Why the calf cannot stand up

Many who have been involved in cattle divorce know that this is a complex process that does not always live up to expectations. In most cases, young individuals die within the first month. That is why the breeding of such animals is considered very difficult and unprofitable in small volumes occupation.But if we take a large production, then a completely different picture emerges here, although the mortality of animals remains the same. One of the most common calf breeding situations is when the calf does not stand up.

  1. Causes of the problem
  2. Help in the first minutes
  3. Prevention
  4. The final part

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Why does the calf not stand up

This is a very dangerous situation, which is fraught with unpredictable consequences. But, fortunately, there are methods of treatment and care for such animals, and it is also possible to carry out prophylaxis so as not to encounter such a problem in the future. We suggest that we deal with all of this within the framework of this article.

Causes of the problem

Before you figure out what to do with such ailments, determine why the calf isn’t gets to his feet, which so influenced his well-being. It is the reasons that will help to understand what prevention will be effective in order to protect the newborn from this scourge. There are a lot of reasons why the calf cannot stand up, but we will try to highlight the most frequent and important ones.

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To begin with, it should be understood that if a newborn calf cannot stand on its feet and if it falls and does not stand up anymore, these are two big differences. If in the second case the cause is various diseases, then in the first there are much more reasons.

  1. Lack of nutrition. Because of this, the fetus suffers from oxygen starvation, which afterwards can affect not only the raising of the animal to its feet, but also in general its health. Oxygen hunger is also called hypoxia.
  2. There may be clinical signs, while the calf has weak muscles, the skin is completely dry and there is absolutely no fat layer.
  3. The development of white muscle disease. Scientists say that it appears in newborns and adults from a lack of vitamins.
  4. A disease called tetany, which also manifests itself from a lack of vitamins. But here the main vitamins, the lack of which causes such a disease, are A, B, D or a lack of manganese, iodine or zinc.

Naturally, highlight all the reasons why babies may not get stronger on their feet , it’s very difficult, we need an individual approach to each of the cases.

Help in the first minutes

The first question that arises is how much the calf gets to its feet and how: first to the front, then to the back, or something else. In general, a newborn calf should stand up during the first 10-15 minutes of its life.But if a newborn baby does not stand up during the first hour of his life, then this is a sign that something is wrong with him and it is time to take any action.

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To help a calf who is not capable to stand up, you need to know the reasons mentioned above. Now is the time to move on to what needs to be done to help a newborn calf that does not stand up.

  1. If there is no veterinarian nearby, then you need to be treated according to the following algorithm: clear the airways as soon as possible the liquid collected there, it prevents the calf from breathing normally. To do this, raise the individual by the hind legs, at the same time grab the nose, and then slightly push the liquid. The main thing is to be extremely careful, and to help the calf’s respiratory system, you can pour cold water on the back of your head.
  2. For clinical signs, in cases where a month-old calf is sick and cannot stand on its feet for a long time. Also, if there is a weak pulse, a weak reaction to various kinds of irritations, etc. (it is important to remember that calves with hypoxia usually look stronger than others), after calving, you need to clean the airways of the animal from various foreign objects. After they compress the nasal septum and, as far as possible, extend the tongue, and press on its base, all this stimulates the cough reflex. It is also recommended that ammonia be inhaled.This will not help to completely cure the animal, but only help to provide him with first aid. For a complete recovery, you will need to undergo a whole course of treatment – you should contact a specialist who will explain what should be done next.
  3. In case of violations of the musculoskeletal systems, it is not recommended to take independent actions. It is better to examine the animal for pathologies of the extremities, lesions in the joints or muscles. To do this, the hooves, all joints, muscles or corolla feel well. The reaction of an individual, a change in temperature in certain areas, or a change in the nature of tissues and so on, will help to understand the presence of damage. It is important to know that special attention is paid to the plantar, first it is cleaned well and, if there is any suspicion, it is recommended to remove the stratum corneum, this will help to check for pus. If there is one or other violations have been found, then you should immediately call a veterinarian: this may be one of the reasons why the pet is not good on its feet.
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In order to prevent the disease when the calves do not stand on their feet, preventive measures can be taken. The most important steps in prevention are applied right up to calving. That is, when it became clear that the cow is pregnant, it should be transferred to proper nutrition. It is necessary in time and in sufficient quantities to enrich the body of expectant mothers with nutrients, vitamins.

The main thing is not to allow overfeeding (obesity during calving leads to complications during childbirth), or underfeeding (the fetus does not receive the necessary amount of vitamins) of the woman in labor. Large animals require regular walking: you can not ignore such a moment, it is also important for the baby. It is also important to thoroughly prepare for the birth process itself so that everything you need is at hand.

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Final part

If the calf cannot stand up, then you will certainly need the help of a veterinarian, but Before his arrival, the owner should be able to provide first aid to such an individual .. It is important to remember that newborn calves stand up very quickly, and if the calf cannot get up, you must act immediately.

Based on the information provided and the recommendations of specialists, you can quickly respond in a difficult situation, because, as you know, – means armed. To avoid problems, you need to monitor your animals.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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