How profitable is the breeding of indochoke as a business

Breeding indorets as business is a fairly young activity, since the breed itself has not been popular for a long time and has not been actively bred. To date, the situation has undergone some changes, due to which musky ducks become habitual inhabitants of both large-scale farms and domestic poultry houses.

  1. A bit of specificity
  2. Black Indians
  3. Features of breeding
  4. Options for increasing the number of livestock
  5. Breeding of ducklings
  6. Feeding Details
  7. Conclusion <

Разведение индоуток как бизнес

Indow breeding as a business

A bit of specificity

In recent years, new species of poultry were introduced into the countries of the former Union, the breeding of which was not previously characteristic of a number of regions. Musk ducks, or, as they are commonly called, Indochka, are the kind of people who liked and began to enjoy wide popularity.The history of their domestication dates back to the distant past, when the tribes of the Indians were able to tame the indochka, after which, thanks to active colonization, this breed spread throughout to the whole world. These ducks were brought to Russia for the first time from France, and then Turkey became a supplier. It should be noted that the first attempts to popularize the indigenous in the Russian Empire did not give the desired result, therefore, birds were not widespread in the first pairs.

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Mexico is the natural habitat of these birds, and there they are considered a species of tree ducks.The peculiarity of the breed is the absence of the need for water bodies, since even without them you can very successfully breed birds. This breed has some similarities with a turkey, which, in fact, indicates the name. At the same time, experiments on the breeding of the indochka were not carried out, and its characteristics are exclusively natural.

Black indochka

Indochka are a relatively new species of farm birds that outwardly differ from ordinary domestic birds ducks, because there are a couple of growths on her head, giving the bird an external resemblance to a turkey. The body of the indochoke is distinguished by its width and length. The category of external features also includes a curved neck, a large head, as well as long rounded tails. Proper cultivation, assuming proper nutrition, can make it possible to bring the drake’s weight to a level of more than 6 kg, while the female black indochka gains maximum weight up to 4 kg. The main purpose of growing ducks at home, as well as in large farms, is to produce meat that is distinguished by excellent taste.

Cultivation of this breed is beneficial in several areas at once, each of which can be taken as an opportunity to earn and support thereby owning a business.Among the main features of a profitable Indochina, it should be noted:

  • unpretentiousness in the feed base;
  • simplicity and accessibility of the processes associated with leaving;
  • lack of need equipment of swimming ponds;
  • easy tolerance of winter in an insulated environment;
  • ease of incubation;
  • good egg production at 100 eggs per season, the ability to consume them food;
  • the presence of a strong immune system that avoids most diseases.
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Features Senia

In addition, breeding of indolets is not accompanied by the generation of numerous noises, since they behave quite quietly, for which they were awarded the name “silent ducks”. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the taste of meat, because, according to experts, it can be attributed to the category of reference. The attractiveness of a business based on rearing indochka is based on their maturity, which does not exceed 4 months.

When planning breeding, it should be remembered that this bird should be kept separately from other species of birds, since a number of birds may appear problems. Growing indolets, unlike other breeds, does not imply the presence of a reservoir, however, if this is possible, the duck will be happy to take baths.For the business to become truly profitable, preliminary preparation of the plan is necessary, as well as the implementation of related tasks.

  • Selection and purchase of high-quality young animals.
  • Arrangement of places of detention for winter and summer.
  • Availability of food supply.
  • Search for distribution channels for meat products and eggs.

Options for increasing the number of livestock

To date, the purchase of indolets is possible through specialized farms, poultry farms, as well as private farmsteads. In addition, in modern informatization, for these purposes, you can successfully use the Internet, where you can always find a lot of offers. In order to establish effective breeding of ducks in natural ways, it is necessary that there are no more than 6 females per 1 drake.

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At home, with optimal development, maturation in these birds occurs at the age of 20 weeks, and just then you can expect the first fertilized masonry. It is believed that it is adult birds that are the best solution for those who decide to establish duck breeding in their own yard, since this is the most profitable and avoids the mass of problems associated with the care of ducklings. The efficiency and speed of raising the livestock depends on the right choice of brood, which is the key to business success.

In a situation when a business is built on the sale meat products, you should think about acquiring a high-quality incubation system, which will speed up the processes of breeding new ducklings. Thanks to this, it will turn out faster to feed them and get the desired product – meat. For this method of breeding, it is important to choose the right egg, and it is very difficult to do without having the appropriate experience.

