How much does a medium-sized carrot weigh?

If you are going to buy carrots to add it to any dish, give preference to bright orange root crops of not very large sizes. If carrots weigh less then it contains the most vitamins and much less harmful substances. With large sizes, carrots maximally effectively extract nitrates from the soil and are nourished by them.reachGoal (‘sood’); “>

  1. Early varieties
  2. Mid-ripening varieties
  3. Late-ripening varieties
  4. Conclusion <

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How much does a medium-sized carrot weigh

If you are looking for a variety with an average weight of root crops for planting and growing in the garden, first you need to find out about the time of their ripening: early (from 65 to 90 days), medium (from 100 to 10 days), late (over 120 days).

Early varieties

First, let’s focus on early x varieties (weight is indicated in grams):

  • “Alyonka.” Suitable for 50 days after germination. The length of vegetables reaches 15 cm, and the weight of each root crop is 140 and above.
  • “Tushon.” She sings quickly, can be eaten 60 days after emergence. On average, 1 piece weighs about 150 and reaches 20 cm in length.
  • “Parisian” (or carrot) . Very delicate, juicy, tasty flesh of dark orange color. Root crops are like radishes. Their weight reaches 60. One can say one of the oldest varieties of carrots.
  • “Fun.” This variety has a cylindrical shape with slightly pointed ends. The length can reach from 10 to 15 cm, the average weight of root crops from 60 to 100.
  • “Bangor F1”. Hybrid of early grades. Long root vegetables weigh about 200.
  • “Color F1”.Hybrid of great taste. Carrots are bright orange in color and weigh around 200.
  • Parmeks. Unlike the previous ones, it has a small volume – up to 4 cm, root crops weigh from 40 to 50 grams.
  • “Fairy”. Although an early variety, but perfectly stored all winter. The mass of fruits reaches 170.
  • “Finhor.” Root crops are quite large in size, their mass reaches 150.
  • “Amsterdam”. Fruits weighing 50-120 g.
  • “Parmeks”. It has spherical fruits, with bright orange flesh, up to 4 cm in diameter, light in weight about 50.
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Mid-season varieties

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Medium-sized vegetables are most useful

Mid-season varieties have root crops weighing from 130 to 200 grams.

  • Nantes. Very popular variety. Root crops with a blunt end when ripening reach a weight of about 165.
  • “Vitamin.” No less widespread variety with fruit length up to 15 cm, gaining weight up to 150-170 g.
  • “Shantane”. Cone-shaped carrots, blunt, up to 15 cm long, weighing 200 each root crop.
  • “Red giant”. With fruits of an orange hue, they can reach a length of 25 cm, gain weight in 130 g.
  • Samson. Differ blunt tip. It extends up to 20 cm in length, ripen up to 200 g.
  • “Canada F1”. Hybrid variety. Long vegetables, similar to a cone, gain weight up to 200 g.
  • “Nandrin F1”. Hybrid carrots.Long, smooth fruits after ripening can weigh 300 g each.
  • Nanates Tito. The variety with cylindrical fruits can gain weight up to 180 g.
  • “Nelly F1”. Between middle and early ripening. Sufficiently long carrots up to 28 cm boast a weight of 120 g.
  • “Chance”. the weight of the root crop usually reaches 130 g.
  • “Incomparable”. Another of the large-fruited varieties is up to 200 g.
  • “NIIOKH 336”. each carrot weighs an average of 130 grams.

Late-ripening varieties

Late-ripening carrots are represented by root crops weighing 120 grams or more.

  • “Queen of the Autumn.” Ripens from 4 to 4.5 months and gains the weight of root crops of approximately 160 g.
  • Flacca. Suitable a little earlier – after 3.5-4 months. Root crops are quite long, weigh from 150 to 170 g pieces.
  • “Emperor”. The variety has large fruits up to 30 cm long, weighing 200 g.
  • Flaccoro. Not inferior to the previous variety, on the contrary, exceeds it in length – up to 39 cm, but the weight remains the same.
  • “Yellowstone”. Large vegetables, similar in appearance to a spindle. The harvest of fruits in length is presented 20-25 cm, almost every carrot weighs 200 g.
  • “Leander”. The vegetables are large, the weight of the root crop reaches 10 g.
  • Scarla. Another variety with giant root crops – about 300 g.
  • “Tinga F1”. Although the vegetables are long, their mass is not more than 120 g.
  • “F1 totem.” A hybrid with a carrot weight of about 150 grams.
  • “Chantenay 2461.”Thick, short root crops. By weight it can be considered the champion among all the listed varieties and hybrids – from 250 to 500 g.
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It is generally accepted that medium-sized carrots weigh 75-80 grams. Small carrots about 25 g. Pcs., Large 140 and above.If there are no weights, but you want to determine the average weight of the fruits of your crop, you can calculate by sight: one average carrot, the length of a tablespoon, weighs about 125 grams. Giants are carrots whose weight reaches 600 g.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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