Giant variety varieties

It’s hard to imagine a summer salad without tomatoes. Since this vegetable crop is adapted to the climatic conditions of the country, it is grown by almost everyone who has household plots. Scientists have developed a huge number of varieties of tomatoes, each of which has its own advantages. Some are valued for their taste, others for their presentation, still others for productivity, and fourth for size. The article will focus on varieties that produce large fruits.Despite the fact that the first giant tomato was recently bred by breeders, today there are dozens of varieties of it. We will consider only the most popular hybrids.

  1. Yellow giant
  2. Features of growing
  3. Advantages <
  4. Gigantics
  5. Features of growing
  6. Advantages <
  7. Giant of Cuba
  8. Features of growing
  9. Advantages
  10. Azure Giant F1
  11. Features of growing
  12. Advantages
  13. Gigantella
  14. Features of growing
  15. Advantages <
  16. Giant Napa
  17. Features of cultivation
  18. Advantages
  19. Radiant giant
  20. Features of growing
  21. Advantages <
  22. Black Sea giant
  23. Features of the cultivation
  24. Advantages
  25. Sweaters
  26. Features of the cultivation
  27. Advantages <
  28. Delishes
  29. Features of cultivation
  30. Advantages
  31. Altai masterpiece
  32. Features of cultivation
  33. Advantages of the variety
  34. Yield and new varieties
  35. Conclusion <

Разновидности томатов сорта Гигант

Varieties of tomato varieties Giant

Yellow giant

This hybrid was born, thanks to the work of specialists of agricultural company Zedek. The plant does not stop growing at the time of flowering and fruiting, so it must be pinched. If you do not perform this procedure, the bush spends energy on the formation of new branches, as a result of which the ovary is smaller than those that pinch. On average, the height of the bush is 1.5 m.

The yellow giant is a salad tomato that ripens in 117 days. It can be grown both under cover and in open ground. With appropriate care, the weight of one yellow rounded and slightly flattened fruit is 400 g. As for yield indicators, 6-8 yellow tomatoes ripen on one bush.

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Features of growing

It is possible to grow this mid-season variety in the open air, but it is better to give preference to the seedling method. Seeds for seedlings are sown 2 months before the estimated date of planting in the ground. Bushes need to be tied up. It is best to grow them on a trellis.

This hybrid is unstable to diseases affecting tomatoes, therefore, during the cultivation of the yellow giant, preventive treatments with broad-acting fungicides are performed.Vegetable crops are also treated with anti-Colorado potato beetles, which are the most dangerous pests for giant yellow tomatoes.


Yellow giant tomatoes are appreciated for their high taste. They are sweet, with a honey flavor. The yellow hybrid is not contraindicated in people with gastrointestinal problems. Also, it can be eaten by people prone to allergic reactions, children and the elderly. The yellow giant contains a large amount of niacin. This substance normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system. It is also worth noting that the variety bears fruit until mid-autumn.


This variety was originally bred in Russia. He was interested in American breeders who did not like everything in the characteristics of this vegetable crop. They worked with seed produced by Russian scientists and made their corrections. It is with a hybrid modified by American scientists that we are dealing with today.

The plant is indeterminate (does not stop growing after the fruit is formed). With proper care, the weight of one flattened fruit is 600-800 g. The largest specimens have a weight of about 2 kg. One bush gives up to 25 red tomatoes. However, with a tomato weight exceeding 1000 g, the number of fruits decreases to 1-12. It is easy to calculate that even in an unfavorable year, the yield will be at least 7-8 kg per bush. In a favorable year, you can collect more than 10 kg of tomatoes from one bush.Tomatoes ripen in 3 months. As for the taste, the fragrant tomato is very juicy. At the same time, it is not watery, but fleshy.

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Features of growing

Gigantistika is suitable for growing under cover and on open ground. If a tomato is grown in a greenhouse, it can be sown with seeds. It is best to grow in the open air in the seedling way. Between the bushes should be a lot of free space. With insufficient sunlight, large tomatoes will not pick up sweets. The branches on which large fruits are located need support. Branches should not be tied to a central support. It is advisable to install several pegs near the bush.


Gigantics is appreciated for its high productivity. Another advantage of the variety is its early ripeness and a small amount of seeds inside fleshy tomatoes.

Giant of Cuba

This tomato also has the name Black Giant of Cuba. By external characteristics, it is difficult to attribute to aronia varieties. If the tomato is cut, the brown flesh can be seen only nearby the skin. The core of a large tomato is painted in bright red or purple.

