Features of fattening gobies for meat


Caring for the big cattle always brings trouble, but remains a profitable business for the farmer. Fattening of calves requires special attention, because their well-being depends on the nutrition of livestock. The most effective way to optimize the work of the farm is to plan and choose a diet for each type of cow in advance.

  1. Bulls ration
  2. The diet of gobies in fattening
  3. The daily rate for one individual
  4. The conditional feeding pattern of the bull
  5. Fattening gobies at home
  6. The importance of cereal supplements
  7. Diet of gobies for meat
  8. Living conditions
  9. Table of feeding of bulls
  10. Table of proper feeding of bulls from the second week of life

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Fattening gobies for meat

How to fatten a bull in a short time? Fattening cattle with vitamins occurs according to a certain scheme, adhering to which the farmer will be sure of a quick weight gain of a young bull.

Diet of bulls

special knowledge is needed, it’s enough to understand a few important rules, how and when to give grass and grain food to animals. The feeding process is especially important when livestock are not able to visit green pastures (gobies on a leash). Walking livestock saves time and money on the preparation of special feed. It is best to predict the time of purchase of young animals.

It’s better to teach a bull to walk in early spring.The master’s yard should be spacious and comfortable, if for cattle this will be the only territory for life and walks. It will be possible to feed animals only in a systematic way, planning the diet of the bull in advance (it is better to take young animals from the first months and keep it on the farm). Feeding horses and other large-sized cattle follows a similar pattern.

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The diet of young animals varies depending on the season and ambient temperature. If in summer a farmer manages only root crops and herbs, then in winter it is very difficult to find fresh grass, if not impossible. A special diet of gobies that are raised for meat begins in the first months of their lives. It is important that young animals have enough free space for walking even in a closed farm.

The forage of a bull is selected especially carefully, the farmer must be sure of its quality. If it was not possible to prepare complementary foods on your own, then you should buy it only in trusted stores. For animals, food and water are a source of energy and nutrients. Growing cattle is not an easy task for a beginner, for an experienced farmer all reactions to any problems that arise are automatic and urgent. For proper feeding of livestock, it is necessary to take into account the lifestyle of cattle, structural features of the body of individuals. Favorable conditions on the farm will provide young animals with quick weight gain and health. The farmer can be 100% sure of such meat.

Fattening diet of calves

How to fatten a calf? Fattening of bulls begins from infancy. Thought out to the smallest detail diet allows you to achieve your desired goal in a short time, so that weight gain will be quick and effective. It is important for the farmer who supplies meat (marbled beef) to provide the calf with everything necessary. In any case, the diet of a bull or a monthly young should be made at home. To keep large cattle means to choose decent living conditions for it, regardless of how many months it will have to be kept. Food without care will not give the results that the farmer is aiming for.

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The winter diet of the bulls consists of:

  • hay (the same substances are contained in simple straw, stored for all animals on the farm yard);
  • root crops;
  • additives (these include probiotics, low consumption of vitamins).
  • dry grass (fodder prepared from the summer).

For a balanced diet, you need to select only high-quality products. The stomachs of gobies are not the strongest part of their body, and in the case of frequent poisoning, the animal becomes weak and susceptible to dangerous diseases. High-quality feed is the key to the health of a calf or an adult bull.

Many farmers are afraid to breed cows or a bull at home. The meat products that get on the table to customers are a big responsibility.Not only the person’s reputation, but also his freedom depends on the bull’s nutrition.

Daily rate for one individual

Daily rate for a bull is:

  • 3-4 kg of dry hay (the same in straw and hay);
  • up to 4 kg of root crops (it is better to grind or detail different types, a large fodder crop that the calf does not eat completely);
  • concentrated feed up to 2 kg per bull.

The gain of the bull changes, because the meat grows gradually, and with it the consumed norm is adjusted. A green diet replaces feed. Replacement occurs at 1 kg per year. It is harmful and dangerous to speed up the transition of animals to green fodder, you can forget about the quick gains. It is necessary to adhere to measures in everything. A quick result is not always good.

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Conditional feeding scheme for a bull

It is necessary to select a diet individually, based on all conditions in which livestock is kept. The process of feeding gobies is as follows:

  • first, the liquid with the concentrate is added to the drinker (special preparations);
  • give a juicy fresh food;
  • add grass (the same amount in hay and any kind of straw).

From 6 months of age it is allowed to feed the calf with food waste. The product is introduced gradually in small doses. Over time, the amount of waste increases (such complementary foods are beneficial for the farmer). A product such as potatoes is boiled and kneaded before being put in a feeder.The cow is also accustomed to feed that is beneficial to the farmer. Fattening gobies for meat at home will not become a burden for a person if he takes up the matter with all responsibility.

The ration of feeding gobies is only adjusted, but does not change completely. To grow a cow or gobies at home, every beginner can afford. The main thing is to set the right goal and make every possible effort for its implementation, then you will not have to go far for a quick result. To maintain cattle, it is necessary to establish an intensive (should be as fast as possible), but sparing mode for animals. Tasty meat for sale should not harm the animal.

