Duck Blue Favorite and its breeding

Duck Blue Favorite is a cross obtained on the basis of the Bashkir, Beijing and Black white-breasted breeds. The variety was bred in 1998 at the Blagovarsky breeding plant. She got her name because of the beautiful color of the plumage. A quick weight gain, good adaptability, a relatively large number of eggs are able to distinguish an individual. It is suitable for both private households and industrial breeding. The breed received positive reviews from many farmers.

Duck Blue Favorite. Expected better.
Ducks of the breed blue favorite 2.5 months

Intensive cultivation and fattening of ducklings allows them to be slaughtered with a weight of about 3 kg already in 2 months. You can hold the bird for longer after waiting for the molting period In this case, the ducks are sent to the slaughter in 120-150 days with a weight of 4-5 kg, sometimes more. The rest of the mass, birds are kept in closed pens, restricting movement.

Diseases of the breed

Duck Blue Favorite is distinguished by good health and disease resistance, which makes its breeding even more popular Proper maintenance and feeding makes growing generally hassle-free. Nevertheless, some diseases can affect the herd. Here is a brief description and description of the symptoms:

  • Vitamin deficiency. Most often, there is a deficiency of vitamins A, E, D. With vitamin A, appetite decreases, eyes turn sour, skin dries up, and the feather loses its luster. Vitamin E deficiency is manifested by convulsions, and vitamin D deficiency by rickets. To avoid this, fish oil, sprouted grains, fresh herbs are added to the feed.
  • Grade disease.It occurs due to a lack of minerals. Ducks begin to eat sawdust, pebbles, pluck feathers. The state of health is corrected by adding special additives, chalk, shells, ordinary salt, preferably iodized, to the diet.
  • Cuticle. Characteristic for ducklings of the first days of life, manifested by diarrhea. For prevention, add potassium permanganate to the water.
  • Omphalitis. Inflammation of the umbilical ring in small ducklings. They treat it with antiseptics for treatment.
  • Coccidiosis. Infection characteristic of young animals. Manifested by diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight. It is treated with antibiotics; it is possible to add iodine to drinking bowls with water for prevention.
  • Tuberculosis. It occurs when the content of ducks is disturbed, the house is too hot, humid, there is no ventilation. The sick duck, and sometimes the whole herd, is disposed of, the place where the bird lived was disinfected.
  • Heminolepidosis. Helminthiasis, which causes stool disorders (constipation and diarrhea), cramps. It is treated with anthelmintic drugs.
  • Salmonellosis. One of the most common diseases transmitted to people. Manifested by green diarrhea, high fever. Ducks are treated with antibiotics, and if ineffective, they are sent to the slaughter, carcasses are burned. Very often, a duck egg is affected by salmonella.

In order to prevent the occurrence of disease in ducks, it is necessary to identify symptoms in time and adjust nutrition. Prevention of infection are vaccinations, keeping clean.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Blue Favorite breed consistently receives positive reviews. Its maintenance and cultivation are simple, the feed consumption is average. Here is a description of the advantages of these beautiful ducks:

  • quick set of ducklings weight;
  • good egg production, large egg weighing up to 90 g;
  • simple feeding, duck eats almost everything;
  • low fat content in meat;
  • beautiful appearance.

The main disadvantage of the breed is the lack of maternal instinct, therefore breeding ducklings only possible in an incubator or under another hen. This drawback is compensated by the high survival rate of ducklings, the normal activity of the drake on the fertilization of eggs.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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