Characteristics of Potato Gingerbread Man

Potato Kolobok was loved by many gardeners. Today, the fruits of the Kolobok variety are widely used in cooking for preparing various dishes.

  1. Variety description Kolobok
  2. Characteristics of the Kolobok variety
  3. Pros and cons of the Kolobok variety
  4. Cultivation of the Kolobok variety
  5. Care of the Kolobok variety
  6. Diseases and pests of the potato Gingerbread Man

Характеристика картофеля Колобок

Characteristics of the potato Kolobok

Variety description Kolobok

According to the description, the Kolobok potato variety is a medium-fruited plant, and its bushes are formed from medium or high stems. they produce white flowers during the ripening period. Leaves of green color, medium size, slightly fibrous. The fruits are round, with a beige skin, sometimes with a slight yellowness. The flesh is yellow in color with a starch content of 16-18%. The weight of one fruit is 125-140 g.

Potato cultivars Kolobok ripen for 80-85 days. The average yield is 256 c / ha. The degree of marketability ranges from 87-97%. The variety has resistance to many diseases, as well as to the causative agent of cancer, but is rather weak against late blight and golden nematode. The roots of the plant are powerful, 10-15 fruits ripen under one bush.

Characteristics of the Kolobok variety

According to the characteristic, the Kolobok potato variety contains a lot of protein, vitamins and nutrients.The crop is stored for a long time and does not lose its presentation.

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Gingerbread man is perfect for making:

  • dry mashed potatoes;
  • chips;
  • frozen vegetable mixes;
  • french fries.

To plant potatoes, the seeds are collected independently. The branches on the plant grow luxuriantly, and the leaves are medium. The variety likes top dressing.

The gingerbread man includes a little starch, the fruits are well boiled and do not darken. The potato does not lose shape and does not boil.

Pros and cons of the Kolobok variety

The potato variety Kolobok has many positive qualities:

  • great taste ;
  • good yield;
  • strong immunity;
  • low care;
  • high level of preservation;
  • beautiful appearance.

The disadvantages of the Kolobok potato variety are the demand for fertilizers.

Cultivation of the Kolobok variety

Растения необходимо удобрять

Plants need to be fertilized

Planting potatoes begins in May, it is necessary that the earth is completely warmed up. Before planting, the tubers are prepared. For this, treatment for stimulation is used. The variety likes nutritious soil with added sand.

The tubers are planted to a depth of about 10 cm, the distance between the bushes should be 30-35 cm. It is advisable to make wide aisles, it is easy to take care of the plant with them.

For a season potatoes are fed 2-3 times. To do this, take mineral complexes from potassium, as well as organics based on mullein or bird droppings. Fertilizers alternate. It is undesirable to use nitrogen-based fertilizers, since there is a chance that the tips start to gain weight, which will lead to the death of the root.

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Fertilizers should be moderate: a large number of them leads to the accumulation of nitrates. For normal hydration, it is recommended to carry out drip irrigation. If this cannot be done, the plant is watered in the usual way in a particularly hot summer.

When the stems begin to dry, you can start harvesting. For the first harvest, summer is suitable, but for complete completion it must be removed in mid-September. Before you start digging, be sure to cut the tops. When the crop is harvested, the potatoes are sorted and laid out to dry a little. Seed is collected and stored for the next season. It is advisable to use only healthy and smooth fruits for planting.

Care for the Gingerbread Variety

The Gingerbread Potato Variety does not need special care, but top dressing must often be added. If you properly care for the plant and add fertilizing on time, you can get a large and high-quality crop.

  • The first time a plant is processed when the tops grow 20-25 cm in height. The second time – a few weeks after the first. At this time, abundant watering is mandatory.
  • On hot summer days, the plant is watered without waiting for rain. During flowering, it is forbidden to water, because there is a chance of infection with late blight.
  • During the growth, you can spray the plant with Bitiplex: it will save the bush from the Colorado potato beetle. From late blight, the plant is sprayed with a substance such as Polyram or Ordan.
  • While the plant is growing, be sure to monitor the cleanliness in the garden. In addition, weeds are removed and the soil is loosened.
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Diseases and pests of the Kolobok potato

Variety Kolobok does not suffer from potato cancer and many others viruses, but susceptible to golden cyst-forming nematodes and late blight. To prevent diseases, carry out preventive measures. For this, the seats are treated with special preparations 1-2 times at the peak of the epidemic. Also, every year they plant potatoes in different areas. The one on which cabbage or radish previously grew would do.

Aphids or Colorado beetles can attack lush tops. The fruit itself is damaged by the wireworm. He likes to make moves in potatoes. When parasites appear, the land on which the potatoes grow is treated with special tools.

Digging potatoes. Variety Kolobok
24. Potato Choose a variety of potatoes
Potato seeds Kolobok and Salute, blue, pink and red potatoes
Potato Early morning. Potato variety that is not damaged by the Colorado potato beetle.

Potato variety Kolobok is quite harvested and perfectly Suitable for industrial cultivation. According to the characteristic, he is rarely ill, has strong immunity, and the seed does not degenerate.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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