Breed of horses Vladimir heavy truck

To move large loads, the breeders decided to develop a special kind of horses. She became Vladimir heavy horse breed. The breeders tried to bring out a strong and powerful horse, as a result they turned out to be a graceful muscular handsome man, able to carry a load of several tons. The Vladimir heavy truck is the very ideal breed for transportation that ultimately came out.

  1. History of the origin of the breed
  2. Characteristics and characteristics of the breed
  3. Content and breeding of the breed
  4. Character of the horses
  5. Disadvantages of Vladimir heavy trucks
  6. Using horses
  7. Interesting facts about Vladimir heavy trucks

Владимирский тяжеловоз

Vladimir heavy truck

In Russia, this kind of horse is well known and is in demand not only in its field, but throughout Russia, especially in regions with an unstable climate. The heavyweight even looks impressive in the photo, it’s a stately and beautiful horse. You need to get such a breed until you have difficulty raising and raising a stallion horse. It’s best to buy a stallion aged 1-1.5 years. Before buying, you should study the description and reviews.

History of the origin of the breed

The history of the breed begins in the distant 1886. In the Gavrilovo-Posadsky stable, breeders began to select their best horses to cross them with Russian mares. Vladimir heavy breed was bred in 1930 as a result of crossing several breeds: Shair and Kleidesdaley. However, only closer to 1946 the result of long and hard work officially appeared in the world.

The breeders created a powerful muscular horse and gave it the name “Vladimir heavy truck.”

The mare was bred from the very beginning for processing rough soil in the Vladimir region. Due to the severity of the soil in this area, ordinary horses could not cope with the task, so the breeders decided to develop a special variety with good musculature for this. As a result, already in the early twentieth century, feeble working horses were replaced with an improved variety of mixed blood. The development and prosperity of the agricultural industry in the twentieth century is an exceptional merit of heavy horse horses, so even after the mechanization, which has rapidly changed manual labor, this breed remains necessary and in demand.

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Characteristics and signs of the breed

Try to imagine the famous painting by Victor Vasnetsov “Three heroes.” It depicts the great and mighty Russian heroes, sitting powerful horses. The muscular horse of Ilya Muromets immediately catches your eye, its dimensions are many times greater than other horses. The horses of the Vladimir Heavy Truck look something like this. Even through the centuries, they were able to maintain similarity with distant ancestors.

To find out the horse among other horses, it’s enough to study the photo and remember the characteristics of Vladimir heavy trucks as horse breeds:

  • muscular torso;
  • tall;
  • convex and massive profile of the skull;
  • longer scapula, in comparison with the inherent relatives of other breeds; it is also obliquely set;
  • powerful neck;
  • characterized by the relief and length of the back, exceeding the length of the back of other horses; the croup is especially marked;
  • wide chest;
  • dry and long legs;
  • very thick mane and tail.

The bay suit is currently leading among the rest, but it is often possible to meet a stallion of this breed with black and red suits. It is noteworthy that on the head and stomach of the Vladimir heavy truck, you can often notice prominent white spots. The breed is distinguished by well-developed muscles, which are pronounced in the croup. Often on legs there are wide snow-white “stockings”. Nevertheless, one of the main advantages of Vladimir heavy trucks is early growing up. By the age of 3, the mare can breed.

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Keeping and breeding the breed

For a new high-quality offspring and constant work for the good, Vladimir heavy truck requires good conditions and proper care. Basically, all this implies the following:

  • proper nutrition;
  • hygiene;
  • rest and walks.

