Where and why ducks fly away to winter

A duck is a beautiful domesticated bird that can survive frosts in warm cages, but its wild relatives cover a considerable distance to warm edges every year. Where do ducks fly for the winter? Ducks are not comfortable wintering in the continental climate, especially young animals, which were born in the summer. For this reason, the birds fly south before the onset of cold weather. Where do the flocks fly?

  1. Duck Pack
  2. Where are these birds
  3. Migrating birds
  4. Choosing warm countries
  5. Long way
  6. Where the birds winter
  7. How to catch a wild bird

Куда улетают утки

Where the ducks fly

Duck flock

A duck is a migratory species of birds that does not sit still all year. In winter, the flock cannot remain in its former habitat, because with the advent of cold weather the paws freeze at the duck, it does not save even thick plumage.

The migratory species survives the last autumn days on the previous nests, and then begins its long journey, full of free flight and small respite. Adapt groups of birds easily, wild birds cannot get used to changing the situation. Even young animals, immature for winter, it easily tolerates long flights.

Where do the flocks fly? The south is a temporary refuge for birds, but it should be as comfortable as possible. In rare cases, ducks do not fly too far; this happens when a close-knit group has a sick or wounded individual. A flock cannot endure a full winter; it does not have suitable conditions for this, nor the ability to obtain food. A flock flies with one key, at the head of which there is always a leader.

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On land, this species remains only at night or when it is necessary to eat females and males. The faster the flock overcomes the distance, the less losses will be in its ranks. Wherever the ducks go, they behave together and take care of each other. If they fly away, then together – the whole group. Togetherness is an important condition for the survival of a wild bird. Ducks go south all winter until warm spring. Where do the wild flocks stay in winter? The photo of flying ducks captivates a person, and the harmonious interaction of birds evokes respect.

Where these birds nest

Any migratory bird: duck, goose or swan – migrates as it how the feed “leaves”. Feeding birds mainly consists of green grass, which in the winter in the continental zone is impossible to get. As the greens wither, and closer to autumn even the leaves turn yellow, the migratory wild bird gradually moves to a warmer place. The flock does not have to wait for sudden cold weather.

Wherever mountain or field ducks live, they leave their nests closer to September. The habitual habitat of ducks is an open area, sometimes a group of ducks can be found in mountainous areas near open reservoirs.

River birds live near settlements, flocks of wild ducks are rare in the city, only during migration. Lifestyle involves privacy, so the pack members are looking for places where cane or tall grass grows.The shore for them is an ideal refuge for nests, and access to clean water simplifies the process of feeding and caring for future offspring.

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An enclosed lifestyle in a noisy city is impossible, so not every city dweller can notice a flock between concrete pillars. Females, especially those that soon sit on their nests, constantly hide in the reeds. The open area is not suitable for duck nesting.

The migratory duck is unpretentious in food, its diet consists of the most common in vivo food:

  • insects (flies, mosquitoes, beetles);
  • frogs, but only of a small size;
  • fish (a large fish cannot be mastered);
  • tadpoles.

Special The duck’s beak filtration system cleans food and water. Mallard ensures the safety of the whole flock. If the reservoir is located directly in the city, where a person feels confident, the birds do not stay at the village for long. Physiological features of their bodies do not allow ducks to winter in the city of St. Petersburg or any other metropolis with low temperatures in winter. Warm edge: Africa, India or the coast of the seas – a more suitable area for winter nomad birds. Where the feathered one will stop is a mystery for which the person has not yet found an answer.

Bird migration

People believe that birds fly for warmth, and only for the sake of a more comfortable climate do flocks cover incredible distances, however duck groups living in warm countries also migrate once a year. What is the reason for such behavior of feathered nomads? The weather changes regardless of the zone of residence of wild birds. If some groups go after food and comfort, then others living in the tropics are fleeing from excessive drought and the lack of enough clean water. Only the domestic flock does not leave hatched nests, but the rest of the birds have to change their place of residence at least once a year.

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To a question that worries people, where do duck flocks hurry, they managed to get an answer only a few decades ago. The first ringed birds (special sensors are attached to the foot of a duck or wild goose) helped to uncover the secret. In the modern world, with the development of technology, monitoring the migration of the flock is much easier.

