Breeds of horses of heavy trucks

Powerful and hardy horses, heavy trucks have become indispensable helpers in the household. They were widely used on plowing, during transportation of bulky goods, and in other types of agricultural work.

  1. Uniqueness
  2. Exterior differences
  3. Allure <
  4. European heavy trucks
  5. Shaires
  6. Brabanson
  7. Suffolk heavy trucks
  8. Percherson
  9. Russian heavy trucks
  10. Bityuga
  11. Heavy truck from Vladimir
  12. Soviet horse
  13. Russian heavy-duty
  14. Purpose

Лошади тяжеловозы

Heavy-duty horses


Horse heavy truck possesses power neck, muscular body and limbs, due to which it stands out from other breeds.In addition, large horses have a good-natured character.

Exterior differences

Cold-blooded heavy-horse breeds they look very massive in appearance, because their strong large stocky constitution does not allow them to have graceful and flexible movements as much as warm-blooded relatives of other breeds can do, therefore they are infrequent participants in equestrian sports.

Middle Ages in Europeans ev was known as a knight’s horse. Only after the lapse of time she moved to the squad of heavy-duty farm animals.

The average weight category of horses is in the range from 0.8 to 1.0 tons, however, sometimes heavy representatives of more body weight are found. A heavy truck grows in foal height from 1.7 to 2.0 m. Such growth and body weight in total form outwardly form a large animal that can carry a heavy load, which is immediately noticeable in the photo and video.

Among the minuses of heavy horse horse breeds, their lack of endurance in overcoming long distances due to too much weight is noted.

The exterior characterization of heavy truck horse breeds is not the initial quality required for them. In the foreground, working horses of heavy trucks have a forceful description, because most of the stud farms, including Russian horse breeding, breed heavyweight horses exclusively for agricultural work, and not for participation in spectacular competitions.

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Some breeders of Russia and foreign countries send their heavy-duty pets to various events, revealing their strength characteristics, including checks on the transport of heavy loads for speed, endurance at a distance with obstacles.


Would the breed of heavyweights cannot move sternly because of their impressive dimensions: such an animal weighs a lot. They are not capable of performing elegant exit elements, they cannot jump high.All this is hindered by a massive physique and thick limbs. Nevertheless, their tread is quite comfortable for riders without the characteristic shaking in the saddle and lifting in height when moving. There are those that stand out for their ability to overcome high obstacles, for example, the Irish heavy truck.

European heavy trucks

Among European horse breeds of heavy vehicles there are several that have gained particular popularity.


An aristocratic heavy truck of the Shire breed from England – according to the description, a tall and massive animal. Among the ancestors of the Englishman are the war horses of knights, who became famous in the old days for their size. Stallions can weigh up to 1.3 tons, and reach 1.9 m at the withers. Of the Shairov’s common suits are gray and bay.

Today, the Shire breed has become known, thanks to the timely decree of the English king Heinrich on the activation of breeding horses in the territory of England to provide English agriculture with draft power.

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A heavy-breed breed of Belgian horse called Brabancon, otherwise called Flanders, became known in the Middle Ages. Brabancons is considered one of the Shire ancestors. In addition, the Belgians gave blood to the German heavy horses. The Belgian breed is considered an ideal animal to help in agricultural work because of its unpretentiousness in the process of care and high working capacity.The advantage of the breed is its longevity among other heavy horses.

Compared to the Shires, they are slightly lower, up to 1.7 m. The Brabancon suit can be bay with shades of roan or red.

Suffolk heavy trucks

The horse breed of the Suffolk heavy truck is one of the oldest in the east of England, first mentioned back in the 16th century. Description Suffolk horses distinguishes them from other heavy trucks with thick legs with rounded hooves. In growth, they reach from 1 m 63 centimeters to 1.7 meters, and gain weight up to 1.0 t. The most common Suffolk suits are light and dark shades of red, in some cases chestnut colors of horses are found.


French giants Percherson began to breed in the XIX century, after which the breed became widely known in a short time. These are one of the most dimensional representatives that stand out from the total mass by weight and height. Some individuals are known whose height is more than 2.0 m.

Description Persheronov describes these horses as aristocratically built. They owe their constitution to the Arab representatives, who have taken from them small ears and expressive eyes, ease of movement, gray in apples and a black suit. Unlike most heavy-duty horses, the so-called “brushes” are rarely present on the limbs of the Perchersons.

The Shires, Suffolks and Persherons together with the Scottish heavy trucks were the progenitors of the new breed: the Australian heavy truck appeared.

Russian heavy trucks

Among domestic heavy-draft breeds, such Russian heavy trucks, like Bityugi, a horse from Vladimir, a Russian heavy horse and a Soviet horse.


The Russian heavy truck Bityug, which had not survived to the present, was irreplaceable at one time. an assistant for the peasant and worked as a draft horse. The small stocky pet was no more than 1 m 60 cm tall.

Heavy truck from Vladimir

The large Vladimir breed of heavy-duty horses of Russia began to be bred, starting in 1935 . Its forefathers were heavy trucks from Europe. As a result of crossing, a heavy-duty representative appeared, with a height of up to 1.67 m and a weight of up to 0.7-0.75 tons. However, the new breed was distinguished from others by high strength characteristics and increased endurance.

Description of the appearance classifies Vladimir horses as massive animals with their characteristic plasticity in movements, which is not typical for many breeds of heavy trucks.

Among the often found stripes of the Vladimir breed are red and bay, but there are black horses from Vladimir.

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Soviet horse

Calm in nature, the beautiful horse of the Soviet breed of heavy trucks took the genetic roots from the Bityugs when crossing with the Belgian Brabansons, English Perchersons and Ardennes and began to breed in 3 Russian directions horses:

  • standard Soviet heavy truck, which acts as the main type,
  • a heavier type, more massive,
  • a lightweight type with a dry physique.

Soviet stallion grows at the withers to 1.65-1.7 m. The average weight of the Soviet stallion is up to 0.7-1.0 . Most often it is either red or brown. Less often you can see the Soviet heavy truck of black and bay color.

Russian heavy-duty

The Russian breed of heavy-duty horses appeared as a result of crossbreeding with Belgian ardenes, small in size. The appeared Russian Arden smoothed out the disharmonious constitution of the ancestors and acquired a good exterior appearance.

The description of Russian heavy carriers registered in the middle of the last century refers them to low animals, up to 1.5 m tall, but quite strong.


Modern breeds of Russian and European heavy trucks retained the exterior qualities in the description that their ancestors had. They have not lost the main purpose worked out over the centuries. The main task of each heavy-duty horse is to help people carry heavy loads.They were often used by Gypsy nomads when moving.

The main indicators of the breed of a heavy truck are its power characteristics, endurance and high-speed capabilities with cargo traction. All this is evaluated in equestrian competitions, coupled with the exterior characteristics and behavior of the horse in relations with people.

Today, heavy breeds are often used in role-plays of artificial recreation of the medieval era when knightly tournaments were known.

The best examples of heavy-duty horse breeds act as genetic material for breeding and selection in order to improve strength performance.

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Despite the reduction in the breeding of heavy horses according to pr rank their replacement with modern technology in agronovatorstve, Heavy still serves as an assistant in agriculture and a little less – as the rolling horses or grazing livestock. A heavy horse is worth buying.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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