How to ride a horse while riding

A service like horse riding a walk is offered to tourists at any resort. But in order to feel confident in the saddle, you need to at least theoretically understand how to control a horse. Of course, using only theory to learn how to ride will not work. But knowing the basic rules of running a horse, you can quickly get comfortable in the saddle. In equestrian schools, specialists developed whole teaching methods that differ from each other.We’ll talk about the main points that you should pay attention to.

  1. Important points
  2. Why do we need reins
  3. The role of the Shenkel in horse control
  4. The role of the whip and spurs in the control
  5. Teams with voice
  6. Commands by body
  7. To summarize

Как управлять лошадью

How to control a horse

Important points

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that before climbing A horse is worth making friends with. Only animals with which mutual understanding is found will manage. It can be achieved through talking and offering goodies. Do not come to the horse empty-handed. You need to find out what she loves the most, and bring her refreshments. Once understanding is achieved, learning to ride a horse will be much easier.

You can’t try to climb a horse for the first time without an instructor or someone who knows firsthand the horsemanship. If you fall from a horse, you can get a serious, sometimes even incompatible with life injury.

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Why do we need reins

The reins give the horse different commands.Using this control, the rider makes it clear to the animal when to go, and when to stop, when you can go to a gallop, and when you need to go with a calm step. Also, with a horse’s motive, the rider makes it clear to the animal that it should be turned in one direction or another. When driving a horse, remember that the occasion is connected to an iron element (snaffle), which is located in the horse’s mouth. With sharp movements of the reins, the rider hurts the animal, which can provoke an unforeseen reaction.

In order to correctly and quickly give commands with an excuse, you should pick it up correctly. As a rule, they take a pretext into a fist, pressing it with the thumb to the index finger. You should experiment with different ways of holding the reins and find the best one for yourself. At the same time, do not enslave your fists too much while riding: the muscles should be in a slightly relaxed position. With excessive stress, your hands quickly get tired, and the movements are sharp. The horse may misinterpret such signals or react too actively.

If you need to turn to the right, you should pull the horse with your right hand to hold the reins. All movements should be done smoothly. It is advisable to pull the occasion not only with the right hand, but also with the left, but the left hand is pressed against the neck of the animal. As soon as the horse understood what was required of her, the reins were immediately released. After the horse fulfills the requirements, a smart animal must be praised.You can do this by simply stroking his neck. During a turn, it is important to tilt the body towards the turn (in our case, to the right). This is done so as not to lose balance.

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The role of the shenkel in horse control

The horse is controlled not only by occasion. An equally important function is the schenkel. It is needed in order for the animal to accelerate its pace. This horse control is located near the foot. Accordingly, it is controlled with its help. The whole structure located near the foot (from the foot to the knee) is called a shenkel.

A shenkel is used not only to go to a gallop. This control is also needed to:

  • the horse starts walking after stopping;
  • complete the turn;
  • the animal accelerates its pace.

Depending on how much you need to speed up the pace, different movements are used. If, for example, you need to add a little speed, just slightly press the sides of the horse. If you need to significantly increase the pace, the horse is actively tapped on the sides.

During a horse ride, the legs should not be constantly pressed to the sides of the animal: this scares him. In addition, a shankel is an element of horse control. If you constantly keep your legs pressed to the sides, the animal will no longer perceive the commands given with this control. She will perceive tapping with her schenkel on her sides as normal during riding.

Some commands are issued immediately by several controls. So, for example, the stop command is given by the reins and the shenkel at the same time. They pull on the reins at the same time with both hands, while pressing the shankel to the sides of the horse. So that the animal does not doubt the meaning of the command given, it will not be out of place to lean back with the hull.

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With constant training, the horse will begin to understand the commands given by one movement of the body. But for this you need to spend a lot of time in the saddle.

The role of the whip and spurs in control

In addition to the reins and the shankel, the whip and spurs are used to control the horse. First of all, let’s talk about spurs. Novice riders are not allowed to wear them, and this is no coincidence: spurs are sharp enough and can harm a horse. Accordingly, they can be used to control animals only for those riders who have a certain riding experience behind them.

When choosing spurs, you should pay attention to the fact that some of them are prohibited by the equestrian federation. So, for example, overly sharp spurs cannot be used. Spurs are needed in order to accelerate the step of the horse or transfer it to a gallop. In other words, spurs enhance the action of the schenkel.

In parallel with spurs, riders use a whip to increase the speed of a horse. Also, a whip is used as a tool to punish a steed for disobedience.It is better for novice riders to do without this control for some time: it is able to cause a different reaction for the horse. Do not use the whip too often. It is very important that the horse is not afraid of this tool. This is the main principle of its use.

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Voice commands

When riding, do not forget that, in addition to the instruments issued by the instructor, a person also has a voice to which he can give commands. True, the voice cannot be considered as the main means of control. This is just an auxiliary element that helps to establish communication with the horse.

Use your voice no less carefully than spurs or a whip. With an aggressive mood, you can scare the animal or cause irritation in it. Do not forget that each horse has its own character, which cannot be ignored.

A horse is not able to understand a specific word. He can associate it with some actions. So, for example, if every time, before stopping, you say the command “stop”, over time the horse starts to recognize it.

The horse perceives only simple words (tshshsh, stand, forward, prrr, etc.) d.). You should not expect that the horse will understand the phrase “turn left.” It is also important that the teams differ in intonation.If everyone speaks the same way, the horse will get confused. Each voice command should have its own sound range.

I would also like to say that among the voice commands there should be a so-called clicker word. It is used if the ward has completed the command, it would not hurt to praise her for this. It doesn’t matter if the horse is preparing for sports or just needed for horseback riding.

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Body commands

No less important than voice commands, body commands. The horse is a very sensitive animal. And this quality is used by riders during horseback riding. In order for the animal to begin to understand the signals given by the body of the rider, you need to stay confident in the saddle. First of all, you should learn to keep a balance. Landing should not be twisted. In case of improper landing on the horse’s back, uneven pressure is applied, which complicates the control.

To signal the horse, it is enough to shift the body weight forward or backward, to the right or left. But such understanding with the horse can only be achieved through lengthy training.

To summarize

When riding, you need to understand that every movement is a message to the horse, so the one who sitting in the saddle, must do everything carefully and correctly, listening to the instructions of the instructor. When riding a horse, a person must sit correctly, correctly control the schenkel and spurs, use the whip, and give commands.If you ignore the instructor’s instructions and do everything in your own way, and not in the right way, the horse will constantly be confused, not understanding what is required of her.

Before you sit in the saddle, make sure that all belts are tightened tightly, and the shankels fit in size. With incorrectly selected equipment, there can be no talk of any effective interaction between the horse and the person.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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