Features of the treatment of gastritis using natural honey

According to folk medicine, treatment of gastritis with honey is effective for different secretory functions – there may be insufficient or, conversely, increased acidity in the stomach. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of this digestive organ also occurs with normal acid production.

The content of the article

  • 1 Features of the disease
  • 2 Medotherapy
    • 2.1 Increased acidity
    • 2.2 Decrease in acidity
      • 2.2.1 Use of root crops
    • 2.3 Normal acidity values
      • 2.3.1 The use of plantain juice
  • 3 Which variety to give preference
  • 4 Other recipes

Features of the disease

A sick person feels differently depending on the form and characteristics of the course of the disease. But in all cases, the mucous membrane suffers. The reason is the activity of bacteria or mechanical, chemical action on the stomach.

The acute form is more severe than others – hospitalization and intravenous medication are often required. In addition to painful sensations in the stomach, there is a decrease in blood pressure, and body temperature rises.

Chronic forms are less dangerous, although they are just as painful and unpleasant:

  • Low acidity is the cause of heaviness, nausea, belching with air, aching pain in the stomach.
  • Increased and normal secretion is accompanied by heartburn, constipation. Belching gives off a sour smell and taste. And on examination, you can find a characteristic whitish coating on the tongue. The sublayer is painful.


We emphasize once again that self-medication is not a panacea for gastritis. The use of prescriptions that include honey cannot replace the use of antibiotics and other pharmaceutical drugs. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is a prerequisite for achieving remission or complete cure.

Increased acidity

honey water

Treatment of gastritis with honey with high acidity involves taking the so-called “honey water”. This is the easiest product to prepare.

A table (without a slide) spoon of a bee product is stirred in a glass. The water must be boiled and warm – this is an important condition! The solution is drunk in 200-250 ml one and a half to two hours before the main meal.

There are other dosage recommendations: 30 grams is taken for breakfast and dinner, and 40 grams for lunch. The amount of water is the same.

It is believed that in this form, the honey product is more easily absorbed – the mucus quickly liquefies, the acidity drops, the pain attack passes. The recipe is also effective for increasing appetite.

If the morning intake increases heartburn, you can combine the bee product:

  • with tea or milk;
  • with porridge or cottage cheese;
  • with the pharmacy “Almagel”.

Decrease in acidity

Treatment of gastritis with honey at low and zero acidity also includes the intake of “honey water”, but it is prepared and drunk differently.

A table (without a slide) spoon of honey product is stirred in a glass. Water is taken boiled and cold (below room temperature), and the solution is drunk immediately before eating – this is a prerequisite for treatment.

Other dosages and recommendations: 30 to 60 grams of honey product 10 minutes before main meals. The amount of water is the same. The solution is drunk quickly (in large sips).

In this form and dosage, the honey product stimulates the secretory functions of the digestive organ. There is an active release of juice, the digestive function and appetite are improved.

Use of root crops

To excite the stomach and force it to normal digestion, you can combine the honey product with horseradish juice or black radish.

These juices are mixed with honey in a one-to-one ratio! They drink twenty minutes before meals three times a day. The dosage for one dose is a teaspoon.

Important! These plants are strictly prohibited:

  • with ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes;
  • in pancreatitis;
  • in cholecysts;
  • with jade in an acute form.

Normal acidity values

first photo

Preservation of normal secretory function does not exclude bacterial or other damage to the mucous membranes.

For the treatment, the same amount of water and honey is used as in the previous recipes. But the water should not be cold or warm, but at a pleasant room temperature. The solution is drunk forty-five minutes before the main meal.

The use of plantain juice

This recipe came to us from old books on folk treatment.

Plant sap and liquid honey product are taken in equal proportions (for example, half a liter of the same amount of juice). The juice is heated, and then the honey product is dissolved in it. After cooling to room temperature, the container is stored in a dark and cold place.

The product is used chilled, three times a day immediately before meals in the amount of one tablespoon.


  • gastritis against a background of low and normal acidity;
  • acute bronchitis (sputum discharge is facilitated);
  • whooping cough.

Which variety to give preference

Disturbances in the work of the stomach are fraught with general depletion of the body, since a person does not receive nutrients. That is often accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. People call this condition “anemia”.

For this reason, honey varieties rich in iron and vitamins are chosen:

  • buckwheat;
  • mint;
  • and also obtained from oregano;
  • with thyme;
  • with herbs.

If the patient feels that the honey of a particular variety is not suitable – the condition worsens, it can be replaced with another variety that is easier for the body to tolerate.

Other recipes


In folk healers there are recommendations for the use of aloe houseplant juice.

Here is one of the recipes for treating gastritis with honey and aloe:

  • mixed liquid honey product and plant sap in equal proportions (one to one).

The plant must be three or 5 years old. To extract the juice, shoots are taken along with the leaves. Another option is to grind the shoots and mix them according to the recipe in the form of a gruel.

The mixture is taken twice a day for a teaspoon. The time of admission depends on the type of acidity: low – 30, increased – 45 minutes before meals.

Treatment takes an average of 14 to 30 daysif other recommendations have not been received from the doctor.

Important! The plant has increased biological activity in relation to the human body. It is not recommended to take it for a long time, as well as to exceed the indicated dosages.

Use is prohibited:

  • with hemorrhoids;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with an increase in blood pressure;
  • with fibrous formations (you can provoke their growth!);
  • with polyps.

On a note. Recipes with oils (butter, olive) are more appropriate for ulcerative lesions of the stomach and / or intestines. We will consider them in a separate article.

The course of medical treatment for gastritis usually lasts one to two months, and includes three daily intake of a remedy suitable for acidity. It is possible to prolong the treatment or start it again only after agreement with the doctor! Be healthy.

Read more: Treating the GI tract with honey

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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