Breed Soviet Heavy

Since ancient times, the horse faithfully served man. There are different breeds of horses, the differences between them depend on the scope. Often they resort to help when they need traction or a vehicle. The undisputed leader among the strongest horses is the Soviet heavy truck.

  1. Origin and use
  2. Horse exterior
  3. Character <
  4. Conditions of detention
  5. Heavy truck ration
  6. Conclusion

This horse has long been used in agriculture as an alternative to expensive equipment. Powerful horses easily pulled field plows and transported heavy loads over long distances. to make unpretentiousness, endurance and meekness for heavy trucks.

Origin and use

The heavy horse has been known since ancient times, it was used for agricultural purposes, as well as in heavily armed cavalry. Parameters of this type of horse were necessary for people all over the world, which led to the appearance of many lines of this type of stallions.

In the USSR, the Pechinkovsky stud farm No. 23 also bred its own breed of powerful horses, which was used in agriculture. Scientists took the Belgian Brabanson as a basis and, thanks to the selection, improved its traction and weight parameters. The Soviet heavy horse is officially considered the largest representative of its breed and the absolute record holder in traction capabilities.

Today, the Soviet heavy truck is little used by people in agriculture, since the equipment requires less financial cost. However, this breed of horses is still used in logging after special training. Soviet heavy truck transports felled logs to Russia, America and Canada.

A distinctive feature of this breed is its early maturity. Breeding heavy trucks, scientists kept animals in the most severe conditions, so this species of stallions is unpretentious and growing rapidly.

Some farmers grow Soviet heavy trucks for slaughter. This type of horse is a source of large amounts of meat, and mares are characterized by high milk production. The price of a horse is not very high in the foreign market, however, breeders make a profit due to the amount of the final product.

Horse exterior

The Soviet heavy truck does not have strict breeding standards, since this type is not used at sporting events or parades. However, the Soviet heavy truck still set the appearance criteria:

  • The height of the animal usually reaches 160-170 cm at the withers, and the weight of one individual is up to one ton.
  • The head of a Soviet medium-sized heavy embossed truck with well-developed nostrils.
  • Ears are small, stand at right angles.
  • The pure breed profile should be convex.
  • Heavyweights are characterized by a short neck and a powerful body.
  • The back is bent and ends with a strong croup.
  • Legs of a horse of medium length with pronounced joints.
  • The hooves are low and wide, with a dense horn plate.

The suit of the Soviet heavy truck does not have a clearly defined color. This breed is characterized by bei, bulan, red, black and red. White markings on the face are allowed. The mane and tail are thick; the color depends on the line of the breed.

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Among the character’s features are:

  • calm down;
  • meekness;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • endurance.

Soviet heavy truck is good for people and rarely shows aggression. Such character traits are a merit of breeders who have chosen the most flexible stallions for breeding. Today, poise and phlegmatism are the hallmarks of the breed, so rebellious horses are not allowed to mate.

Horse character

Horse nature

The Soviet heavy truck does not tolerate rudeness and physical violence. You cannot raise your voice on a horse, otherwise you can cause a panic attack. With Soviet heavy trucks you need to communicate calmly and confidently. This type distinguishes verbal commands well, and a little support will make them work harder.

The breed is famous for its high level of intelligence, thanks to which animals are used to work at sawmills. However, before this stallion must be trained during the year: an unprepared animal can cause an accident and many victims.

Conditions of detention

Heavy horses are famous for their unpretentiousness in maintenance. A 4-square stall is suitable for this breed. m, which is only 1 m more than that of a pony.

Some sanitary standards for stallions still exist:

  • Drafts, pungent odors and loud noise.
  • Temperature and humidity should be stable regardless of the time of year.
  • The stall is cleaned daily, and the stable is washed once a week.
  • When changing the season, the premises should be disinfected with special preparations.
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One of the necessary conditions for keeping this breed is a pasture, where animals replenish vitamins.

Care for the horses of the breed Soviet Heavy

Care for horses of the Soviet heavy breed

If a Soviet heavy truck is used as a pulling force, the horse should have a clear mode of rest and work. A horse that runs for wear may experience stress, which reduces the animal’s immunity.

After a working day, the stallion must wash the hooves and clear the nostrils of debris. This is especially true for breeds that work on felling. The mane of the horse should be combed, otherwise parasites may appear in the sorcerers. To avoid this, some farmers prefer to braid horses with braids.

Several times a year, a Soviet heavy truck should be checked by a veterinarian. The horse must undergo compulsory vaccination.

Heavy truck ration

Animals of this breed do not need food delicacies, but the Soviet diet of heavy trucks must be balanced, otherwise the stallion will not be able to do this job. A Soviet heavy hungry horse sometimes cannot lift its own weight, so much attention is paid to feeding stallions.

The daily ration of a Soviet heavy truck should contain the following products:

  • Concentrated feed – 2 kg per day.
  • Pure oats – 6 kg per day.
  • Grass hay – 6 kg per day.
  • Juicy food – 2 kg per day.
  • Slicing rye straw – 0.5 kg per day.
  • Ground flaxseed – 0.5 kg per day.
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Do not give straw heavy trucks in its pure form: this low-calorie feed easily hits the horse’s stomach. Before use, vegetables should be washed from the ground and cut into large pieces. Boil potatoes and beets before giving them to artiodactyls.

Do not give the stallions too much juicy food: this can lead to an upset stomach. If horses are reared for meat, the feed should contain an increased amount of concentrates. It is necessary to monitor the quality of products. Mold, poorly dried hay and unwashed vegetables can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Particular attention should be paid to vitamin and mineral complexes. Heavy vehicles have a large percentage of muscle mass and without the necessary amount of calcium in their body, they may begin to experience problems with the musculoskeletal system.

There are drugs to improve bone tissue, but you can replenish your vitamins with the following foods:

  • bone and grass meal;
  • fish fat;
  • cake.

Soviet heavy, like any breed of horses, consumes a large amount of water. An animal drinker should always be clean and full. Stallion dehydration can lead to death or disability.


Soviet heavy truck is one of the largest representatives of artiodactyls. The breed was bred in the USSR at the breeding factory number 23. These powerful horses were used to transport goods and building materials over long distances. They also worked in agriculture during the planting season.

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Today, heavy vehicles have been replaced by cars, so the popularity of these horses has declined significantly. In the modern world, powerful stallions are used in private agriculture, logging and are bred for slaughter. feeding while keeping stallions at home is paid for by the unpretentiousness of horses.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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