Causes of milk with blood in cows

Milk with blood in cows, it means that the animal has mammary gland inflammation. Often this is a consequence of delayed afterbirth or mastitis. If the cow has blood in milk, it is necessary to start its treatment as soon as possible. Breast diseases can occur after calving and can cause significant damage to the body.

  1. Why does the inflammation of the mammary glands appear
  2. Damage to the udder
  3. Mastitis of the udder
  4. How to properly treat the mammary glands with mastitis?
  5. How to prevent the appearance of mastitis
  6. Violations of the blood vessels and damage to the skin

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If the cow has blood in the milk

Why does inflammation of the mammary glands appear

First of all, if you notice blood in the milk of a cow, n It is necessary to find out the reasons in order to choose the right treatment regimen.The main reasons are:

  • mastitis;
  • trauma;
  • vascular dysfunction;
  • damage to the skin of the udder.

The animal’s health must be treated responsibly. Having noticed the blood in the milk, you should immediately contact your veterinarian to establish the correct diagnosis. Delay with treatment is not worth it. It happens that later treatment leads to the death of the cow.

Damage to the udder

When the reason for the presence of blood in the cow’s milk is a bruise, the plasma will be present for a short time, and not all milking, for example, only at the beginning. The affected quarter may be edematous, and blood clots will not come out well.An important point in this case is the complete release of all bloody secretions, otherwise the plasma will grow to the inner surface of the quarter and reduce productivity.

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To stop the blood, you can use drugs for intravenous administration, for example, calcium chloride in a ten percent solution. With minor bleeding, you can use a folk remedy, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • nettle leaves;
  • yarrow;
  • shepherd’s bag.

Take 100 g of a mixture of these herbs and pour 2 l of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes. The broth is given to the animal several times a day for a week. After about seven days, you can begin to massage the udder gently with gentle movements.

Mastitis of the udder

Often after the birth of the calf, cows develop mastitis. The inflammatory process can progress in several parts of the udder at once. The pretext may be the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms from the floor, an unhealthy diet, and uterine inflammation.

For the acute period of the disease, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • lethargy;
  • lack of appetite ;
  • inflammation and swelling of the affected quarters of the udder;
  • the amount of milk decreases when milk is milked.

A venerable symptom is the presence of blood in the milk of the cow. If you do not treat inflammation of the nipples in cows, soon the milk will disappear altogether, and the udder will harden.After identifying the causes of inflammation, the cows are not allowed to go out to pasture, they lay softer litter and they control the diet, and their fluid intake is halved.

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How to properly treat the mammary glands with mastitis?

Milk should be dispensed every couple of hours so that blood clots come out faster. In this massage, you need to rub camphor oil or ichthyol ointment. In order for the blood to come out sooner, the animal is allowed to drink water with glauber’s salt in a ratio of 400: 8000. First, they are washed or wiped with a damp, warm cloth dipped in a solution from a tablespoon of honey and 100 g of alcohol, then wrapped in a woolen scarf and tied. It is advisable to make a compress at night.

To prevent inflammation from seizing even larger areas of the udder, the animal is given a blockade and antibiotics are given. All procedures are performed by a veterinarian. Therapy should be done only under the supervision of a specialized doctor.

How to prevent the appearance of mastitis

To avoid problems with the mammary glands of the cow, it must be kept clean and taken seriously her health. The room in which the cow is kept should be insulated and well ventilated. It is important to remember the proper care of the udder. Before and after milking, the mammary glands should be wiped with a warm, damp cloth and wiped dry with a towel.

You need to monitor your health and pay attention to the behavior of the pet. In case of improper aggressive milking, as well as in the pasture, the animal may be injured, then subcutaneous hemorrhage appears on the udder, which eventually leads to swelling, the appearance of seals and soreness.

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Disruption of blood vessels and damage skin

When milk comes with blood from cows, this may be a symptom of a bursting vessel. In this case, blood clots are not observed in the milk, it becomes dark pink. Most often, in a few days everything will normalize, but do not leave it to chance. It is better to maintain the health of the pet and serve vitamins, calcium and hemostatic agents. Consulting with a veterinarian is not superfluous to rule out other serious ailments.

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Cracks in the nipples may appear due to improper care. The dermis dries quickly and microcracks appear. If left unattended, the nipples will soon swell and cover with large cracks, which will lead to hemorrhage and severe b oleptic syndrome.

To prevent damage to the skin of the nipples, it is necessary to rinse and wipe dry the udder. After water procedures, the nipples should be lubricated with petroleum jelly. If it is not there, then you can make an ointment yourself. To do it, you should heat a glass of vegetable oil and add a couple of tablespoons of paraffin, to uniformize the mixture in a water bath.

Another symptom that provokes the appearance of blood in milk is condylomas on the nipples. They arise due to improper care of the mammary glands. When the skin is overdried, cracks appear in which the infection penetrates and warty growths form. You can remove them only with the help of surgical intervention.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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