roots, De Barao pink was bred as early asat the beginning of 90 years, and brought to our country. Tomato, to the taste of our compatriots, now almost every gardener is engaged in its cultivation.

De Barao true pink is also called a giant, the nickname was obtained due to the indeterminateness of the variety , which means the constant growth and development of the plant. That is why the cultivation of this type of tomato brings a rich harvest, as many reviews speak of.

Characteristics and description

Tomatoes are a widely used product, not a single one can do without them dinner or lunch of a modern person. We add fruit everywhere: in pasta, in potatoes (in the form of ketchup), make salads, juices, and preserve them in their entirety.Features of the pink varieties:

  • pale or bright pink color of the fruit;
  • rounded forms;
  • dense peel;
  • the presence of two cameras;
  • soft flesh melting in the mouth.
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To visually get acquainted with the most beautiful of vegetables, you can see a photo or video, a description of the culture. Variety De Barao, can be grown under various conditions:

  • greenhouse;
  • planting in the soil.

It takes about a hundred to fully ripen the fruit twenty days, which indicates the late ripening of the vegetable. The fruit has an oval or round shape, the color is pale pink. It has up to seven cameras, weight up to 80 grams. The pulp is dense, juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, not cloying.

Tomato benefits

Tomatoes are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for the life support of our body. A few medium sized tomatoes will cover the daily requirement of vitamin C, which is necessary for the prevention of viral diseases. Tomatoes also contain calcium, magnesium and a large amount of B and E vitamins, which is very important for the growth of hair and nails, for their healthy appearance.


Плоды подходят для приготовления кетчупа

Fruits suitable for making ketchup

Tomatoes use:

  • for eating raw;
  • for preservation;
  • from pink tomatoes also make juice and ketchup.

Characteristics of the variety of pink tomatoes: tall, late ripe tomatoes with a yield of up to 6 kilograms from one bush. The main feature is the ability to grow in the shade, which allows you to: save space in the garden, the ability to attach a tomato bush to a fence or other tree. General characteristics of plant development:

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  • continuous growth of shrubs;
  • tall stem;
  • each inflorescence brings up to eight fruits;
  • late ripening plant (ripens in three or four months);
  • can ripen in the shade;
  • resistant to diseases and pests.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages of De Barao

  • high yield, which is useful for sales on an industrial scale;
  • universality of use: suitable for eating and for preserving seals;
  • have the ability to maintain their qualities for a long time, tolerate transportation well;
  • designed for long-term storage;
  • able to bear fruit even in the conditions of the first frost;
  • can ripen after removal from the branch;
  • resistant to weather conditions.

H prosperity

Requires good greenhouse conditions with a high roof, installation of necessary props. The disadvantage of plants grown in greenhouse conditions is the possible rotting and mold. To avoid this kind of problems should: clean and ventilate the greenhouse. Avoid condensation. Consider a ventilation system.

To prevent pests, use modern insecticides at least once a month. Enrich the soil with copper sulfate, which will also help cope with insects.

Growing a tomato yourself

For planting a tomato, the southern and central regions of the country are more suitable. Especially where there are plains, not a mountainous surface. Always follow the rules for plant care. Temperature, humidity, fertilizer and pest control are all components of a successful harvest.Reviews of the species in question are extremely positive, and a detailed description only suggests that it is ideal.

Growing pink tomatoes will not require special skills. To begin with, determine the place of sowing seeds. The earth should be fertilized and fluffed beforehand. Then sow the seeds of tomato, sprinkle them with soil and pour. Lay a film on top to create condensation that will help your seedlings rise faster.

Tomato variety De- Barao pink
Tomato De Barao. The Best Varieties of Tomatoes.
A little about tomato De Barao pink

When small sprouts appear from under the ground, they need to be transplanted into pots. You can plant bushes in the ground in May, when the weather is warm, it is better to plant a tomato near fence, it will be more convenient to grow tall tomatoes. Moreover, the shadow is not an obstacle for the growth of pink tomatoes and the ripening process. Take care in advance of the support for the tomatoes, because their growth is two meters or more. ry around the seedlings of vegetables, and tie up the plant as it grows.

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This kind of tomato grows better in the warm southern regions than in the cold northern ones. If you use a greenhouse to grow such a vegetable, take care in advance so that the tall plant there was enough space, because if there is not enough space for the bush, it will affect the yield.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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