Planting cucumbers by Yulia Minaeva

Yulia Minaeva has been planting cucumbers for a long time. Each year, the author of many innovative ways of growing vegetables offers ever simpler and more effective ways to produce vegetable seedlings. The technique justifies itself in many regions, and gardeners following the author’s recommendations save time, effort and money.

  1. Preparing seeds using the Minyaeva method
  2. Unusual methods of growing cucumbers
  3. in snails
  4. in diapers
  5. in bags
  6. Conclusion

Посадка огурцов по Юлии Минаевой

Planting cucumbers according to Yulia Minaeva

Preparing seeds using the Minyaeva method

Yulia Minaeva suggests preparing seeds before planting in several ways.

The most popular of all is the Japanese method. The method involves germinating seeds in rotted sawdust, and not in water or soil.

The process is as follows:

  1. A shallow plastic container is filled with sawdust. The layer thickness should not exceed 2 cm.
  2. The substrate is poured with hot water and left to cool. This operation will help the sawdust absorb the maximum amount of moisture.
  3. Grasp the cucumber seed on the sides with tweezers and then gently squeeze.
  4. Chipped grains are planted in sawdust: they are laid out squarely by a nesting method over the surface at distances and 2 cm apart.
  5. Sprinkle with dry sawdust.
  6. Cover the container with polyethylene, and then put the tray in a well-lit place.
  7. After 48 hours on the surface sawdust first sprouts appear.Then cellophane will need to be removed.
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Unusual methods of growing cucumbers

The blogger and author of rational agriculture, Yulia Minyaeva, managed to develop and then introduce many unusual ways of growing seedlings.

Also in them, the author of video lessons for beginner gardeners teaches time-saving and cost-effective plant care in various conditions.

The most unusual methods that replace the usual method of growing in glasses or boxes, which is common for everyone – this is sowing:

  1. Seedlings in snails and diapers.
  2. In a seedless way in bags.

Snails replace a large number of pots. Seedling feels very comfortable in such conditions. The crop of cucumbers grown in seedlings in unusual material is distinguished by the strength of the root system. That is why, when transplanting, seedlings easily take root and quickly enter the fruiting phase.

Planting cucumbers in bags will save usable area in the plots, as well as enable the gardener to organize the most suitable conditions for cucumbers: lighting, protection from the winds and the right neighborhood . This will be appreciated by those summer residents whose planting requires fertilizing.

Soil for growing cucumbers can be used not only purchased. The land harvested in the fall will also work. Only it should be enriched with minerals and have a neutral, and preferably slightly acidic environment.

In snails

In order to reduce the area for growing cucumber seedlings, Julia Minaeva recommends using snails. These makeshift beds are easy to make from a 2mm thick laminate backing. This building material is moisture resistant and has high thermal insulation properties.

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Making snails is easy. To do this, you need:

  1. Cut a strip of substrate 15 cm wide.
  2. Remove seeds from a bag, sprinkle them on a plate, and then sort through.
  3. For each pour a handful of earth into the strip and slightly level it with your hands.
  4. Dampen the soil with a spray bottle.
  5. Spread 5 seeds at a distance of 3 cm from each other and 1.5 cm from the upper edge of the “economical” rows.
  6. Wrap the edge of the substrate in a roll.
  7. Sprinkle a handful of earth, flatten and moisten with water.
  8. Put the seed, slightly sunk it with your finger in the ground.
Для посадки выбирайте только здоровые семена

For planting, choose only healthy seeds

The whole process of forming a bed consists in pulling up the substrate, filling it with soil and folding it. At the moment when the makeshift bed is completely ready, you should fix it with an elastic band, and then put it in a container of suitable height: a plastic vessel, a bowl or a bucket. To maintain moisture and maintain the desired temperature, the snails should be covered with cellophane.

Instead of land, you can also use toilet paper, only seedlings will have to be planted in the ground as soon as they give the first leaf. Otherwise, they will die from a lack of nutrients.

In diapers

It is no harder to grow cucumbers in diapers than in snails. This technique has a number of differences and advantages. Plants do not need replanting and have more free space.

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Diapers made from improvised material will serve as pots. This will save money and space, but will not affect the quality of seedlings.

For the manufacture of “diapers” you will need ordinary cellophane bags for food. Their size should be average: 18 by 27 cm. Seeds of cucumbers before planting, Julia Minaeva recommends dipping in water. So it will be most convenient to take them with a spoon.

The manufacturing procedure is as follows:

  • the package is spread on a table.
  • a handful of dry, fertile land is placed on the edge.
  • level the ground with your hands.

1 cm backward from the edge side and top, and then put a cucumber seed in this place. You need to take it with a small amount of water.

Roll up the diaper with a tube and place it vertically in a container with high sides or a plastic vegetable box.

So we fill in the required number of bundles. After that, diapers from the spray gun should be sprayed, and then the container with the blanks will need to be tightened with cling film.No more than 72 hours will pass from the moment of planting to the appearance of the first plants.

As soon as the first leaves in any of the improvised pots appear above the ground, the film should be removed and the ground sprayed again. For irrigation, you need to use only warm, settled or rain water.

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In bags

Cucumbers grown in bags according to the method of Yulia Minyaeva will yield a larger crop than plants grown on traditional and even warm beds.

The root system of cucumbers cultivated by this method will be developed. The plant will be able to get the maximum amount of nutrients, because the seedling will be in the most favorable conditions for it.

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Putting in bags is easy. To do this, you must perform the algorithm below:

  1. Fill the bags (from dense cellophane or from loose products) a third with earth with humus.
  2. Pour the soil with warm water.
  3. Tie the bag and leave it like this for a day.
  4. Plant 6 seeds in a heated ground in a circle, sprouted in water, on paper or in sawdust.
  5. Sprinkle them with earth and lightly tamp the soil with your hands.
  6. Tie the bag again and leave it for 48 hours.

After this time, sprouts of cucumbers will appear on the ground. From now on, bags should be kept open. After 2 weeks, you need to build arches over the bags or pull the trellis, because the bushes will already throw out the first “mustache”, and the plants will look for support.


Julia Minyaeva helps gardeners to facilitate the work. Using her methods of growing cucumbers, you can get vegetables of excellent quality. Plants grown by this method have a developed root system and high immunity.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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