Breeding ducklings

A duckling can be bred in several ways, the first of which is the most natural. In order to hatch an egg, a hen needs only a quiet and secluded place, where there are nests, baskets, cardboard boxes or boxes of plywood specially adapted for this purpose, pre-coated with soft natural fabrics, burlap or hay flooring. A prerequisite for the success of the process is the presence of nearby water containers, as well as food. If the water tank has dimensions that allow the bird to take water procedures, this will ensure the passage of ventilation processes of the nest, supply the egg with the necessary amount of oxygen, and also prevent overheating. The hatching process takes an average of a month.

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The second option for obtaining offspring at home can be the purchase of already fertilized eggs for their further placement in the incubator. This device can be manufactured independently, and many dwell on just such an option, since factory-built incubators are very bulky and also quite expensive, which can have a negative impact on the business, more precisely, on the rate of return on investment and profitability.

Production of home incubators is a simple process, and requires only 1-2 boxes, which are slightly larger than the egg tray, elements that perform the heating function (for this purpose, a small light bulb in the amount of 4 can be used pieces), which are installed around the perimeter of the structure. Several holes should be made in the walls of the box that will allow air circulation, as well as a device that allows you to regularly monitor the internal temperature. It should be noted that it is optimal to use a fertilized egg or eggs that have been lying for about a week.

Those who prefer not to spend a lot of time, breeding and raising ducklings can start with the purchase of young animals several days old. Such chicks, with proper care, quickly gain weight and grow stronger, allowing you to get the finished product in a few months. It should be borne in mind that measures for growing such ducklings are quite laborious and require a lot of time, but the payback indicators are at an excellent level.

The process of feeding the chicks of the indole must be carried out using boiled yolk, as well as with the gradual introduction in the diet of boiled vegetables and cereals. The abuse of boiled food can lead to serious consequences, so nutrition should be balanced. After five days, finely chopped greens, bran, and a small amount of mineral additives can be added to the diet.On the tenth day of detention, the young duck can be transferred to the usual adult food. Using this sequence in changing the diet will make breeding more successful, and subsequently profitable.

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Features of feeding

One of the main features of the duck is its rapid maturation and development, which reflected in changes in the diet. You can feed an indigenous girl almost everyone, since they are absolutely picky in food. Based on this, a business development plan can be significantly reduced by using expert advice in practice.

In optimal conditions, duck feed should always be in food containers. It is recommended to give preference to compound feed, which is able to satisfy the needs of the bird’s body in full. As an additive, grain waste from barley, oats, and also wheat can be used. When using vegetable additives, the poultry diet is significantly expanded, because with the help of potatoes, carrots, beets, rutabaga and turnip, the duck receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

There is also nothing wrong with feeding this species of quinoa, nettle , as well as pre-chopped vegetable tops. The listed ingredients can be successfully added to the grain mixture, to boiled vegetables, coarsely ground flour or mixed feed. In order to moisten food, some breeders prefer to add kefir to ducks.In order to balance the diet and add the necessary minerals to it, it is enough to include eggshell, gulka, and mineral top dressing in the daily diet, which are widely represented on the domestic market.

People who have set themselves the goal of keeping an indole and only they are preparing a preliminary plan, it should be noted that although this breed does not require a nearby water body, drinking plenty of it is mandatory. A duck cannot live in conditions of dampness, so maintaining a balance is extremely important.


Whether breeding an indochka is beneficial or not depends largely on how much professionally, this is a novice businessman. Given that about 70% of the diet of this bird grows in the garden, the presence of a personal plot can significantly save money. If there is no opportunity to grow feed, and attempts to find affordable greens do not give results, the only option is to transfer to combined feeds. At the same time, part of the plant food must be present.

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According to official statistics, the cultivation of 100 individuals of the breed can bring a net profit of at least $ 250 for one season, and this, taking into account the minimum starting investment in business development. A similar way of earning money is becoming more and more popular, and every day an increasing number of people choose the path of a breeder of indigenous women who can bring serious profit.It is noteworthy that this type of business is available even to beginners who do not have serious knowledge in this area, as well as financial resources, since bird care does not require this.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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