Calf gastroenteritis

Many cattle farmers are worried about what calf gastroenteritis is and how to deal with it. There may be many reasons for the appearance of an insidious disease, but the most common is the transfer of the baby from mother’s milk to another type of food. Most often, gastroenteritis of calves affects pets almost immediately after birth.

  1. Symptoms of calf gastroenteritis
  2. How calves can become infected with gastroenteritis
  3. Treatment of gastroenteritis in calves
  4. Prevention <

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Gastroenteritis of calves

The intestines of young animals can respond differently to each type of food, first of all, it is necessary to observe cleanliness in the room and know how to properly feed the animal in the first days of life and until the calf can eat on its own. Ha Stroenteritis can be of various forms, and without the right treatment, it can lead to undesirable consequences. If you find symptoms similar to gastroenteritis, you should immediately show the young veterinarian, as this is a serious illness.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis in calves

  • The first and most basic symptom that appears in almost all individuals is diarrhea. With a different form of gastroenteritis, feces can be of different colors and with lumps.
  • The animal is weak and cannot rise to its feet.
  • At any stage of the disease, the calf refuses to eat and practically does not drink.
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How calves can become infected with gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis, or as some farmers call this disease, gastroenterocolitis most often occurs on farms where sanitation is not followed , epidemiological or infectious norms. The main reason is a sharp change in nutrition or a change in the feeding regimen, which in no case should be done. The disease can occur immediately after infection. The course of the disease for the calf is manifested in a change in mood and mobility: infected animals immediately become lethargic.

If you give poor-quality food, this can also provoke gastroenteritis.

In poor-quality products bacteria may be present that cause the manifestation of the disease. If concentrated feed with mold or hay is already sweet, in such a diet the risk of catching calves with gastroenteritis is very high. Young animals can catch the disease, even after drinking sour, cold or dirty milk. The animal world should receive only quality and proven food. The body of young animals and the intestinal mucosa at a younger age are very vulnerable, so you should carefully monitor what kind of food you give.

Also, do not sharply transfer or change the food to another: at this age, the kids still do not absorb food so well, as their adult counterparts, therefore, they can not adequately respond to a change in diet, type of food or different feeding times.Should make it a rule, when newborn calves appear in the herd, feed them at the same time every day. If you need to change the feed or feeding time, then you need to do this gradually and for at least one month.

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Treatment of gastroenteritis in calves

To prescribe a full and proper treatment, you should make sure that it is gastroenteritis. To do this, a veterinarian takes a blood sample from a calf. The level of leukocytes, red blood cells and hemoglobin is also checked. Be sure the veterinarian measures the temperature.

Treatment in young calves with gastroenteritis should be carried out immediately, as soon as the malaise in the animal has become noticeable. With a neglected state, the calf’s body is dehydrated. Gastroenteritis in calves and its treatment should be carried out with a cleansing of the stomach and intestines.

In some cases, a laxative is prescribed. In the first day of treatment, young animals are not fed, but given plenty of water. So that the animal does not starve and the small organism is not depleted in a day, a solution of glucose and ascorbic acid are added to the water. In cows, against the background of viral diseases, the treatment is the same, only the dosage is calculated based on the stage of the disease and the weight of the cow. If any formations appear due to infection, then they do not need to be opened without the instructions of a veterinarian.

Antibiotics are also prescribed for gastroenteritis, which, if used for a long time, can provoke intraperitoneal dysbiosis.They also prescribe nitrofurans and sulfonamides, which help neutralize dysbiosis. Iodinol, enteroseptol, etc. give a good effect. It is mandatory to give all groups of vitamins during treatment, because after diarrhea the body is depleted.

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After the animal’s condition has stabilized, it can be gradually started to be fed diet food. You need to give food in small portions. Decoctions of rice and oatmeal, as well as various decoctions of medicinal herbs, have proven themselves.

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gastroenteritis in calves
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In order to prevent the development of such a disease, you should keep them in a clean room from the very beginning of breeding. It is very important to carry out weekly general cleaning of the entire premises with the use of disinfectants.The fact is that in dirty barns viral infections are most often caused.If one calf has contracted some kind of disease, then it must be temporarily, put in a separate pen: if this is not done, then the herd can attack the whole herd.

It is important to observe the correct diet and not to transfer the young from one feed to another without much need. wet grass, fresh or in the form of hay, so it is recommended that animals are allowed to graze outside only if the greens are not frozen. If the feed is hay, first check its quality and suitability for consumption.

It must be installed in the room where neigh, animal, good air ventilation and heating in the cold season.

See also  Feeding and caring for calves in the first year of life

In some cases, as we are assured veterinarians, gastroenteritis can be seen one day before the onset of the main symptoms, such as diarrhea. Already on the eve of the calf may be lethargic and refuse food.If timely measures are taken to treat such a disease, early development of gastroenteritis in the calf can be prevented.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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