The Asian buffalo is related to wild bulls such as bison, yaks, zebu, etc. Lovely and powerful, these animals have long been fight with a man for the right to exist on Earth.
- Description
- Appearance
- Morals and habits
- Character
- Habits
- Lifestyle and problems of buffaloes
- Where does
- Schedule
- Food <
- Breeding <
- Hot questions
- Interesting about buffalo
Asian buffaloes are also called Indian buffalo They are considered to be one of the largest among all the bulls on the planet, although they are represented by specimens of different sizes:
- Asian buffalo;
- tamarau;
- anoa and mountain anoa.
Individuals that are tamed by humans are distinguished into a separate species: these are river and swamp buffalo. Taming took place as early as 3 millennium BC. The water buffalo is an excellent traction force and transport, a source of meat and milk.
The title of one of the largest bulls in the world, the Asian buffalo deserved no reason. With a body length of 3 m, it has a height of 1.80 – 2 m and a weight of 800 to 1200 kg. On the animal’s head are magnificent crescent-shaped flattened horns – the pride of the animal.The distance between the ends of his horns reaches 1.90 m – 2 m, they grow to the sides and are directed backward.
The horns of their females are not so big, straight, sometimes they are not at all.
Extremities wild individuals are tall and strong, their tail is about 90 cm long, their body is covered with coarse, sparse, black hair with a brown tint.
Although the domesticated version of this buffalo does not look so intimidating, it is much smaller its wild cousin, and its horns are filed for the safety of the owners.
Also small representatives of the species are tamarau and anoa. The former grow up to 106 cm and weigh up to 300 kg, and the latter 80 cm and 300 kg, respectively.
Morals and habits
Appearance justifies the character: the water buffalo is fierce. He fights perfectly, boldly speaking out against predators, in a fight he can calmly survive even against a tiger. The buffalo in the herd are especially dangerous.
The very old buffalo that left the herd are distinguished by aggression. They tend to lead domesticated females, and in the case of pursuit, they begin to attack, including and human.
Livestock is more peaceful and complaisant.
To live, Indian buffaloes gather in a herd. It is usually not numerous:
- adult bull;
- a couple of young buffaloes;
- cows with calves.
The smallest are placed in the middle, in front of those who are older, behind are young bulls. There is no strict submission in the herd.His oldest member can even roam nearby: he returns those who are behind.
The behavior of these animals in case of danger is interesting: all together buffaloes hide in the thicket or make a semicircle, to then track down the beast that attacked the left them next
Oddly enough, buffalos make friendship with rhinos, but they hate tigers.
Lifestyle and problems of buffaloes
Where he lives
Asian buffalo lives in Nepal, Thailand, India, Laos, Cambodia, on about. Ceylon and in Bhutan. But there were times when this animal lived in other parts of our Earth: North Africa, Middle China, Mesopotamia.
Domestic buffaloes, of course, are more common in the world, their habitats are Australia, Japan, America ( South and Central), East Africa, Transcaucasia, etc.
Another name for “Asian” – a water buffalo – fully characterizes his preferences regarding location. Nearby there must necessarily be wide ponds (rivers and swamps, including), which are necessary for the hornet not only for drinking, but also for daily swimming. They also need plains densely covered with grass for existence.
Daily routine
So, the water buffalo for the most part lives near the water (where its second name came from) with moderate course.This is a necessity for him, he is an excellent swimmer, can dive or go under water, leaving only his head with chic horns on the surface.
Thus, individuals easily tolerate the high temperatures characteristic of their habitats.
They also love to fall out in the mud, which, clinging to the whole body, dries directly on them. But they do this not because they are dirty, but because of the heat and insects. Flies, gadflies and other bloodsuckers have long been adapted to arrange on their bodies, ears, nostrils, genitals, etc., for laying eggs.
Water turtles and birds also help them to get rid of pests: dragons, herons et al.
These giants eat grass, including various underwater and coastal vegetation. In the dark, they graze, and during the day, they are satisfied, immersed in water.
The water buffalo race is not related to the season. After mating, the buffalo hatches the calf for about 340 days, it does not give birth to more than one baby.
The calf is born in a fluffy, yellow with brown undertones color. He is breastfed up to 9 months of life.
Hot questions
Due to the fact that the wild Asian buffalo inhabits open spaces that are of interest to people, the last just survive it. The development of the steppes and forests by humanity leads to the fact that the water buffalo, tamarau, etc. simply disappears.Today, the livestock is protected by the legislative level, hunting is prohibited, special habitat zones have been organized (Pabha, Kaziranga, etc.).
But not only the human factor affected the decrease in the number of gobies. The fact is that wild individuals tend to mate with tamed ones. The offspring after such a union can no longer be called a true wild “Asian.”
Interesting about buffaloes
Buffalo milk is ahead of cow in protein. It is also quite oily – about 8%. On Italian farms, buffalo get about 1900 liters of produce per year.
By the way, the original recipe for the famous mozzarella cheese involves the use of this milk.
Despite the fact that the water buffalo is the same bull, it is eaten in India. Religious prohibitions on his meat do not apply, although it is directly called: beef or veal, although buffalo meat is completely different in taste and at times tougher.
In the territory of Southeast Asia they like to arrange fights in which they take part water buffalo, however, its domesticated version. Animals are prepared for competitions, trained, well fed, but this is far from a bloody sight, since buffaloes rarely cause serious injuries to each other. The fight continues until one of the opponents falls or until both are exhausted.