The giant of Cuba belongs to mid-season tomatoes. A mass crop is harvested 110 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. The weight of flattened fruits is 300 g. The largest specimens weigh 500-600 g. About 6 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one bush.Fruits are used for making sauces and pastas. They are no less good in fresh salads.

Features of growing

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The bush needs to be formed

. This variety is intended for growing under a film or in a greenhouse. Only in the Moscow Region and regions with similar climatic conditions can you try to grow a thermophilic tomato without covering. Planted it with seedlings. This indeterminate variety must be pinched and tied. It can be grown on a trellis or tied directly to wooden supports. Experts recommend engaging in its formation. The maximum yield is given by bushes with a height of not more than 1.8 m, formed in 2-3 stems.


The advantages of this tomato giant include its resistance to disease and keeping quality . This hybrid does not lose its presentation during transportation, which makes it possible to grow it on an industrial scale.

See also  Treatment of tomato seedlings for diseases

Azure Giant F1

Azure Giant experts refer to black-fruited varieties, but this belonging is due only to the black-purple color of the skin. The flesh is saturated red, brown in some places.

The growing season of Azure tomato varies from 110 to 120 days. One flattened red fruit weighs an average of 650 g. Large tomatoes never form on the upper branches.Their weight usually does not exceed 200 g. Ribs are pronounced in the upper part of the tomatoes.

As for yield, it depends on compliance with agricultural standards. In general, the Azure Giant belongs to the plants moody in terms of care, but if you create good conditions for the plant, you can collect up to 20 large fruits.

Features of growing

Azure giant F1 – this is a determinant variety (the plant stops growing during flowering and fruiting). Accordingly, it does not need pinching, but it must be tied and formed.


This is a miniature plant, whose height does not exceed 1 m, it does not take up much space in the garden. Also, the advantages include the taste of this aronia. He is sweeter than his red brothers.


The gigantella was bred by breeders of Astrakhan. It can be grown outdoors only in the southern regions of the country. In the remaining regions, Gigantella will be able to grow only under a film cover or in an equipped greenhouse.

Gigantella ripens in 110-115 days. This indeterminate plant produces raspberry tomatoes, whose weight is 500 g. One bush gives about 10-15 tomatoes. They are most suitable for fresh use and cooking pickles. Often, various winter preparations are prepared from the Gigantella.It can be not only juices or pastes, but also vegetable salads or assorted.

Features of growing

The plant is heat-loving, therefore, even in the southern regions it is grown by seedling method. Seeds are sown for seedlings in late March. After the formation of the second leaf, the bushes dive. Seedlings are planted in warm soil.

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The advantages of Gigantella include a long fruiting period. Large tomatoes farmers collect until the first frost. Large tomatoes are resistant to disease and do not lose their presentation during transportation.

Napa Giant

This hybrid is the work of Brad Gates, who lives in the United States. A tall variety ripens in 115-120 days. The weight of 1 flat-round tomato varies from 350 to 500 g. If we talk about the maximum sizes of the Napa Giants, there are cases when the weight of a pink tomato was about 900 g. The stalk has mild ribs. The pulp of tomatoes of dense consistency. They have a universal purpose. The taste of the hybrid is equally well revealed both in summer salads and in sauces or juices. At least 4 kg of tomato is collected from one bush.

Features of growing

This hybrid is grown exclusively under film or in greenhouses.A small compact plant needs to be stepson, shape and tie up. The best yield indicators are achieved when a bush is formed in 1 stalk. If you remove part of the ovary, you can get tomatoes weighing 1000 g.

This plant needs nutrients, so at least 2 top dressings with complex mineral fertilizers need to be done per season.


This variety of tomato variety Giant is appreciated for its high taste. Despite the presence of a thin and delicate skin, Giant Napa tomatoes are not prone to cracking.

Radiant giant

Radiant tomatoes ripen in 110-115 days. In one inflorescence, 4 to 8 fruits are formed. The weight of ripened red tomatoes varies from 300 to 700 g. From 1 bush it is really possible to collect 3-4 kg of sweet tomatoes. If you grow radiant tomatoes under the film, you can slightly increase productivity. Juicy fruits are used for fresh consumption or for making juices.

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Features of growing

Radiant tomato is intended for growing in open ground. The height of the bush does not exceed 1.2 m. A large number of leaf plates are formed on plants. To ensure that the fruits receive the right amount of light, experts recommend removing part of the leaves.


From the description of the tomato variety Radiant Giant, it is necessary to distinguish disease resistance, high yield and lack of tendency to crack.