Containing Vladimir heavy trucks is much more difficult than, for example, Russian horses. To get a good result, you need to work long and hard. A small list of tips for keeping Vladimir heavy trucks should help in this matter:

  1. Veterinary examinations should be carried out at least 2 times a year, even if the horses are not worried about anything. Vaccinations should be given strictly according to the schedule from birth.
  2. Because of the bulk mass, these horses need to be fed constantly. A mandatory daily diet should include vitamin feed and supplements. You can feed Vladimir heavy trucks both with hay and grain. Horses will not refuse special feeds rich in various vitamins. A well-composed diet will necessarily positively affect the physical shape of the animal.
  3. Regular hygiene procedures. The horse of the Vladimir heavy truck should be washed and combed regularly with a special brush. It is possible to wash the horse’s hairline and hooves with the use of special means for animals, but it is important to remember that in the winter, exposing a horse to a water procedure is dangerous for her life. If in winter there is a need to wash the mare, it is worth carrying out such a procedure in a heated paddock, and then wipe the mare dry with a soft towel.
  4. Vladimir heavy horse should spend as much time as possible outdoors, in the open air. Regular walks and clean air will have a positive effect on muscle.The room should be clean and spacious. It is necessary to observe the schedule for cleaning the corral for horses. Stables must be disinfected at least once a week.
  5. Only cross-breeding individuals must be selected for crossbreeding. Only in this case will the ideal breed of Vladimir heavy trucks turn out.
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The nature of the horses

After studying the photo and reading the characteristics of this horse, many beginner breeders and farmers some questions and concerns may arise: are the horses of this suit so strong and rude? Would such a horse bring unnecessary trouble? Be sure that after meeting with a representative of this breed your opinion will completely change. Despite the fearsome dimensions, the horses are complaisant, although they also cannot be energetic. Thanks to her, the breed began to be used in competitions and various races, and horse riding on such a horse will give you unforgettable pleasure.

Horses of this breed do not pay too much attention to the weather. Vladimir heavy trucks can easily work both in the rain and on a sultry sunny day. The weight of the stallions of this breed is 800 kg. Of course, young stallions at the early stage of training may not obey the owner, but after long training and with good treatment, the mare will become the best assistant. The owner Vladimir heavy horses choose one, but respectfully the rest of the family.Here is a little advice that you still need to adhere to: safety precautions should never be forgotten, especially during the first meeting with the Vladimir heavy truck. It should be borne in mind that some individuals can weigh about 1 ton or more.

Disadvantages of Vladimir heavy trucks

Of course, Vladimir heavy trucks have their drawbacks. In comparison with their advantages, of course, there are not so many, but it would be dishonest to leave them a secret:

  • low speed of movement (a lot of weight makes itself felt);
  • flat ribs and unsteady back;
  • slowness and average mobility due to weight.
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Using horses

Currently representatives of the breed Vladimir heavy truck is used for different purposes:

  • for cultivating the land in villages;
  • for producing dairy products of various types;
  • for leisure (except for driving and harnessing in triples, among the people such entertainment as tug of war is not popular).

It is also striking that in our time this breed is sometimes used by people extremely unusual. Heavy trucks, for example, are used in hunting. Such horses are not at all timid and their character is quite calm.

Recently, horses are not so often used as a tractor, because for this there are various kinds of vehicles.However, despite the development of industry and engineering, Vladimir heavy trucks continue to be actively maintained and bred.

Vladimirsky heavy truck. Strength, Power and Grace
Vladimir heavy truck 2 years. Check-in harness.
Vladimir heavy truck Flawless

Interesting facts about Vladimir heavy trucks

  1. Vladimir heavy truck quietly runs 2 km in about 5 minutes. At the same time, the load that will be carried by the horse will be 1.5 tons.With a step, but with a load of 5 tons, a heavy truck travels 2 km in 15 minutes.
  2. It was on Vladimir heavy trucks that they moved from Vladivostok to Moscow.

How much does Vladimir heavy truck cost like a horse for work? The price varies, depending on where you decide to purchase horses. The price of a purebred stallion of this breed on the market is not too high. This news will clearly delight farmers, because the price for a horse aged from a year to 2 is an average of 200-250 thousand rubles. Also, factors such as availability of documents, pedigree, titled parents, vaccinations, etc.

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may affect the cost.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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