How can one distinguish a male from a female

An interesting question that the farmer faces is: how to distinguish an indigenous woman? This is not necessary for fun, but for proper care of young animals. Not every household owner knows how to distinguish a female from a male and therefore makes many mistakes in the maintenance of poultry. It is not difficult to distinguish between a drake and a duck, because birds of the same breed lead a different lifestyle and even look different.Learning to distinguish between different-sex birds is the primary task of a novice farmer.

  1. External differences
  2. Differences between the female and the male
  3. How males and females behave
  4. Sexual differences
  5. Farmer’s tricks

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How to distinguish a male Indochka from a female

External differences

It is difficult to determine the sex of a young Indochka from the first day after birth. It is difficult to distinguish the belonging of a duckling, such a task seems overwhelming for a beginner. Some people manage to seed young animals by sight and offhand, and then act according to the situation, however, a reliable way, as at an early age, to determine the sex of the chick, will take a person only a few minutes. All the farmer needs is observation and patience.

However, before acting, you need to understand why this activity should be given so much attention. The breed divided by sex is a big plus for the farmer. The benefits of breeding birds by sex are as follows:

  1. Duck is a peaceful, calm bird that does not try to leave the master’s yard. Trim her wings there is no need.The male will run away constantly. Females keep in open enclosures, but for the duckling of the other sex, a different fate is prepared. The males are not only cut off their wings, but also equip them in closed cages or in a courtyard with a high fence.
  2. The male duckling is characterized by strong immunity, which resists various infections and viral diseases. It is not necessary to vaccinate males too often, but injections are shown to females in the first place.
  3. The weight of drakes is several times greater than the body weight of ducks. Indoor women are fragile birds; they do not overgrow with a large fat layer. The diet in birds of different sexes is also different. Separation of birds by sex will allow a person to save extra money on pet food.
  4. Egg production. The most important condition for breeding Indochka is the number of eggs that females carry. The correct ratio of males and females will increase the egg production of a flock of poultry.
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As for eggs, it is impossible to know the sex of future chicks. How to determine the gender of an indigenous woman who has already grown? To save costs and rational use of resources, the farmer as soon as possible carries out the division of young animals. Some secrets of experienced poultry farmers will come in handy for a beginner.

Differences between a female and a male

The sex of a new brood is determined in the first three months of life of young chicks. The first thing you should pay attention to is the behavior of young animals.Plumage in males grows faster, such a sign is also noticeable in the first days of the life of the chicks. The color of feathers in females is more dull, because the indochka are paired birds, it is the spleen that attracts the duck, and not vice versa. The head of the drake is massive, and the neck is shorter. Girls are more sophisticated, with a thin elongated neck.

The so-called crest on the neck of a male person helps to distinguish a duck from a drake. Such beards cannot be found on the body of females. Important signs that will help to quickly divide the young in two enclosures:

  1. On the tail of the drake the feathers are curled up, while in the females the tail is absolutely even.
  2. The plumage of males is faster, and by the age of three months their feathers and feathers are fully formed.
  3. If you weigh healthy individuals of the breed, the duck will be twice as light as even weak drakes.
  4. The forehead of the males is hollow, and the beak is triangular forms (the appearance of the beak of a duck is completely different).
  5. A hump forms on the beak of adult males, which is clearly visible when near under consideration.
  6. A massive forehead can easily identify a drake and a duck.
  7. Indytes have a narrow body.
  8. Male males have massive, thickened legs (males I can’t be weak, because their role in the pack is to protect offspring and ducks).
See also  Features and characteristics of the drake

Identifying birds by their appearance is the simplest and fastest, but even with careful consideration of birds, you can easily make a mistake . How to distinguish an indole from a drake by a behavioral principle?Breeding ducks is a simple task, if you prepare for it in advance.

How males and females behave

A photo of an indochka, which is easy to find in any encyclopedia or on the Internet, will help to distinguish young growth by appearance. The exact way to find a drake or a duck in a close-knit domestic flock will take more time. The farmer needs to observe the behavior of adults. If the photo does not help to find differences, then the habits of males and females are clearly visible on the video. Homosexual individuals differ slightly, but the observant person will be able to notice the distinctive features. As for the indonesia, it is not possible to find a duck by behavior (under the age of 2 months).

The leader in the flock is always a male, the female never seeks to lead a group of birds. Its main task is to lay more eggs and provide the flock with healthy offspring. In flight or while walking, the duck is held to the side or at the very end of the key. Males differ in more aggressive behavior, especially in cases when a person intervenes in their life. Leaders often fight for food, grabbing food.

Experienced farmers can distinguish ducks by their voice: females quack loudly, and drakes basically only hiss (the difference is clearly seen in the video about the life of the indochoke).

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A special behavior appears in males when the breeding season comes. The drakes have a calm, even caring attitude towards the duck. In the female, changes in appearance do not occur, but in the male the antennae or beard appears.

It is much easier to understand what gender the bird has before landing the females on the nests. To distinguish sex from young animals, generous farmers buy special devices that attract only individuals of the same gender.

Sexual differences

There are unpleasant cases when pairs of ducks formed in improperly equipped domestic flocks. The dominant female climbs the rampage even to the drakes, behaves aggressively and stops rushing. The same situation can happen with males when there are not enough females in the pack. It will be possible to avoid negative events for the economy if young animals are planted in different cells on time.

Skillful farmers are able to distinguish between the sex of a daily duckling. Virtuosos of their craft massage the anal passage of a bird. The appearance of a small pseudopenis indicates that the farmer has a future drake. Young females have no obvious sexual characteristics, therefore it is impossible to detect them (small balls appear during the test). The method came from Japan and is not considered the most popular. The chances of seeing the sexual characteristics of a duckling with such a massage are 100%. Knowing the structure and behavior of a flock of poultry is useful information for both an experienced farmer and a beginner.

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Farmer’s Tricks

Each farmer has at least one trick in stock helping maintain a household. One is easier to recognize adults by voice and habits, while others are guided by the nature of the bird. An embittered female is rare, and therefore, if an individual behaves hostilely, it is a drake, a leader of a large flock. An experienced farmer without hesitation will say that the males have a darker color at least a couple of tones, but grayer than the ducks.

During the movement of the flock, the drake protects weak birds and goes at the very end. The female is missed first, which is considered the main distinguishing feature in the behavior of domestic birds. When the period comes for planting ducks, there is no doubt, because the maternal instinct wakes up in the females, they begin to lay nests and prepare to hatch offspring. The drake guards the brood hen all month while she sits on the eggs.

Indoor birds are hardy birds that do not need special care.

It is easy to breed a poultry. The farmer provides good care and balanced nutrition. It is necessary to distinguish between males and females until the young growth. Incorrect distribution of birds leads to a decrease in egg production, conflicts between males and weakness in ducks. Avoiding problems in the household will help care about future offspring and the health of birds on the part of humans. A fascinating and interesting process will help to distinguish the chicks and optimize the productivity of the farmyard.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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