Fattening gobies at home

Fattening gobies for quality meat does not work according to the usual scheme. It is much easier to grow a cow for milk. All costs for bulls pay off, but only over time. During the period of fattening calves for meat, you need to find a special table of the increase in live weight and the corresponding nutritional standards (feed, its quantity and quality). A sharp change in diet leads to the most negative consequences for young animals. Digestive upset and weakness of all cattle – this is what awaits the farmer in a hurry. During the fattening of gobies for meat at home, you need to be patient, otherwise it was not worth undertaking a difficult task at all.

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At the first stage, only 10 kg of greens are present in the fattening of young animals (grass as the main food never gives quick results).If such a diet is well tolerated by young animals, the farmer continues to increase the rate. Immediately after the “rough” food in one week, the norm is increased to 70 kg. Paired with greens, the calf is fed with concentrate (stirred in water). Salt (up to 100 g per animal) is useful as a bait.

Importance of cereal supplements

Cereal and bean diets are the fastest way to gain weight for a bull. In this way, a cow or young growth can be weighted. The meat of cattle will be soft and very tender if the animal is given leaves of legumes, which contain a lot of fiber and vitamin complexes. Such a diet will support the intensive rearing of bulls, and young animals will gain weight properly.

At home, attention should be paid not only to what the feed consists of, but also where the bull will eat it. The cleanliness of the room is important, because the multiplication of bacteria and pathogens in the mud can lead to diseases. Growing cattle at home will not be limited to compound feed or walking on a pasture. The farmer must be ready to make sacrifices and make a lot of effort. You can feed the animal and let all its weight be for meat if you balance the daily nutrition of all cattle.

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Diet for gobies for meat

How long does it take to grow and fatten gobies for fattening pasture?In breeding a bull for fattening, there are several important points: the bull starts walking during fattening on the land in spring, as soon as green grass appears, and dry feed is added to the bull at home. Not all newcomers who buy young for the first time know how to feed a young bull and how to raise a cow.

Experienced farmers say that you can learn everything, the main thing is not to torture a cow or a bull, but adapt to their lifestyle and plan conditions of detention. Feeding technology is available to every farmer. It is harder to make a cow gain weight, but the bull is famous for being able to steadily increase growth if handled properly. How to fatten young bull-calves for meat, you need to know even before the establishment of cattle in the yard. The meat from the animal, which is on special nutrition, is the most delicious, and is suitable even for dieting.

Conditions of detention and technology consists in the selection of such food that helps the bull gain weight and not feel constant hunger .

A starving animal will eat indiscriminately, which will harm its health and meat quality. A quick way to increase live weight is achieved only by experienced farmers. For young animals from 12 months old, special preparations are added to the room, without them, weight gain will not be so quick.It is useful to dilute the daily diet with cereal supplements (in germinated grain and barley there are many trace elements useful for growth).

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Living Conditions

Good weight gains in the room without air access are impossible. Even in winter, they install special air ducts so that the building has the correct circulation of fresh air. It will take a lot of effort to equip the farm with a place (barn) for the bulls, and you will not be able to save on this. At a young age, animals are more whimsical and susceptible to disease. It is possible to grow healthy livestock with an increase in mass only if animals need shelter from heat and frost. At any age, livestock will require a lot of water and free space. If the emphasis is on growing and stable fattening on livestock meat, it is important to pay attention to the list of animal ration.

How does castration of gobies affect the amount of meat? People say that meat products from castrated bulls differ from veal (the animal was slaughtered at any age). Commercial farming depends on many factors: calf weight, state of health, season.

The breed of the animal is also important. Finding a young bull from the age of 6 months involves taking constant vitamins and supplements. The best breed grown on dairy products and greens, at any age will give tasty meat. Fattening gobies for meat with or without castration requires the same methods. Fattening a bull on dairy products is easier, and premix feeds and special additives (cattle, feed, rer) will increase the weight standards.

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Feeding table for calves

The nutrition scheme is norms contained in the special table.Such a scheme is at any farm enterprise, with its help it is easier to monitor the nutrition of the animal. With the right diet, breeding an adult or a small bull will become one simple and profitable activity. Keep lm young on hay or dairy products, give lm waste at the lowest price – all details are listed in the table, and the farmer does not have to invent anything. How to quickly and effectively increase the mass of young bulls?

The easiest and most affordable way is to eat right:

  • dairy products are necessary for calves up to two months of age;
  • after 6 months, protein (crushed grain) is added to the lure;
  • silage is added from 9 months;
  • increase the rate gradually;
  • vitamin supplements are given to adults and small calves .
  • In the proper diet all the necessary growths of the bull goat substance and vitamins. If it’s difficult for a beginner to figure out a table, then a short video with instructions on keeping an animal of such a breed will come in handy. Meat products will be useful only if the goby has lived a full and healthy life.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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