Growing Yellow Zucchini

Yellow zucchini comes in many varieties, with skin tones ranging from light yellow to deep orange, but there is a difference in taste. tours are unpretentious to care for, which greatly facilitates the process of growing.

  1. High-yielding varieties
  2. Zolotinka
  3. Russian size
  4. Anchor
  5. The most delicious varieties
  6. Gold rush f1
  7. Goldline f1
  8. Sunlight <
  9. Non-standard varieties
  10. Banana
  11. Pear-shaped <
  12. Spaghetti
  13. Orange
  14. Pineapple
  15. Golden scallop
  16. Conclusion <

Выращивание желтых кабачков

Cultivation yellow zucchini

High-yielding varieties

Often zucchini High-yielding varieties are best suited for harvesting for the winter – they make tasty salads or caviar.

At the same time, the abundance of the harvest will allow you to prepare many different dishes for the whole winter.


According to the description, Zolotinka ripens in just 40 days from the time of planting.

Seeds germinate quickly, so this crop is not only high-yielding, but and early.

The variety is suitable for outdoor cultivation. Its feature is that it is resistant to a large number of various diseases and parasites.If you provide high-quality and complete care, then the yield will be about 25 kg / m².

The bushes are compact, the leaves are dark green, there are few of them, so the sun’s rays penetrate better into their inner part. Planting is carried out in May, when the soil warms up.

For ripening, no more than 3 plants per m² should be planted.

External description

  • Yellow zucchini elongated;
  • average weight – 1 kg;
  • the surface of the peel can be ribbed or smooth;
  • the flesh is hard.
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Russian size

This variety must be grown with seedlings. They are very demanding care and need abundant dressing and watering. Bushes are large. The leaves are green, with small yellow tips.

The pulp is juicy, it does not contain large fibers.

Zucchini is ideal for fresh storage. Under the right conditions, it can be stored for about 5-6 months.

External description

Плоды вырастают больше метра в длину

Fruits grow more than a meter in length

Fruits differ from other high-yielding crops.

  • Peel color – orange;
  • Average length 1.2 m;
  • Weight at least 25 kg.

Such large varieties ripen for a long time. The growing season lasts about 120 days from the moment of planting the seeds in open ground.


The variety is characterized by early ripening: it needs only 50 days from the moment the seeds are planted in open soil.

You need to plant no more than 4 plants per m². This significantly increases the yield.

Due to the fact that the Anchor is resistant to insufficient moisture and cold, the yield indicators are 15-18 kg / m².

If you plant in April then the harvest lasts until September.


The bush is compact. Stems and leaves are represented in small numbers.

The zucchini itself is yellow and large (up to 1 kg). The shape is cylindrical.

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The rind is thin and smooth. The main difference of this culture is that the pulp contains a high concentration of dry solids.

The most delicious varieties

There are varieties of yellow zucchini, which are characterized by an amazing taste.

Their flesh:

  • crisp;
  • juicy;
  • sweet.

If eating raw fruits, you can saturate the body with a lot of vitamins and minerals.

The most common varieties suitable for fresh consumption are Gold rush, Goldline and Sunlight.

Gold rush f1

Сорт Голд Раш обладает хорошим вкусом

Gold Rush has a good taste

This variety is considered the most famous among fans of fresh yellow zucchini. The pulp is juicy and has a sweetish flavor.

It is customary to grow this culture in the open ground. Planting is carried out in early May using seeds (per m² no more than 4).

Yields are average, only 10 kg / m².

External description

Bushes have large dimensions. Leaves of a saturated green shade, oblong form. The stems are strong and do not break under the influence of wind or mechanical damage.

The fruits of the Gold rush f1 are quite large. In length they grow up to 30 cm, and their weight does not exceed 900 g.

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Goldline f1

Variety Goldline f1 refers to the product of Czech selection. It ripens in just 45 days from the moment the seeds are planted in open ground.

Due to its rich sweet taste, the fruits are ideal for fresh consumption.

Yield is average: about 9 kg / m²


  • Shrubs of medium size, with large green leaves.
  • Zucchini have a golden thin peel. The fruit is about 30 cm long and weighs 700-800 g.


Hybrid variety Sunlight is a yellow-fruited selection from France .

