Why do cucumber leaves become marble

Leaf condition – one of the health indicators of a cucumber plant. Marble leaves in cucumbers signal a viral disease that has begun or a lack of a nutrient – magnesium. These two problems have effective solutions. The main thing is to identify the cause of marbling of the leaf in time.

  1. Lack of magnesium
  2. The role of magnesium for plants
  3. Mosaic <
  4. Varieties of mosaic
  5. Ordinary mosaic
  6. English mosaic
  7. White mosaic
  8. Tobacco mosaic
  9. Methods of struggle
  10. Conclusion <

Причина мраморных листьев у огурцов

The reason for the cucumber marble leaves

Lack of magnesium

Cucumbers are one of the most demanding plants for the mineral composition of the soil. throughout the growing period, the cucumber bush needs to receive in sufficient quantities not only water and sunlight, but also micro and macro elements.

Cucumbers, like other vegetable crops, absorb nutrients in an amount that fits their needs. If the plant experiences stress (temperature, chemical, water), their deficiency may appear.

Marble leaves of cucumbers with alternating light green and dark green spots or have a solid color. This indicates a lack of magnesium in the leaves of the plant.

The role of magnesium for plants

Magnesium is one of the chemical elements that make up chlorophyll (green pigment).He also:

  • accompanies the process of photosynthesis and the formation of chlorophyll;
  • participates in the transport of phosphates in the plant;
  • regulates the absorption of nutrients and water through the roots of the plant.

This element is necessary for the plant throughout the entire growing time.

Magnesium starvation is primarily reflected in old vines and develops from the bottom up. The cucumber bush ceases to grow.

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Causes of magnesium deficiency

Signs of magnesium deficiency appear during severe weighting of the cucumber by the fruits and during the beginning of their ripening. The consumption of this element by the plant is very active, but in case of feeding with large doses, assimilation is slow. Often this problem occurs on acidic soil in greenhouses.

To solve the problem of magnesium deficiency, the soil is treated with dolomite flour before planting. She is an excellent provider of this important element.


Вирус может заразить все растения

The virus can infect all plants

The marbled color of the plant’s umbrellas in yellow-green tones is a mosaic disease. This viral infection affects plants in greenhouses with lightning speed, develops rapidly with temperature changes and dense plantations.

  • On young seedlings, it is difficult to detect signs of the disease during the first few weeks. Symptoms may begin to appear with increased plant growth.
  • This virus spreads on the open ground and in greenhouses using garden insects (spider mites, aphids), and also hibernates in organic debris.
  • The cucumber mosaic virus spreads with infected seeds, in which it can stay for a long time. The indicator decreases only after 2-3 years.

It can also be transferred to cucumbers from garden devices that were used to process virus carriers – garden flowers: cannes, gladioli, phlox. Tool disinfection is one of the main ways to prevent infection.

Mosaic Varieties

Today several varieties of the cucumber virus mosaic are known.

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Ordinary mosaic

This virus infects cucumbers, especially those that grow in greenhouses. It manifests itself in the defeat of young leaves of seedlings. They are dotted with spots with dark green and light green parts. The edges of the umbrellas are wrapped down. Sometimes the stem cracks at the base.

English mosaic

Green mosaic, or English mosaic of cucumbers, also parasitizes in greenhouses. The disease is equally common in adults and young plants. Bushes affected by the virus slow down growth; light veins appear on the leaves.Cucumbers are deformed, their taste becomes bitter. The seeds in the fruits look underdeveloped.

White mosaic

White mosaic often affects the plant along with green mosaic. The first thing that appears is blurry light yellow spots near the veins. They resemble rings or stars in shape, and then become greenish-white. During the progression of the disease, the spots join together and the entire surface of the leaf turns white or yellow. Ultimately, the leaf dries and falls.

Tobacco mosaic

Tobacco is less common among all types of mosaics on cucumbers. On the infected leaves looms a mosaic marble pattern and emerald-beige stains. The part of the leaf that remains green swells and becomes bumpy.

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Methods of control

Viral diseases of cucumber – the most dangerous for the crop. They are almost impossible to cure b. There is no chemical drug capable of destroying the mosaic. It is only possible to prevent their mass distribution. To do this:

  • If a diseased plant is detected, remove it from the site, even if the disease is in its initial stage. This manipulation helps protect the rest of the cucumber plants and preserve the crop.
  • Destroy weeds and organic debris. Viruses can fully live not only on fresh weeds, but also on dry plants in the garden. They even quietly winter on these remains. The virus persists in them for several decades.
  • Timely fight against aphids and spider mites.When planting, plants are placed away from each other, after – carefully inspect every morning.
  • Disinfect working tools. Ethanol is used for disinfection. but before processing with alcohol, it is better to put the equipment that came into contact with the infected soil and plants in boiling water.
  • Observe crop rotation. Soil is also able to infect plants that are planted on it in the next year, after diseased bushes. It is necessary to observe crop rotation every year, planting infected areas of the garden with crops that are not amenable to mosaic virus. In open ground, it is viable for up to 5 years.
  • Disinfect the seeds before sowing. You can destroy the virus in the seeds by heating dry seeds before sowing to a temperature of 50 ° C for 3 days, and after that – one day to 70 ° C. You can also buy a chemical product with a disinfecting property in a specialized store.
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With a lack of magnesium, the entire crop dies due to a viral mosaic. Getting rid of marbling improves the general condition of the plant. It also has a positive effect on productivity. Zelentsy become more juicy and crispy.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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