Why Indo-Indians do not rush at home

In Russia it becomes It is very popular to farm and breed ducks for yourself or for sale. Some farmers who breed birds, in case of problems, are primarily interested in what to do and why not a single indochka rushes. Yes, indeed such a problem does not arise so rarely.To avoid such issues, it is necessary to create complete conditions for keeping the livestock and provide the birds with a nutritious diet.

Table of Contents
  1. The main reasons for the absence of eggs in the indocta
  2. Complete diet
  3. Nest and wide roost
  4. Indoor behavior in the house
  5. Indus molt

Почему не несутся индоутки

Why do not rush indo

Failure to comply with the conditions for soda neighing in the house and not proper care of individuals are the main reasons why the duck does not rush in the spring. First of all, you need to observe the birds, look at their behavior. Next, determine what breed of ducks you have and whether they can be carried at all. The fact of the matter is that unscrupulous sellers can often sell wild birds or hybrid ones in bird markets, which they do not buy for breeding.

The main reasons for the lack of eggs in indochoke

  • improper feeding;
  • non-compliance with the conditions of detention;
  • fights and fights in the house.
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A complete diet

In order for individuals to develop correctly, you need to feed them with a nutritious and varied diet.If the turkey is not rushing, perhaps you need to add more fresh greens or hay to the diet. To maintain all the nutrients in the body, hens are given corn, eggshells and animal feed. Also, if the indole does not carry an egg, then obesity is a common cause.

It is very important to feed the birds in moderate portions, based on the age and size of the individual. Overfeeding with any product can lead to obesity, full birds do not want to hatch eggs and move. From time to time it is necessary to give supplements with a vitamin-mineral complex to the indigenous women or separately vitamins A, C, D. To prevent fat accumulation in individuals, the livestock should be released for an active walk in the fresh air.

Nest and wide roost

If the duck does not give eggs, then pay attention to her nest. Usually from the age of 6-8 months, the Indians can lay eggs. If this does not happen, you need to improve the conditions of the birds. Perhaps the room is too cold. Indoor females are thermophilic creatures, and if frost is characteristic of their breeding region, it is necessary to insulate the house. The nest itself should be located near the wall. The perch width should be at least 20-30 cm. If this rule is not observed, then even because of such a trifle, pizzas may not carry eggs.

Please note that the Indochka are very scrupulous in choosing the nest and its arrangement, so it is important to adhere to all the rules for installing perches and nests.

If the duck does not rush, perhaps the ratio of nests to birds is not equal, the birds simply do not have enough space. In this case, it is better to make nests in different places, the Indoor women will choose the one suitable for themselves.

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The Indoor female is not egg-laying and when construction is near the house or just very noisy.

Note that , where the indochka has already rushed once, it’s not necessary to move or re-equip it without unnecessary need, after this the individuals may well leave the nest forever and start to rush in the places not intended for this.

Indoor behavior / h2>

If you keep different birds in the same room, then care must be taken that they do not fight and do not compete with each other. Older and more impudent birds can peck young growth. If the laying hen is pecked, then first of all she will refuse to hatch eggs. In a dirty and musty room even calm individuals can fight among themselves. To prevent this from happening, the birds need fresh air, a spacious aviary and observing the light regime.

You can’t keep 10 birds on 3 meters, they will be crowded. Each individual should have a personal space. If weather permits, it is better to let out birds for a walk. In the winter season, you can hang distracting rags or things around the house. It is important to keep the room clean and tidy. Every week you need to carry out a general cleaning with the use of disinfectants.It is also imperative to treat the walls from dust and other bacteria.

Molting of an indochka

If the indochka are not carried, then the reason may be that they began to molt. This is especially true for those individuals who previously laid eggs, and then suddenly stopped. It is impossible to predict the period and time of molting, since here everything is very individual and depends on each specific individual. Mostly molting begins after each oviposition. On average, it lasts about 2 months.

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What determines the egg laying of ducks. When they rush
Ducks, hens do not rush? Yeast!
What affects duck egg laying

In some cases, the change of plumage may be delayed or, on the contrary, may end much earlier, often it depends on the climate in the region and on the nutritional value of the diet. favorable conditions for living and laying eggs, as well as a warm climate and a good room will speed up the molting process.Do not worry about egg laying during this period, it is better to just wait a while, and all in will stop.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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