Black Sea giant

This Russian red tomato giant is not the result of the work of breeders. The Black Sea variety was bred by amateur farmers. It is believed that its homeland is the Kuban Territory.

Dark red fruits are collected in brushes of 6-7 pcs. The weight of the ripened tomato varies from 600 to 1200 g. The fewer fruits in the brush, the larger they are. The yield is 10 kg from 1 bush, which makes the Black Sea tomato one of the most productive varieties.

Features of growing

The height of the semi-spreading plant is 2-2.5 m. Accordingly , you need to build a support system or high trellis, which complicates the growing process.

The size of the fruit is adjusted by removing the ovary.


Black Sea tomato is resistant to disease and bears fruit regardless of weather conditions. Few supergiants can boast this ability.


This tomato was born thanks to the work of breeders from the USA. Most often, ripened tomatoes, the weight of which varies from 80 to 120 g, are used for salting.The shape of the red fruits is oval (cream), at the end there is an extension, which is popularly called the nose. Such size and shape of the fruit allows you to use them when preserving whole, without cutting into pieces.

Up to 8 tomatoes are tied in one brush. 4-5 kg ​​of tomatoes with good taste are picked from one bush with proper care.

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Features of growing

A tall tomato is suitable Sweaters for growing in greenhouses. The height of the bush reaches 2 m. Accordingly, it must be tied up. Also, the plant needs to be formed. Experts recommend forming a bush in 2 or 3 stems.


Fleshy tomatoes have practically no seeds. The plant is resistant to many diseases.


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The weight of one tomato can reach a kilogram

The indeterminate tomato Delishes ripens 115 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The weight of ripened red fruits is on average 500 g. If you form a bush in 1 stem, the weight of ripened tomatoes of a flat shape will increase by 400-500 g. Fleshy tomatoes do not crack during ripening. They have a soft core and no seal in the area of ​​the stalk. Tomato for high taste.

Features of growing

In general, Delishes tomato is suitable for growing on open ground, but in Siberia or even central Russia it will not have time to ripen, therefore it is advisable to grow it in a greenhouse or under the film. For 1 square. m 3 plants are comfortably placed. This planting norm should not be violated.


Tomato Delishes is resistant to all diseases. Even if there are plants affected by a fungal or bacterial disease in the garden, the tomatoes remain healthy, but just in case, you still need to prevent the most dangerous diseases.

Altai masterpiece

The growing season of tomato Altai masterpiece is 110-115 days. A feature of ripened red fruits, whose weight is 200-300 g, is the presence of pronounced ribs in the region of the peduncle. High palatability allows the use of tomatoes Altai masterpiece for the preparation of fresh salads, preserves, sauces, pastas and juices. From 1 plant collect up to 5 kg of fruit.

Features of growing

Tomatoes Altai masterpiece suitable for open ground. When forming a vegetable crop in 1 stalk, it is possible to achieve the best yield characteristics.

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Grade Advantages

Tomatoes are not prone to cracking. In addition, the Altai masterpiece bears fruit equally well every year.

Medium-yielding and new varieties

Tomatoes with average yield characteristics can be combined into a separate group. These include:

  • Golden Dixie;
  • Devil Jersey;
  • Zenta;
  • Polesskiy giant Tarasenko;
  • early tomato White Bulk;
  • giants of Sukhomlinsky, Kovalev and Maslov;
  • Pink Hippo;
  • Angela;
  • Ukrainian Giant ;
  • The miracle of the garden.

There are also new varieties of tomatoes on the market that promise to occupy leading positions in the near future. These include Claude Brown’s yellow giant, Crest, Sukhanov tomato.


We have not examined all the varieties that deserve attention. So, for example, the American monster remained on the sidelines, the weight of the fruits of which reaches 2 kg. Such characteristics are recorded in the homeland of this hybrid. In the climatic conditions of our country, it is difficult to obtain similar results. The same goes for the tomato giant of Belgium.

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The varieties that have minor flaws were ignored, for example, the high-yielding tomato Mammoth is not suitable even for short-term storage, and the tomatoes Charm and ultra-early Leningrad tomato they are small in size (for 90-100 g) for giants.Siberian early ripened tomato, bred back in the 1950s, has high yields, but it, unlike modern hybrids, is unstable diseases, and a high-yielding Spanish tomato grows up to 3 m in height, which greatly complicates its cultivation. From 1 bush of the Spanish giant, up to 7 kg of fruits are harvested.

Well, it’s worth mentioning that only good seeds will give a good crop, therefore it is worth acquiring the seed material of agricultural firms that are time-tested, including Zedek, Aelita and Agroni.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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