Characteristics of Brekel chickens

Chickens Brekel – one of the oldest representatives of birds. Their main features are strong immunity and good health. Farmers used to breed this species in Belgium, but today it is being replaced by other productive individuals.

  1. Characteristics of the breed
  2. Variations of color
  3. Features <
  4. Content and growing of hens
  5. Approximate mass
  6. Similar breeds

Описание кур породы Брекель

Description of Brekel hens

Characteristics of the breed

The shape of the cock resembles a rectangle, but all corners are covered by plumage, which makes the figure softer. Feathers are slender, long. The neck is small. On it, the male can notice oblong feathers I, who cover it from the ears to the beginning of the back. The colors flow smoothly one into the other. Feathers from the neck drop easily and gently onto the shoulders, giving Brekel grace and grandeur. The shoulders are wide and massive.

The wings are closely adjacent to In addition, the end of the wing is almost impossible to see, as feathers from the back cover it. Brekel’s tail is straight and has many feathers. Due to the elongated pigtails, the tail and size of the male increase. The abdomen is deep-set and wide, the tail is massive and large.

The male’s head is small, but wide and flat. On the head of birds you can see small feathers. A small-sized comb is always proudly worth it. On it you can count the teeth, on average there are 5 or 6, medium-sized and rounded earrings.

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The urine is all bluish-beige. Around the eyes is a black edging, and the eyes themselves are almost always dark. Brekel’s beak is powerful, the impact force is large. The color of the beak is always bluish, but its tip will always be light. Shins are not striking, small in size, like metatarsus. They have a bluish color. The fingers of the male are arranged in proportion, the claws are large, white.

Females have a more direct back shape, large belly and powerful tail. The end of the scallop leans down a bit. Ears are more saturated blue than males. This color can be found on the scallop of the females and on the beak.

The reason for culling is a too thin and bony body, too high or low set tail, low set wings and yellow earlobes.

Variations of color

In nature, there are only 2 color options:

  • with a touch of silver;
  • with a touch of gold.

Chickens Brekel silver have their own peculiarity in color: each feather has a black end. But on the head and neck, the plumage is crystal clear. The plumage of the back and lower back preserves whiteness.

The silver pretzel has dark colors not only at the end of the feathers, but also on the chest and sides. White ribbons on the stomach become wider towards the end. In females there is no such color, on the contrary, on the head and neck you can observe a silver tint, noticeable in the sun. Sometimes there are dark tips of feathers.

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The golden birds in the color have the leading black color, but the same combination of color and pattern is preserved as the silver ones. That’s just the silver color changes to golden with an admixture of brown. In the photo on the Internet you can often see a black representative of this breed.


Brackel is famous for laying hens, which have a good percentage of egg production. However, in the process of selection, the maternal instinct completely disappeared from the breed – everyone who decides to breed these birds will have to get an incubator .

The meat of the variety tastes like wild.

This bird has an unquenchable energy, able to tirelessly run around the yard for days. The birds fly very well due to the strong and long wings, so in their place of residence it is better to put a high fence and make a roof.

These are non-aggressive and calm creatures. They perfectly coexist with other types of hens : they do not fight first, do not measure territory, and therefore it is better to settle them with the same non-conflict breeds.

Brekel has a fairly strong immunity, they easily survive any weather conditions and very rarely get sick. Chickens are also persistent. They quickly grow feathers and gain weight. Also, the breed is considered very hardy.

If you want to participate in exhibitions, you need to carefully consider breeding of this species.According to the norms, the scallop should stand straight for males, but often it slightly falls down, which is considered a very big drawback.

Keeping and growing hens

Brackel is a species that It is considered egg-laying, therefore, in order for the pets to develop well, they need to constantly mix minerals and calcium into the diet. The breed is whimsical and requires special care.

This is an active species, it can not be kept and bred in a cage. Since childhood, hens need space, so they need a territory for walking, a large house . It should be surrounded by a high fence and covered with a net, since this species loves flying very much – it’s easy for him to fly over a two-meter fence.

Approximate mass

Compared to other breeds, this one weighs a little. Brekel males reach a maximum weight of 2.9 kg, and laying hens – up to 2.7 kg. Layers per year can lay from 174 to 225 eggs. Sometimes a chicken brings 250 eggs, which the farmers jokingly call “egg stir.”

Each egg weighs no more than 60 g. The color of the shell is light cream or light brown. Only large eggs should be selected for incubation.

Brekel breed of chickens on the farm
Brekel silver chickens
Brekely maturity. They laid the first egg

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Similar breeds

Silver pretzel Orodes chickens is unique in its kind, but there are its counterparts in certain characteristics. Often, instead of this breed give birth Andalusian blue . Most farmers plant this breed only for decorative purposes, and the eggs are used as a beautiful thank you from the breed.

If a farmer needs chicken with a high percentage of productivity, it is better to breed Tetra . Belgian chicken is a good option for farmers who adore birds with unusual appearance and high productivity. This breed is easy to maintain and care, but requires proper and balanced nutrition.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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