Unfortunately, any farm animal can easily catch parasites. When this happens, you need to be fully aware of what to do next in order to maintain the health of the animal. Worms in gobies, cows and calves are a fairly common phenomenon, the specificity of which any farmer should know. Since they are serious pests of the liver, they can adversely affect the metabolic processes in the body of the cow.
As the disease develops, the cow begins to look peculiar. External signs such as pale mucous membranes appear, hair falls out. In addition, the coat becomes matte, loses its luster. Sometimes the parasite may not manifest itself externally for a long time, then you should pay attention to milk, whose quality is reduced. A pregnant cow may be prone to miscarriages, postpartum bedding.
Worms in cows have a clear localization – the intestines, in which they can be located, occupying any department. The most obvious evidence of infection in a cow or a bull is weight loss with high and normal appetite. Mostly, the helminth activates during the stressful state of the animal.
What is associated with the appearance of parasites
Prevention of the disease is a difficult and almost impossible task for several reasons.Being in a pasture, cows can easily pick up worms, using infected grass or land. In addition, some infected animals transmit parasites with water in the barn.
Worms are most dangerous for calves: their liver and lungs are infected faster and more often. Worms in calves spread throughout the lungs, breaking the capillaries, which leads to the death of the animal. If the disease is not detected in time, then a fatal outcome cannot be avoided. Symptoms are:
- runny nose and frequent coughing;
- fever;
- significant loss of kg.
It is possible to protect calves from infection by providing them with separate feeding and animal watering. It is important to monitor the purity of the water. In no case should children be given normal fresh river water. It is also necessary to ensure that adult individuals of sheep and cows do not fit the feed. If possible, it is best to send calves to a separate pasture. Often pulmonary parasites are found in sheep, therefore it is better to limit their contact with animals. When defecated, cattle leave all the larvae on grass and land, where cows can come after.
The main danger of parasites is in the toxins secreted by them, which destroy the mucous membrane. With a large number of worms, you can get a gut twist.Signs of a chronic form of the disease in cattle are often not marked by acute manifestations, however, it is imperative to monitor the timely cleaning of manure. It is also necessary to prevent the entry of manure into the feed, which will help the construction of special bowls above the floor.
Having identified the animal that was hit by hepatic worm, immediately send it to a separate room, not forgetting to give all other individuals medical preparations.
What should be done to protect cows from worms?
Have you seen that worms in cows are a complex and dangerous phenomenon, therefore it is imperative to take measures to protect animals. The main methods of protecting calves and cows from parasites are simple actions, which we will consider below.
- Select a low humidity pasture that is far from the swamp. Wet fields and swamps are shelters for the main carriers of worms – snails.
- The prohibition of milk in the case of treatment with drugs for prevention. You can only give milk to drink when the medicine is withdrawn.
- Periodically changing the place of pasture, in particular, if worms have been seen there once.
If you notice symptoms of the disease in any of the animals, it is extremely important to immediately determine what the treatment will be. Once and for all, only a veterinarian who knows how to properly anthelmintic animals can remove parasites is able to remove parasites, therefore it is better to entrust him with this difficult task.The veterinarian identifies signs of the appearance of worms, selects the necessary treatment methods, prescribes the necessary drugs in the correct dosage. Self-determination is difficult because the symptoms encountered with worms can be signs of a completely different disease.
Symptoms and treatment are closely interconnected, because choosing the wrong drugs, there is a risk of poisoning, which subsequently leads to death.
Getting rid of parasites
When the worms are found and all the necessary drugs are bought, you can begin to fix the problem. In addition to the fact that animals need to be given medicine by mouth, they should constantly monitor the cleanliness of the barn and the safety of the pasture in order to prevent further infection. After choosing an independent treatment, you need to follow 5 recommendations.
- If you are sure that you have chosen the right drug, you should not be lazy to read the instructions for it.
- It is important that treatment begins with weighing animal, in order to prevent overdose of the medicine.
- It is almost impossible to administer the medicine alone, therefore you need to ask anyone for help. Fixation of the animal’s head is important in order to deliver the right dose of medication to the body.
- Disinfection should not be neglected. Treatment with the same tools of all cows is prohibited.
- You need to keep a special notebook in which to write down all the injected drugs in order to eliminate overdose and start the next treatment on time.
Alternative methods of treatment are not 100% effective, but some of them can and are useful to follow. Firstly, a cow, a calf and a bull-calf should be constantly given writing, filled with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and secondly, it is important to keep the animal clean.
Medicines to eliminate worms
Only a doctor can study the symptoms and choose the right medicine, since the list of possible medications is wide. Special effective drugs will help eliminate worms.
- Alvet. The medicine is aimed at reducing the growth activity of parasites, at disturbing the nutrition process of helminths, at their further death. Treatment occurs orally through “absorption” and is well tolerated. You can’t drink the milk of the cow that consumed the drug for another 3 days, but it is suitable for other animals after preliminary boiling. It is forbidden to enter medicine without special uniforms.
- Flubendazole. The treatment has the same mechanism as in the previous case, and helps to quickly cleanse the animal’s body.
- Albendazole. An effective and popular suspension that destroys parasites, disrupting their metabolic process and inhibiting activity. Due to its low toxicity, the drug is not harmful to the animal at all, therefore it can be used in recommended doses without risk.
- Tetramisole. A moderately toxic drug whose absorption comes from the intestines. Worms disappear in a day.The presence of a therapeutic effect is highly observed already an hour after administration.
For preventive measures, you must wait until spring or autumn, when the animal is transferred to another place of residence, you also need to monitor the regular treatment of the barn with special antiseptics and medications prescribed by the veterinarian. You should be aware of the possibility of various side effects that many medicines are famous for, therefore, when conducting prophylaxis for the first time, you should not forget about preliminary consultation with your doctor. “vd”>
The presence of such a thorough and scrupulous approach to treatment for parasites is necessary, because the first stages of the disease often pass without a trace, but after the onset of the advanced phases can cause such a big blow to the cattle that it will be cured it’s difficult, and sometimes impossible.
A person should be treated with sick animals as carefully as possible and in a minimal amount, because some parasites are easily transmitted to people. e milk that was obtained from an infected cow is better to pour out, its use will only be harmful to health. In general, timely detection of a problem makes it easy to get rid of worms. The health of cows and calves is exclusively in the hands of the owner.