Description of tomato Labrador

Summer is a period when all gardeners begin to think what they want to plant and what varieties they want to see in their garden. And when it comes to choosing tomatoes, every gardener wants a look with excellent ripeness, productivity. The tomato Labrador fits this spelling exactly.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the bush
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages
  5. Growing rules
  6. Care <
  7. Pollination process
  8. Conclusion <

Описание томата Лабрадор

Description of tomato Labrador

Characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes Labrador is a new variety that has only recently been bred, but it already managed to quickly find its fans and gained a reputation juicy and large. Given its positive qualities, it has become one of the best varieties for breeding in Russia, and it has also been bred in the Russian Federation and is suitable for cultivation both in open ground and in greenhouses. Labrador tomato seeds are not difficult to find today.

The tomato yield is surprising, since 3-10 kg can be collected from one bush. Nevertheless, gardeners recommend growing the variety in greenhouses and film constructions, so it will be possible to control the temperature and humidity of the room and soil.

Description of the bush

The description says that Labrador tomato belongs to the ultra-early types of tomatoes, which makes it a leader among other types of tomatoes.From the day of planting to the day of harvesting the first crop, on average, 80 days pass, sometimes with the right planting and a good place, which accounts for the maximum amount of light, the number can be reduced to 60 days.

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Such tomatoes are perfect and for unprotected soil, and for film shelter. The bush is small in size, on average, will grow to only 75 cm, but there are many different branches on it, and each one can grow up to 7-10 fruits.

Labrador tomato variety does not belong to one variety, therefore it belongs to F1 category cannot be attributed. Labrador tomatoes can be used for both preservation and fresh consumption.

Description of the fruit

As mentioned earlier, Labrador tomatoes are quite large and massive. In their structure they are powerful, elastic and thick. The skin is smooth, without any flaws. On average, one fruit weighs 300 g.

All fruits have a bright red color and a round shape, the minimum weight of the fruit is 100 g. The main difference between the Labrador tomato variety is that it has a small level of dry matter and a small number of chambers, the seeds in one fruit are abundantly located.


Данному сорты не страшны никакие вредители и болезни

This sort no pests and diseases are scary

Even despite its short existence, the species has already established itself as a good type that can withstand various temperature extremes and can cope even with the most serious diseases. Labrador’s advantages:

  • a large percentage of yield;
  • large fruits;
  • excellent presentation;
  • long shelf life;
  • early ripeness.
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Labrador tomatoes can resist all diseases and pests are not afraid of him, and even if they attack, it is enough to carry out preventive methods against them by treating the bushes with onion infusion or potassium permanganate.

Growing rules

Experienced gardeners recommend planting this type of tomato without a seedling method: when the seeds are immediately planted in open ground, and already there they grow and produce their first fruits.

Also in colder regions, you can use the seedling method in open ground and for greenhouses. This type will not give you much trouble or labor, since such bushes give a large percentage of yield, even when the weather is constantly bad. There is no need to take any steps for herding or garter. Importantly, you should understand that the first fruits appear at the very end of June.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that if the soil is too wet, this can significantly affect the percentage of yield.


The main rule for a good crop and plant resistance is that dry and warm air constantly moves around the room, that is, around tomatoes, thereby developing immunity for bushes and fruits. The obligatory part is the ventilation of the room, especially on days when it is very hot.

Before the immediate setting of fruits on the first and second hands, top dressing is not used. If you use it, the bushes will start to fatten very much and then it will be difficult to stop the process of their development, and you simply will not have time to collect the fruits.

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In this period, it is best to use potassium monophosphate, it is more suitable for the plant and can give all the necessary vitamins and minerals that the bush and fruits will need so much. On average, feeding should be done only once every two weeks.

Pollination process

To pollinate flowering and fruit set, it is much better to create greenhouse conditions and optimal temperature . During the day, the temperature should be 25 ° C, but at night no more than 18. If the temperature is 33 ° C, then the pollen becomes sterile and the flowers die instantly. But a temperature below 13 ° C is a critical situation in order for pollen to form and fertilization itself.Also, the air should be dry enough and humidity 60%.

If for home flowers a draft is fatal, for tomatoes it is exactly what you need. Thus, the air does not stand still and constantly moves and the percentage of the fact that the bushes can become infected with something decreases significantly.

To ensure that all fruits are well formed and tied, it is best to carry out additional shaking of the upper inflorescences in the first part of the day. In August, in the early days, you need to pinch the bushes and leave three leaves at the very top.


The description and detailed description indicate that Labrador tomatoes – an improved and excellent type of tomato, which is suitable for any territory and for any planting. The main thing is to follow all the rules of planting and growing, and also monitor the temperature to get a quality crop of Labrador tomatoes.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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