Highland Cows, or Scottish Highlands

Everyone who breeds cattle, reflects on the issues of keeping and caring for the livestock. But is it possible to achieve good productivity with minimal waste of time and finance? Most often, a positive result becomes possible only with a carefully selected method of feeding and care. However, there are very unpretentious species of livestock, for example, meat breed highland cows.It is distinguished by extraordinary stamina, endurance and unpretentiousness. We will tell you about it further.

  1. Origin and characteristics
  2. Conditions of detention
  3. Highland merits
  4. Productivity <
  5. Highland mini-cow breeding

Порода коров Хайленд

Highland breed cows

Origin and characteristics

Highland cow bred in the Scottish Highlands and the western Hebrides, was exported throughout the m Iru since the beginning of the 20th century. It is believed that Celtic cattle that were not subjected to selection for a long time were the genetic ancestor of this species. Initially, the breeding stock was brown or black. Nowadays, there are black, red, spotted, yellow and silver representatives of Highland cows.

The hair of these animals is long, wavy and two-layer. The top layer is hard, curly and long hair, under which there is a soft and dense undercoat. This allows cows to withstand the cold and do without a thick layer of subcutaneous fat. The long bangs are designed to protect the eyes from gusts of wind and annoying insects.

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Despite the impressive horns and massive muscles, Highland cows belong to the mini group. This is due to the fact that they have a small body and their limbs are quite short. In addition, the highlands have a completely meek and calm disposition, due to this and unusual appearance of these charming mini-cows, many start them not for meat or milk, but for aesthetic reasons.

Conditions of detention

Highland cows are unpretentious creatures, and they can literally eat everything they find under their feet. Their digestive system is designed in such a way that they can even digest coarse fiber – cattle will also gain weight by eating pasture. Intensive feeding is not necessary for these cows, and to get a refined dietary meat from the breeder, minimal effort is required. A small feeding may be required in the winter, but if the place of keeping is near a forest or other place where animals can feed on their own, you can also not worry about this.

Cows stay in hotels most often without problems and complications. The heifers themselves breed young animals, but in the cold season, especially at abnormal subzero temperatures, the calves may need additional heating.

Highlands cannot be kept on a leash, as this entails a loss of mass. They need extensive space for grazing and self-seeking food.Ideal for these animals will be kept in a large corral, and you can keep them there in large herds.

The homeland of Highland cows is a rainy and windy place, so no additional equipment is needed to protect the cows from the weather. The main thing is that there should be a canopy under which cattle can take shelter from rain or snow. Due to the genetic memory of places where there is little food, a huge herd will need a very small amount of food, so they won’t harm the environment.

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Highland cows are not intended for breeding in the tropics and subtropics. Because of their thick coat, they can hardly tolerate heat and high humidity. The animal’s life in such a climate will be short-lived and painful, so breeders from hot countries should refrain from buying cattle of this breed.

Advantages of highlands

The main advantage of this breed unpretentiousness is. For the maintenance of highlands does not require a special room. If there is a large space for walking and grazing animals, you only need to install canopies and, in the absence of the natural possibilities of a watering place, drinkers.

Also, Highland cows have the following several advantages:

  1. Thanks to their unpretentiousness described above, the owner does not need to spend a large amount of money on care and maintenance.
  2. Highlands are famous for their excellent health.They are insensitive to most viruses that cause disease in other breeds of cows.
  3. They tolerate colds, even the most extreme.
  4. Highland breeds breed intensively, while the mortality rate of newborn calves is very low .
  5. These cows live very long – up to 15 years.
  6. Due to the lack of a large fat layer, their meat is truly dietary and very tasty.
  7. Undoubtedly dignity – their meek disposition, thanks to which highland cows can seamlessly coexist . S with other pets

has undoubted advantages main product obtained from cows said rocks – meat. Consider some of them:

  1. Due to the small amount of subcutaneous fat, highland meat is a real dietary product. It is recommended for use by people with diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  2. The meat contains a minimum amount of cholesterol, so it can be included in the consumption of elderly and suffering from diseases of the heart and vascular system.
  3. Highland meat is rich protein and iron are much more than other beef.
  4. Products have a delicate taste and pleasant texture.
  5. Meat is a healthy and nutritious product.
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Despite its small size, Highland cows for lives can gain impressive weight.The average weight of one adult female is half a centner, while a bull can weigh 750 kg.

Cows first calve at the age of 3 years. The weight of the calf is on average from 11 to 16 kg. The ability to give offspring in animals persists until 18–20 years old, but they are usually used only until 10, because the meat of an old cow loses its properties and is considered second-rate.

The ideal age for slaughter for a bull is 1-3 years. By this age, they gain enough weight, and their meat is the most tender.

Scottish highland cows breed
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A few centners of red shaggy good. Grazing in the meadow

Breeding Highland mini-cows

More recently, highlands in Russia were a curiosity. Now this breed is gradually gaining popular because it is ideal for breeding in the Russian climatic zones.

Breeding mini highland cows is a profitable and promising activity. Once you invest in the purchase of males and females, you can do business in the production of selected beef and for breeding and selling young individuals, these charming creatures can also be acquired and distributed for decorative purposes: they are very friendly and playful creatures.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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