How many ducks sit on eggs

When planning duck breeding, beginners need to find out how many days the duck is sitting on the eggs and why the birds refuse to hatch chicks. You should also understand the reasons for the termination or decrease in egg production and how to place incubation material under the bird.

  1. Features of duck laying
  2. Preparation for hatching eggs
  3. Egg selection rules
  4. How to choose a brood
  5. The process of hatching ducklings
  6. How many days do different breeds of ducks hatch chicks
  7. How many musky ducks sit
  8. Mulardy <
  9. Peking ducks
  10. Difficulties in breeding ducks

Сколько дней сидит утка на яйцах

How many days does a duck sit on eggs

Problems of breeding ducks depend on several reasons Starting from the breed of the bird, and ending with the conditions of feeding and the diet of the duckling, therefore, before you get down to business, you need to carefully study all the nuances.

Features of the egg production of ducks

Productivity ducks are significantly lower than chickens, but their eggs are larger and contain more fat, which increases the risk of overheating. The first duck eggs are laid at the age of 4-5 months. This process is influenced by a number of factors:

  1. breed of ducks;
  2. food quality;
  3. conditions of detention;
  4. competent lighting.

How many days the duck will sit on the masonry until the first duckling appears, also depends on these factors, but on average the hatching process takes about a month.

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Ducks carry no more than 1 egg per day, therefore, filling the nest takes place within 2-3 weeks, and ducklings hatch almost simultaneously – for 3 days. As the chicks appear, they should be taken from the brood so as not to distract it from the rest of the eggs. Ducklings should be placed in a dry, clean and warm place, and after the last baby hatching, move back to the nest.

In order for the brood duck to feel comfortable, you should not bother and frighten it: at this time the birds are especially irritable. You also need to protect the expectant mother from direct sunlight. If the hen feels danger or inconvenience, then she can throw a nest, and the next time the duck will be ready to sit on her eggs only next year.

Preparing for hatching eggs

The process of breeding ducks requires some preparation:

  1. The brood hen must be at least six months old.
  2. The nest is prepared in advance, it is covered with a thick layer of litter, on which an artificial duck egg is placed.
  3. Prepared nest is installed in a quiet corner, providing unhindered access to water and food.
  4. П steadily increase daylight hours to 16 hours. If necessary, use artificial lighting.
  5. The daily feed rate should be increased, which should be enriched with vitamin supplements.
  6. A container with ash is installed near the nest, which helps ducks fight parasites.
  7. While laying, duck eggs should be stored in a dry room at a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C.
  8. A bird that is ready to incubate should be placed in a nest in the evening, so that by morning it fully accustomed.
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When the hen calms down and stops rising from the nest, you can lay selected eggs. You need to do this in the dark, so as not to disturb the duck.

Egg selection rules

To achieve maximum results, put high-quality eggs that were stored outside the refrigerator and placed on the hen. no more than 10 days. Experienced breeders advise taking fresh samples for a week, and carefully inspect them for defects and contaminants before lining in the nest. The eggs must also be the same size.

How many eggs to place under the bird depends on several factors:

  1. The size of the ducks. If the bird is small, then you can put from 8 to 12 pieces, under the middle – from 12 to 20, and under the large, in the second year of life – up to 25 specimens.
  2. Eggs should be placed in one row. It is necessary to ensure that the feathers completely cover the masonry, take away excess.

How to choose a hen

The future mother is easy to recognize by her behavior: she is constantly looking for a secluded place and covers the bottom of the nest with down.

If the hen sat herself on the nest and does not get up, then after three days she needs to be carefully planted with water and food. If necessary, repeat the procedure.If the duck does not leave the clutch for a long time, then after 45 minutes it should be returned to its place.

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Domestic ducks do not always willingly hatch chicks. In this case, the maternal instinct should be aroused in them. To do this, a little fluff of the selected individual and several test eggs are laid in the nest. The nest with the brood hen is securely closed for several days, occasionally leaving the masonry for food and drink. When she begins to return on her own, you can put the rest of the eggs.

