Description of cauliflower cultivar Freedom F1

Cauliflower Freedom is a high-yielding variety. The rich biochemical composition of its fruits will delight you with a large number of nutrients, trace elements, minerals, vitamins and proteins. Useful properties, versatility of use, early maturity and excellent presentation make Freedom F1 one of the best representatives of culture.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the head
  3. Planting and care
  4. Place <
  5. Landing time
  6. Diseases of the variety
  7. Prevention <
  8. Insect pests
  9. Conclusion

Описание цветной капусты сорта Фридом F1

Description of cauliflower cultivar Freedom F1

Variety characteristic

It is a mid-ripening variety with a growing season of 70 75 days. Can be used as a garden plant second about turnover, replacing crop crops. The variety is very productive. From 10 m² you can collect up to 25 kg of high-quality heads.

Plants of this variety are resistant to adverse environmental conditions, easily tolerate drought and excessive humidity. Unlike other color cabbage can grow on scarce soils, and even loam.

Description of the head

Cauliflower Freedom has a great taste and universal purpose.

Description of the head:

  • average weight 1.7-2kg;
  • medium inflorescences;
  • foliage well developed, directed vertically;
  • the heads have a rounded flat shape, gentle in texture, not prone to germination;

Planting and care

Sowing seeds Cauliflower Freedom F1 for seedlings begins in the second decade of April. Transplantation into individual containers should be carried out at the stage of germinal leaves.

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It is recommended to harden seedlings to improve frost resistance.


When choosing a place for planting, it is better to prefer the soil after the growth of legumes, grains, pumpkin crops and onions (the principle of crop rotation). Soils with high acidity should be avoided or measures to liming them should be taken in advance (application of lime-containing fertilizers to saturate the soil with nitrogen, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus). Optimum growth will be facilitated by light soils with good air and water permeability.

Planting time

Planting cauliflower cultivar Frid f1 in open ground is approximately one month after sowing according to the scheme 30 × 50. The correct planting is to deepen the seedling to the first true leaf. Planting density in the spring-summer period should not exceed the figure of 20-30 thousand seedlings per hectare. Thickening is allowed only during autumn planting (up to 38 thousand per ha).

Grade diseases

Оберегайте капусту от заболеваний

Protect cabbage from diseases

Cauliflower diseases are divided into fungal, bacterial and viral species. The most dangerous are:

  1. False powdery mildew (peronosporosis) is a fungal disease visually expressed by blurry yellow spots on the leaves, sometimes with a slight whitish bloom. The fungus is especially active in high soil moisture, causing growth retardation and plant death. Peronosporosis is transmitted through planting material, soil and affected plants.
  2. Fusarium wilting (tracheomycosis, jaundice) is a fungal disease expressed in yellowing of the leaves (in most cases on one side). Due to damage in the stem, the promotion of nutrients and water is disrupted. It is transmitted through soil and infected plants.
  3. Kila (root cancer) – the formation of growths and tumors on the root system caused by a parasitic fungus (can persist in suspended animation for up to 6 years). A factor that increases the chances of defeat is landing on acidic soil with a lack of organic matter. Earthworms and insects can serve as peddlers.
  4. Vascular bacteriosis (black rot) is a bacterial disease that causes leaf wilting. The most common is with high humidity in combination with lower temperatures.The source of damage can be diseased plants and planting material.
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Disease prevention:

  • surgical removal and burning diseased plants (including the root system);
  • selection of quality seed and soil, disinfection before planting;
  • maintaining the temperature regime;
  • preventing the formation of moisture stagnation;
  • crop rotation.

Insect pests

The greatest damage to Cauliflower cultivar Freedom F1 can be caused by insects Apply at the beginning of its development, so it is especially important to notice and to start a fight with them. For color The main pests are:

  1. Cruciferous (cabbage) fleas – damage young shoots. Both larvae and adult insects are dangerous. To protect against them, it is recommended to regularly weed, cover plants in hot weather, pollinate (with wood ash, tobacco dust, slaked lime), use glue traps and chemical insecticides.
  2. Cabbage aphids – drink leafy juice, which leads to to stop the development of heads of cabbage. As protection, it is important to weed and destroy plant debris in a timely manner. To combat aphids, folk methods (using potato tops, tobacco, onions, garlic, soap solution) are well suited, in more severe cases, chemical agents are used.
  3. Cruciferous bugs (eurydemata, variegated shield bugs) – feed on leafy juice, piercing the skin of young leaves. The saliva of these insects leads to the death of growth cells. To prevent the spread of cruciferous bugs, it is necessary to regularly weed and use chemical insecticides.
  4. Caterpillars of the cabbage scoop – gnaw through the foliage and fall inside the cabbage head. With a slight lesion, inspection and manual collection of tracks are optimal. At a more serious stage, chemical or microbiological insecticides are used.
  5. Cabbage (rapeseed) leaf-eaters – feed on leaves, a characteristic sign of their presence is a large gnawed hole in the leaf. In the fight against them, morning pollination (ash, slaked lime, tobacco dust) and chemicals are used.
  6. Bears – larvae and adult individuals gnaw through the root system, which leads to death of the plant. To protect the culture, folk methods are used (planting hard-smelling plants next to cauliflower), the use of special traps and insecticides.
  7. Wireworms (nutcrackers) are beetles that feed on sown seeds, young shoots and the root system. Effective means in the fight against it will be: autumn digging of the soil, destruction of weed grass, timely removal of garbage from the site (especially organic waste), liming of acidic soils.
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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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