Using telemetry to determine the location of any animal will not be difficult. A duck flies not along a given route, and before the start of migration it is almost impossible to predict the future route of birds. Representatives of the same family can choose the most unexpected paths in search of warmth. Egypt, India or African countries – the flock can go in any direction.

Where do ducks fly for winter? Where do ducks fly for winter from Moscow, frozen duck, where ducks fly in winter
Why do the birds fly away
Bird Navigator op

Choose warm countries

The choice of a future home depends on many factors. What guides birds looking for new places for nests? Not all species of wild birds migrate, but only wild flocks, unable to stay in the winter:

  • European duck;
  • crane;
  • wild geese;
  • flocking birds.

Geese are gregarious birds that can travel short distances and migrate in the same country.The main condition for their movement is considered the temperature with the “+” sign. Ducks can settle on the shores of the Caspian Sea, not far from the Kuban. A flock can appear even in Italy, having covered a considerable distance. A flock always flies along a clearly defined route. Bird paths are located along ponds, fields, in places with food for each duck.

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Long Way

The flock is carefully preparing for the future flight. Untrained young animals can simply die. Females and males stock up on fat, because flight conditions are not always favorable. A strong brood and adult birds gather in one flock and only then go on a journey. The beginning of the flight coincides with the first decrease in ambient temperature. The beginning of autumn, September or October, is the time when the keys of wild geese or duck flocks fly over our heads. Feathered groups migrate through the Caucasus, Asia Minor, Britain, India and Iran. Duck nomads can remain on the territory of Russia or Ukraine, but this happens only in particularly warm winter periods.

Ducks are chosen as a place not only with warm air, but also with quality food. Any water bodies are not suitable. Nature reserves or well-guarded open spaces of steppes and fields are an ideal territory for birds seeking refuge. In the sky, a flock looks like a key, a wedge: organized, symmetrical and with a smooth connection between the birds. The size of the flock can be very small (up to a dozen) and very large (there are a hundred, or even two adults).American “guests” settle down in European countries, in which there is a lot of clean water, while in America drought and heat reigns. Several flocks from different countries can be combined into one harmonious wedge. The Atlantic Ocean is becoming a new home for such a diverse group of ducks.

Where the birds winter

In Africa, special conditions have been created for the life of feathered nomads. Flock trips can end in the Antarctic by the Weddell Sea or in Alaska. Seasonal migration can occur several times a year, depending on weather conditions. Arctic terns have to travel long distances every 6 months. Flight of duck flocks lasts for days, weeks to a month. All this time, the birds support each other and roam in search of food. Scientists have noticed a strange relationship between ducks and whales, which travel incredible distances through the water. The ocean and water bodies are not only a source of moisture for birds, but also food. Water temperature is always slightly warmer than frozen soil.

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Too hot weather also repels birds.

Birds are ready to cover extra kilometers, flying around arid areas. The presence of water is always a priority for the main drake, because even a female can cope with low temperatures, and without water to gather strength for further travel will not succeed. The coolness of ponds saves the body from overheating under a dense layer of feathers and fluff.Terns bathe often, helping the whole body cool down for further travel.

How to catch a wild bird

For many people, the bird migration period is a good time for hunting. On wild duck flocks, a season opens when hunters compete in skill and their own agility. Birds living in natural conditions are reluctant to contact people.

Killing a male or female is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It takes several hours to wait for such birds, because the wild duck is shy and quick. Feathered meat is healthy and extremely tasty, so from year to year there are many who want to hunt for a wild duck. Killing birds without permission is illegal, in addition, some species of migratory birds are listed in the Red Book. It is always interesting and fascinating to hunt wild feathered nomads.

Why do ducks fly south in autumn? – a question that sounds sooner or later from the mouth of the baby. Children look out for an elegant duck wedge in the sky and enjoy this phenomenon. Birds migrate and quickly adapt to new conditions. By nature, the nomadic flocks were domesticated by man, but their wild relatives continue to make an incredible journey in search of a new home. Fascinating, interesting routes on the way to a new haven are full of adventures and dangers. A flock always sticks together, protects each of its members and takes care of the young.With the onset of spring, birds fly back to their homeland and delight a person with their own presence, bringing in many ways joy and fun.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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