This hybrid matures within 50 days of planting. Resistant to diseases and parasites. Due to the compactness of the bushes, you can plant up to 7 plants per m².

The pulp is juicy, sweet, has a surprisingly delicate taste. The fruits contain the most carotene (compared to other varieties), so they are considered one of the most useful.


Fruits have a rich golden hue. The shape is cylindrical. There is no seed chamber.

Custom grades

Кабачки могут быть причудливой формы

Zucchini can be bizarre in shape

There are yellow varieties that differ from their counterparts not only in taste or crop level, but in their unusual appearance.

The difference in the appearance of the fruit can be both in shape and in the saturation of the shade.

If you want to surprise others with your harvest, give preference to such species as: Banana, Spaghetti, Orange, Pineapple and Golden scallop.

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An unusual yellow-fruited squash called Banana is pleasant and sweet in taste.

It has large bushes, some lashes can reach 1, 5 m long, therefore, planting should be rare (no more than 1 bush per m²).

If you ignore this condition, the lashes of the bushes will intertwine and violate each other’s structure.As a result, the yield will drop significantly.

You need to plant the crop in May, and the ripening time is 80-90 days from the time of planting the seeds.

External description

  • The length of the fruit is 70 cm. Weight is about 800 g.
  • The rind is saturated golden hue, with a smooth surface.
  • The seed chamber is absent until the plant is fully ripe.


A distinctive feature of these zucchini is that the seeds are distributed unevenly. At the same time, they are collected at the bottom.

Most of the pulp does not contain seeds at all.

It is better to grow in open ground. In order not to thicken the landing, on 1 sq.m. About 4 plants are planted. Harvesting is possible after 50 days.

The fruits have a pleasant and sweet taste, they have an unusual aroma. Usually they are used for making salads and preserving.


  • Fruits of an unusual form – remind a pear. Length 23 cm, and weight about 500 g.
  • The bushes are quite large. Large leaves are light green in color.
  • The rind is yellow. It is thin and plastic.
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It is necessary to grow in open ground. To speed up the ripening process (usually it is 100 days from the moment of planting), give preference to the seedling method. Landing is carried out at the end of April.

The pulp is juicy, tastes good.The disadvantage of this culture is only the excessive density of the peel, so it is recommended to remove it before eating the fetus.


Внутреннее содержимое плода может удивить

The inner contents of the fetus may surprise

The yellow squash called Spaghetti is no different from the others. But their inside may surprise.

The pulp resembles spaghetti pasta, so cooks use this variety to create the most unusual dishes.

Bushes are powerful, gaba itnye. The leaves are green, large.


A variety of zucchini is considered to be early. She only needs 45 days from the moment of planting in open ground to mature. The yield indicators are about 10 kg / m².

The taste of the pulp is sweet, with a slight acidity. You can eat fruits, both fresh and canned.


This crop differs from the rest in the unusual shape of the fruit: they are even and round, up to 20 cm in diameter .

Shrubs are small, so you can plant 5 bushes per 1 sq.m.

The peel is yellowish, ribbed, a bit like an orange peel.

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It is believed that the Pineapple variety is the best option for harvesting.

Zucchini can be so marinated that it will not differ in taste from canned pineapples. A crunch is observed in the pulp, which makes it even more attractive.

The culture ripens within 40 days from planting. You can collect up to 10 kg / m².


  • Fruits are bright yellow:
  • Bushes are small, small-branched:
  • The peel is thin, soft.

Golden scallop

Matures from just 60 days from the moment of planting. The bushes are small, with small dark green leaves.

The pulp is sweet and juicy. It is best to eat fruits whose age has not exceeded 7 days since ripening – they are more pleasant to taste.

SUPER recipe from zucchini s! A tasty and healthy treat from the garden!
Yellow Zucchini with garlic for the winter

External description

The main feature of this culture is its form , which looks like a crest of a rooster.

The fruits are huge, reaching a weight of 1.5 kg. The peel is rich golden hue, with small bumpy patches.


Zucchini cultivation is common in our regions. Some plant them on their sites to feed livestock, but there are those who prefer to grow high-yielding and unusual varieties to attract the attention of others – then the varieties mentioned above will suit them.

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They are characterized by pleasant taste, so they prefer to use for harvesting during the winter.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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