The rules for planting cucumbers in the greenhouse

Before how to start growing vegetables in a greenhouse, keep in mind that a good harvest can only be obtained if all the rules for caring for plants are followed. Temperature, humidity, regular watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers – all of these procedures you will have to pay special attention every day in the morning and in the evening.In addition, the cultivation of individual vegetables has its own secrets. For example, pinching cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse is a must if you want to grow tasty and fresh fruits and harvest a good crop. So what is the point of pinching and is it even necessary?

Table of Contents
  1. Why you need to do this
  2. Step-by-step pattern
  3. Time for the procedure
  4. The process of pinching in the greenhouse
  5. Recommendations
  6. Conclusion <

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Rules for pinching cucumbers in the greenhouse

Why you need to do this

First, let’s figure out why we need passes at all the forging of cucumbers in closed ground. In greenhouse conditions, so comfortable conditions are created that plants not only actively grow and develop, but also produce many shoots. As a result, it becomes too dark and crowded for all the seedlings in the greenhouse. Unfortunately, this is not the best way to reflect on their viability. The main escape has to literally survive, competing and competing in the struggle for light and water with their stepsons.The scourge begins to grow rapidly, and the number of leaves on the shoot, on the contrary, decreases, which also negatively affects the crop, since it is in the leaf thick that the ovaries and fruits of the cucumbers are formed. Yes, otherwise the plant will not have enough strength to develop and eat, and it will simply begin to shed its ovary. Experienced agronomists found that, having extra extra shoots of 30-50 cm in size, cucumbers can lose up to one and a half kilograms of the crop. The best solution to the problem is to ensure proper care of the plant, as well as to remove stepchildren from cucumbers, which will allow the main lash to take root, gain growth, form ovaries, without wasting energy on competition with other processes.

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The scheme of planting

Let’s consider how to properly plant cucumbers in the greenhouse. To carry out this procedure without errors, it is necessary to take into account the features of the vegetable culture. In fact, cucumbers are a large vine, in which from time to time it is necessary to remove young shoots so that the main bush develops normally and without problems. The scheme for pinching cucumbers indoors is presented below.

  1. Complete pruning is carried out. The stepsons of all cucumbers that grow in the nodal part of the stem should be removed.
  2. Only those stepsons that are placed below the first 6 leaves of the sprout are removed.
  3. In order not to waste energy on the formation of early cucumbers, all the flowers are removed at 4 knots.

Remember that the young shoots of the plant are brittle and tender, therefore, cucumbers should be planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse very carefully, being careful not to damage the bush. Also, do not forget that the female flowers are located on additional shoots, and the male ones are on the main stem. Therefore, you need to follow the procedure carefully, otherwise you can harm the pollination process, which, of course, will lead to a lack of crop.

Time for the procedure

Next question , exciting gardeners after stepson cucumbers in a greenhouse sounds like this: when is it best to do? The most optimal period for the procedure was and remains the end of July, but it is also worth considering the climatic features of the territory in which you live.

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If you do not have time to conduct it before the formation of multiple shoots, this will significantly reduce the amount of your future harvest.

The process of greenhouse planting

Нужно правильно удалить пасынки у растения

You need to correctly remove the stepsons from the plant

When studying how to properly cucumber yourself, you must take into account, and one more alovazhny moment. To grow these vegetables in a greenhouse, experienced gardeners choose varieties of hybrids.In this case, when planting, 3 main stems are left to the seedling. If you decide to grow non-hybrid cucumbers, you should form only one main stem. In order to carry out the procedure correctly, use the step-by-step scheme, which will tell you how to pick off stepsons from cucumbers.

  1. To begin, gently pull out a leaf or shoot of a seedling. Then gently pinch off the stepson. Try to do this as close to the base of the stem as possible. What is it for? In order not to leave processes that can begin to develop again.
  2. Be careful not to damage the skin on the main stem and leaves, because the cucumbers will need a lot of time to heal the resulting wounds later.
  3. The second time the shoot removal procedure can be carried out when 5-7 leaves are formed on the stem. During pinching, it is imperative to leave one leaf and one ovary in the plant.
  4. Many inexperienced gardeners are wondering if the cucumbers are stepsoning for the third time. If you want to collect a good and tasty crop, then you need to do this without fail. According to the scheme of vegetable growers, you should wait until 8 to 10 leaves grow on the seedling, and then again pinch off all the excess. During this procedure, you need to leave not only the fruit on the stem, but also two leaves.
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As a rule, by this time the cucumber lash reaches a large size and can be tied to a trellis without any problems.The most ordinary twine can serve as a support. Tying the lashes will allow you to economically distribute a place in the greenhouse so that the shoots do not interfere with each other. This is done very carefully and carefully, because if the cucumber top is damaged, the plant will begin to deteriorate, turn yellow and, most likely, will die completely. At the same time, you still have to cut the tip off, but only when the lateral processes grow sufficiently large (0.5 m).


Pinch cucumbers growing in the ground, you should not start if there are not at least 4 leaves on the main shoot. Only after this, you can begin to pinch the nearest processes.

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It is during this period that you should strengthen your care for growing seedlings. Pay close attention to fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, organize intensive watering, while not forgetting about the ventilation of the greenhouse and humidity conditions.


Now it’s clear how to plant cucumbers in the greenhouse . This procedure can be considered complete, but experienced vegetable growers recommend constantly monitoring the plant and from time to time remove excess shoots, otherwise they will pick up micronutrients from the main stem.

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To decide whether you need to pinch cucumbers, you will certainly be on your own. However, it has already been proven by experience that this procedure increases the yield of vegetables several times.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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