Which leads to cracking carrots

When growing root vegetables, carrots often crack. This adversely affects the safety of vegetables and spoils their appearance. In order to prevent the development of the problem, it is worth finding out the causes of its occurrence. Usually they lie in improper agricultural technology. Even the cultivation of crack-resistant fruits does not always protect against it.

  1. Wrong watering mode
  2. Prevention of the problem
  3. Improper feeding
  4. Prevention of the problem
  5. Heavy soil
  6. Prevention of the problem
  7. Untimely harvesting
  8. Prevention of the problem
  9. Conclusion

Что приводит к растрескиванию моркови

Which leads to cracking of carrots

Wrong watering regime

There are times when a plant during fish soup without water for a long time.If it is subsequently watered abundantly or heavy rains fall, the culture receives large amounts of moisture.The cell walls of the vegetable tissues cannot withstand strong pressure from the inside and carrots crack.

Prevention problems

In order to prevent sudden soil moisture, the following watering rules should be observed:

  • If the soil has not been moistened for a long time, the first watering should be surface. It is repeated after 1-2 days.
  • In hot weather, water is injected every 4-5 days.
  • In rainy weather, the drainage of excess liquid is arranged from the garden, because its excess also leads to cracking carrots. For this, special grooves are made.Even in the aisles, dill is planted, which prevents stagnation of moisture and compaction of the earth.
See also  How to plant carrots without thinning

Before emergence, the soil should always be moist. During the growth period of root crops, plants are watered regularly. It is better to add water in the morning when the earth is not too hot, because the vegetable bursts from temperature changes (the difference between the temperature of water and soil). When the carrots reach their normal size, watering is stopped.

To trap moisture in the soil, after row moisture, the aisles are loosened. The earth will become lighter, which will reduce the pressure on the vegetable, then the carrots do not crack. If it is not possible to produce timely irrigation, the soil is mulched. Under the mulch, a favorable microclimate is formed. It contributes to the development of beneficial soil bacteria, moisture conservation.

Improper feeding

Carrots often crack due to excess nitrogen in the soil.

This leads to non-compliance with the dosage of drugs and recommendations for their dilution. Then the cells grow rapidly, and the tissues become loose. Their resistance to adverse environmental effects is reduced. If the slightest fluctuations in humidity occur at this time, the root crop will crack. It does not withstand pressure in the soil.

Почва не должна быть твердой и тяжелой

The soil should not be hard and heavy

Prevention of the problem

A plant is sown after crops under which organic matter has been applied.

Carrots will not crack if the rules for fertilizing are followed . Top dressing with nitrogen-containing agents is carried out at the beginning of crop growth (in the first month after emergence). They help build green mass.

See also  The benefits and harms of carrot tops

Not all organics are good for vegetables. Fresh manure is unacceptable. It is better to use such substances:

  • infusion of bird droppings;
  • slurry;
  • fermented infusion of nettles and weeds.

When a root crop is formed, fertilizers with a nitrogen content are stopped. They are replaced by phosphoric and potassium mineral preparations. Ash is used as an infusion, because it increases the acidity of the soil, otherwise the vegetables will be covered with bristles of roots.

Heavy soil

Carrots crack when grown in clay soil. It creates too much pressure on the vegetable, the roots cannot easily grow deeper.

Prevention of the problem

The culture develops well in light, loose, structured soil. When the soil does not meet these requirements, it is improved.Carrots will not crack if applied to the soil:

  • river sand;
  • rotted sawdust;
  • ripened compost;
  • humus ;
  • tyrsu;
  • high and lowland peat;
  • mellow straw.

On heavy types of soil special high beds (0.3 m). Varieties that have short root crops are also planted. They develop in the upper layers of the earth.

So that the carrots do not crack, the soil characteristics are improved by the sideration method. To do this, winter crops are sown on the site in the fall: oats, rye, wheat. In the spring, plow the green mass into the ground. At least 3 weeks should pass from digging to sowing.

See also  How much does a medium-sized carrot weigh?

Untimely harvesting

If you sow early varieties in April and collect in October, carrots will crack. It overrides, loses taste and juiciness.

Prevention of the problem

To ensure that the root crop does not burst, the timing of planting and harvesting must be observed. If vegetables are needed for consumption in the summer, they are sown in early March. For storage for the winter, planting is carried out in June, then you do not need to overexpose the carrots in the garden.


It is unpleasant when the root crop is cracked as a result of cultivation. This can happen to anyone who does not follow the rules of care. In this case, the selected variety does not matter. It determines only the taste and external characteristics.

If carrots crack, it will be poorly stored.It is better to wash, clean and put it in a grated form in the freezer.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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