Diet and nutrition rules of the bull

The insemination bull plays the most important role in the systematic development of cattle-breeding farms. Feeding the insemination bull has a number of features.

  1. Features of the diet of the insemination
  2. How to feed young bulls
  3. How to feed adult bulls
  4. How to feed bulls
  5. Ration bulls in winter and early spring
  6. What food to choose



A harmonious diet increases sexual desire, improves sperm quality. The amount of feed depends on the weight of the male, the breeding load. In winter and early spring, you need to get the amount of vitamins and minerals.

Features of the diet of the inseminators

When it comes to cattle producers, the main role is played by their breeding value.

It characterizes the genetic potential of the bull, its ability to give offspring suitable for economic quality. Cows that have high milk production are born from such individuals. The offspring hereditarily has good external indicators and health. The normal development of qualities is influenced by feeding.

Care for the breeding males is necessary. A balanced diet is designed to increase sexual desire, activity, quantity and quality of ejaculate.Reasonable feeding will also help to maintain the health of the bulls and use them longer to get offspring.

Excess feed also affects producers badly, as well as insufficient feed: the bulls start to fatten, the photo shows that the inseminators are very tall. Obesity reduces sexual desire, males do not mate. Their behavior can become aggressive. The sperm quality is getting worse.

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When compiling the diet of the inseminator, the parameters are taken into account:

  • age;
  • tribal load;
  • number of days rest;
  • body weight.

The manufacturer should receive a sufficient amount of protein. This is the most important component of the diet. It forms muscle mass, affects the composition of the seed. A healthy adult male cattle must be large, tall, with a wide chest and minimal fat mass. Vitamins and minerals also significantly affect the health of males. Vitamin A plays the largest role: it is involved in the regulation of the activity of the sex glands in cattle.

How to feed young bulls

Production bulls can be obtained from mating of a cow and male with a high tribal value. The correct diet will help to grow a strong, beautiful, healthy and active male.

A calf up to a year of age should actively gain weight (up to 1 kg per day), therefore animals are fed plentifully. By the age of 12 months, the calf’s body weight will be up to 330-360 kg.Proper nutrition of young males will ensure good productivity in the future.

After reaching the age of one year, calves begin to feed moderately. The correct diet ensures the normal development of the sex glands, accelerates the onset of maturity. You can collect ejaculate from a healthy young bull-calf and evaluate the quality of future pedigree offspring. Tribal value should be at a high level. The sperm of such an animal is used for insemination of cows.

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Harmonious nutrition for gobies older than one year weighing 330-360 kg:

  • Green food. The basis of the diet is hay from the grass of cereals and legumes. The feed must have good taste.
  • The compound feed is simple in composition. The components of the feed – grain (corn or oat), a product with a high protein content (meal, dry return).

If necessary, vitamins A, D and mineral dressings are added to the feed (table salt, phosphates ) Bulls need to be fed with clean water. Proper care will allow you to grow a productive inseminating bull.

Males begin to inseminate cows at 1.5 years of age, the breeding load constantly increases and becomes maximum when the bull reaches three years of age.

How to feed adult bulls

The diet of a breeding bull needs to be adjusted every month.It is important to consider such factors:

  • live weight;
  • fatness;
  • the appearance of the hairline;
  • the condition of the front and rear legs ;
  • the quality of the glaze on the hooves;
  • behavior in relation to other animals and humans;
  • evenness when standing, ease and speed of walking;
  • interest in food.

If the seeder has gained weight, his gait is heavy, his legs are bent. These are clear signs of the onset of obesity. The intensity of feeding should be reduced. Loss of appetite may indicate vitamin deficiency or gastrointestinal problems.

A bull-producer should receive an equally rich diet all year round so that the breeding load on it does not decrease. In winter and early spring, hay loses its nutritional value and vitamins, therefore, nutritional supplements are purchased at this time of year. Vitamin deficiency in a bull will lead to a violation of sexual function and a decrease in sperm quality.

The inseminator needs 2 or 3 meals a day. Feeding is carried out from a separate feeder. In the morning, a large bull producer must eat half of the daily amount of feed, 1.5-3 kg of hay. When the seminal fluid is taken, the bull is fed exclusively with compound feed in the morning. Hay is given after collecting the biomaterial

How to feed the bulls

The vitamin-mineral composition of the feed must remain constant throughout the year. Feed the bulls using components:

  1. Green hay.Use hay from legumes and cereal grasses. If the bull weighs 600 kg, they give him 10 kg of grass per day, 800 kg – 11 kg of grass, 1 t – 13 kg of grass.
  2. Combined feed. It consists of a mixture of oats (35%), wheat bran (24%), wheat grain (5%), barley (16%), sunflower meal (10%), yeast (3%), an admixture of skimmed milk powder (5% ), salt (1%). A bull weighing 600 kg is given 2.8 kg of mixed feed, 800 kg – 2.9 kg, the largest bull with a mass of 1000 kg should receive 3 kg of mixed feed.
  3. Animal product. Mix with frequent use of the bull (insemination 2-3 times a week). Meat and bone meal, fish meal, chicken eggs, etc. are used.
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The inseminator needs 2 or 3 meals a day. Feeding is carried out from a separate feeder. In the morning, a large insemination bull should eat half of the daily amount of feed, 1.5-3 kg of hay. When the seminal fluid is taken, the bull is fed exclusively with compound feed in the morning. Hay is given after collecting the biomaterial

The diet of bulls in winter and early spring

In summer and autumn, there are enough vitamins in green hay. In the winter, vitamins may not be enough for the bulls, therefore, the diet of inseminators is adjusted. Additives with vitamins A, E and D are mixed into the feed.

The norms of vitamins for livestock should be indicated on the packages. Of the minerals used sodium chloride (table salt), feed phosphate.It is also necessary to increase the amount of protein in the diet, this is important for the cow. It is advisable to add 50-400 g of skimmed milk powder daily, 4-5 pcs. eggs, blood or bone meal, 2-3 liters of skim milk. A rich diet in the winter season can maintain a high level of sperm production.

Bull inseminator. Who is he
Collecting, packing and freezing the bull’s seed

Which feed to choose

Feed in quality should always remain at a high level.It should include a variety of components, each of which performs its function. Recommendations will help make food better:

  • Grasses mow grasses during the formation of spikelets. Legumes are harvested after flowering begins.
  • From cereal plants it is better to choose bluegrass grass, fescue, fox tail.
  • High-quality hay should be stored in a dry, ventilated room, protected from rodents.
  • A good compound feed should have a diverse and rich composition.
  • New batches of compound feed should be sent for examination to a veterinary laboratory. They will check its safety for the animal.
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After harvesting, hay is given for feeding bulls only after 30 days. Instead of feed, if the assessment showed its unsuitability, you can feed the animals with a grain mixture of oats, barley and wheat. The stock of such a mixture should always be on the farm.

Pedigree bulls must eat quality, then they will have high-quality seed. The diet has a direct effect on sexual activity and future offspring. The amount of feed depends on the load on the bull, its current weight. It is necessary to adjust the animal’s nutrition on a monthly basis, but do it in accordance with the rules, without violations, without overfeeding, etc.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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