The process of hatching ducklings

Domestic ducks are excellent moms, so you should not interfere in the hatching process. The duck herself will do everything necessary. The main thing is to provide the expectant mother with fresh food and drink, as well as provide bathing water. With wet feathers, the duck regulates the temperature in the masonry.

From the 29-30th day of incubation, you need to check the nest daily, pick up the hatched chicks and remove the remains of the shell. Inspection should be carried out in the dark. The ducklings that hatched first will grow stronger and more resilient. The latter will be weaker.

If several ducklings hatched, but the incubation material still remains, then it must be checked. For this, the eggs “listen”: if rustling is heard, the ducklings are alive and will appear soon, and if they quickly cool in their hands and “dumb”, the chicks froze.

On the second day after birth, the ducklings begin to drink warm boiled water water, dipping a beak in a container.At the same time, the first feed is introduced in the form of millet with boiled, chopped egg. On the third day, finely chopped greens are added to the diet.

After all the chicks are born, they are returned to their mother, who provides them with the necessary care and protection.

From the owner is required to provide good conditions and arrange free walking.

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How many days do different breeds of ducks hatch

How many ducks hatch eggs depends a lot on the breed. On average, the process takes from 28 to 32 days. For example, the first Peking duckling hatch on days 26-30, and musky ducks on 31-36 laziness.

Peking ducks do not sit well on masonry, so they use an incubator to breed or lay their eggs under ducks of another breed, chickens or turkey..

The duck sat on its nest, waiting 30 days.
The Indochka sat down to hatch eggs.
The duck sat down to hatch eggs.

How many musky ducks sit

Indians breed 12-20 eggs for 31-36 days. they sit in late March or early April. In the early days, the birds practically do not leave the clutch. Only in these conditions the development of the duckling embryo proceeds correctly. q It is important to provide the future mother with food, drink and water for bathing, placing everything closer to the nest.The peculiarity of such mother hens is that they have a delicate feel when the duckling in the egg freezes and push it out of the masonry. And they will not leave while sitting on the last chick will not appear.


These ducks are often bred in the household. The breed appeared as a result of the crossing of the Indochka and the Beijing breed. The incubation material is collected no more than one week. The hens do not differ in large sizes, so no more than a dozen eggs are laid in one nest.

See also  The period of egg laying in domestic ducks

Such ducks sit for about a month. They are distinguished by a good maternal instinct and caring for offspring.Moreover, they hatch not only their eggs, but also the products of other breeds, as well as chicken and turkey.

Peking ducks

Peking women incubate the hutch less than anyone else. The first duckling may appear already on the 26th day, and the last – on the 29th. Up to 25 eggs can be laid under such a bird, but it does not have a developed maternal instinct, therefore quite often other poultry hatches such cubs.

Difficulties in breeding ducks

When breeding ducks, a number of difficulties arise:

  1. Why there is not a single duckling after the lapse of time. There may be several reasons: either the incubation material was of poor quality, or the duck was unable to properly sit the masonry. Again, under this hen, eggs should be laid only next year to allow the body to recover.
  2. How long can the eggs be stored without a hen. It depends on how well the duck closed and warmed the masonry before leaving. The second factor is the weather. If the season is hot, then it slows down the process of cooling the eggs. But it is undesirable for the incubation material to be without a hen for more than 1.5 hours.
  3. Why ducks refuse to sit on their eggs. It depends on the development of the maternal instinct of an individual and the vagaries of nature. Sometimes the owner himself discourages the hen’s desire to sit out the duckling (improper care and feeding).Also, to awaken the maternal instinct, it is necessary to leave at least one egg in the nest where the potential mother hen is flying.
  4. When the bird is ready to sit on the clutch. Firstly, only after she has laid at least one egg. Secondly, it all depends on the breed and individuality of the individual.
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Experienced breeders recommend not to take young birds as hens. The individuals most suitable for these purposes are those in their second year of life and older.

Now you know how many ducks sit on the eggs, how this process goes and what its success depends on.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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