Effective ways to deal with the Colorado potato beetle

The most popular crop grown in vegetable gardens is potatoes. There is no gardener who has never met a Colorado potato beetle in his life. This pest has adapted perfectly in the territories of the post-Soviet space, and mercilessly terrorizes nightshade cultures.The fight against the Colorado potato beetle is carried out by different methods.

  1. Characteristics of the pest
  2. How to deal with the pest
  3. Chemicals
  4. Killer
  5. Euphoria
  6. Tornado
  7. Busido
  8. Tanrek
  9. Bison <
  10. Fufanon
  11. Folk remedies
  12. Herbal infusions
  13. Dry treatment
  14. Repellent parasite crops
  15. Non-standard method of destruction
  16. Generalized inform action

Characteristic of the pest

The species got its name after how leaf eaters ate most of the potato plantings in Colorado in America. His real homeland is Mexico. Today, the pest lives in most European countries, except the UK. The fight against leaf beetles is actively conducted on all continents where nightshade crops are grown.


  • females lay eggs on the underside of leaves of nightshade crops;
  • the larvae are red-orange;
  • the larval development cycle is 21 days;
  • an adult becomes striped in color.

The pest has adapted to our climate so much that some adults even winter in the soil. The leaf beetle is buried in the ground to a depth of 20 to 50 cm. If the females have time to mate in the fall, then in the spring they will begin to lay eggs on the newly hatched sprouts. In the southern regions, the pest can form 2-3 generations, in the northern ones 1.

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How to deal with the pest

Methods of combating the Colorado potato beetle are divided into 2 groups:

  • chemical;
  • folk remedies.

Most farmers prefer to destroy the Colorado potato beetle without using chemicals. Insecticides are used in rare cases when other methods of control are completely ineffective. To date, the means of combating the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes are represented in large numbers.

The control of the leaf beetle is complicated by the fact that the pest buries itself in the ground from time to time to protect itself from the action of the poison. It is necessary to process plants at least twice. In addition, insects quickly adapt to chemicals, so the poison should be changed every season.The combined methods of combating the Colorado potato beetle work perfectly, which involve the use of insecticides and folk remedies at the same time.


To decide how to deal with the Colorado potato beetle, you need to study the cycles development of insects in their region. It is advisable to disinfect the seed before planting. In general, you need to process the plants 2 times for the whole season, sometimes 3.

Pick potatoes start a second time when it blooms. Such chemicals have proven themselves well: Killer, Euphoria, Tornado, Busido, Tanrek, Bison, Fufanon.


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You can protect plants from the beetle

Means of complex exposure. Helps protect plants from the spread of larvae of not only leaf beetle, but also whiteflies, ticks and aphids. The advantage of this drug is that it does not have a phytotoxic effect on the plants themselves, does not accumulate in tops and root crops. The tool remains effective for another 30 days after spraying.

Spraying is carried out during planting and during the active development of the culture. During the active phase of growth, a single procedure is allowed. The time of the manipulation depends on the variety of plants. Work must be done no later than 45 days before harvesting. In combination with Killer, an alkaline or copper based insecticide is used.

The ampoule is designed for processing 1 ha. All actions must be performed in accordance with the safety instructions on the processing of chemicals. The solution must be done immediately before use.


The insecticide provides long-term protection against the pest. The main advantage is the ability to act not only on the imago, but also on the larvae. Spraying is carried out as soon as the first pest has appeared. Validity is 5 weeks, the second spraying is carried out 40 days after the first.

Insecticide is often used in complex formulations. It goes well with many other drugs. It is not recommended to use near apiaries, in order to avoid poisoning of bees. The product is medium toxic for the human body, so treatment should be carried out in a protective suit and respirator.

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Tornado is a herbicide that is used to control weeds. It completely cleans and disinfects the soil, including having a detrimental effect on the leaf beetle larvae that are in the soil.

After using the drug, you can plant any variety of cultivated plants. The herbicide does not accumulate in the soil. It is completely safe for the human body. However, it is not recommended to spray weeds without protective agents. You need to wear at least gloves and a mask.


It has a depressing effect on the nervous system, as a result of which the insect dies literally in a day. The insecticide goes well with almost all chemicals. It is produced in granular form. Processing can be carried out at any stage of plant development.

The content of one package is enough to process 1 ha of plantings. Toxic to bees, practically harmless to the human body. Bushido is an instant drug.


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You can get rid of insects in a day

It has a nerve-paralytic effect on pests. Literally in a day you can get rid of most of the insects. The solution should be used immediately after preparation.

Not compatible with preparations based on alkali and other acids. The treatment should be carried out in protective clothing, in calm weather. It is dangerous for bees and fish.


Systemic contact-intestinal insecticide. It has a depressing effect on the nervous system. Use in any weather is possible. The tool is instantly absorbed into the tops and spreads throughout the plant, provides long-term protection, effectively kills not only adults, but also larvae.

It is forbidden to use an insecticide near apiaries and water bodies. Poisonous to fish and bees.It is recommended to use in combination with Ridomil Gold.


A complex pesticide that quickly breaks down in the soil. Not phytotoxic, refers to organophosphorus compounds. The tool does not just penetrate the plant, but also spreads around it.

Pests get poisoning, not only eating leaves and root crops, but also from the air. The death of insects occurs on 2-3 days. The effectiveness of the product in the open ground is maintained for a week in the absence of rainfall, in the greenhouses for 5 days.

Folk remedies

The simplest protection against the pest is to collect the Colorado potato beetle. The method is effective for small amounts of insects on small plantations, in other cases, more serious protective measures should be applied. It is simply impossible to collect all insects, therefore, in the complex you need to use other methods against a malicious pest. An effective fight against the adult Colorado potato beetle and its larvae is not only the use of chemistry.

In autumn, after harvesting, it is recommended to conduct deep cultivation of the soil with horse manure. Deep loosening of the soil allows you to get rid of imago. Ladybugs and ants are the natural enemies of this parasite. With the help of these insects you can permanently get rid of the merciless pest on potato plantations and eggplant.

Parasites can be removed using folk remedies.For large areas usually use:

  • herbal infusions;
  • dry treatment;
  • planting certain types of plants.

Herbal infusions

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Natural infusions can be used several times

Herbal infusions are often used against the Colorado potato beetle. They help not only prevent the attack of parasites, but also enrich the soil with useful vitamins and minerals. Solutions based on tobacco root repel the insect. For 10 liters of fluid, 0.5 kg of plant roots will be needed. Infuse the solution for 2 days.

After preparation, the infusion should be diluted with liquid in the proportions 1: 2 and rub into it laundry soap. Great results give decoctions of garlic, hot pepper. Often, against the Colorado potato beetle, a walnut infusion is used.

It is better to spray the tops after the rain. Any natural infusion can be used several times a season in unlimited quantities, and not only during flowering. A similar treatment is carried out if the pest appeared on the eggplant or tomato.

Dry processing

Excellent protection against the Colorado potato beetle is dusting with wood ash. It is necessary to process the tops in the morning, when dew lies on the leaves. Ash should be strewed not only on the ground part of the plants, but also between the rows. Fear off insect filings.Sprinkling pine sawdust in the garden helps to quickly get rid of larvae and adults.

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Effectively fighting Colorado potato beetle with cornmeal. It is best to sprinkle flour on the leaves when the dew lies on them. The essence of the method is that under the action of moisture, the microparticles swell, and, falling into the intestines of the insect, cause death.

Cultivating repellent parasites

The pest is very afraid some varieties of plants. Planting flowers around the perimeter of the garden will not only help get rid of the parasite, but also decorate the site. Among the enemies of the Colorado potato beetle are calendula, nasturtium, marigolds, coriander, night violet.

In addition to flowers, sworn enemies of the insect are garlic, onions, legumes, horseradish. All of these crops scare away the pest. You can use the combination of processing the seed with a disinfectant and planting repelling plants.

Non-standard method of extermination

Over the years, a variety of ways to fight the parasite have been invented. In the course of research, scientists found that an insect, eating potato tops and berries, accumulates in its body a toxic substance – solanine. Those who have been cultivating potatoes for a long time make a solution based on adults and larvae.

Insects are collected in a jar and filled with water, covered with a lid and left for several days. After 3 days, the liquid is decanted and diluted with water. Plants should be sprayed early in the morning . It is not recommended to carry out opra nodding with undiluted solution.

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Generalized information

Wherever potatoes grow, on a bed in the open ground or in a greenhouse, its main enemy is the leaf beetle. For a long time people came up with different ways to get rid of the insect.Today on the shelves of shops you can find a lot of the latest insecticides. Chemistry eliminates the Colorado potato beetle very quickly, but it is far from suitable for every site. Most remedies are harmful to bees and fish.

In addition, to protect the stands, you need to spray them at least 2 times per season. Chemicals can accumulate in tubers, so they can only be consumed 45–50 days after treatment.In some varieties, the ripening period is only 50-55 days, so it is recommended to use combined methods of control.

Processing of tubers should be carried out during planting. And during flowering, it is better to spray the ground part and water the plantations with a decoction of herbs or sprinkle with ash. In addition, you should not destroy ladybugs and ants who are actively fighting the pest. It is recommended to plant night violet or calendula flowers in the aisles and around the perimeter of potato stands. During flowering, they emit a smell that scares away the intruder.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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