Treating cones on the body of a cow

To fully breed cattle, you need to understand the specifics of many diseases. Sometimes it happens that cones appear on the body of a cow, in connection with which farmers are very interested in the question of where they came from. The most common disease is nodular dermatitis, or tubercle. Such an ailment leads to the fact that even bumps appear on the animal’s head and it becomes completely covered with tubercles.

Such preparations can be used only in relation to pregnant cows. If the female is pregnant and is already suitable for delivery, then the injection acts only on the burenka, and the calf will not receive treatment. In this case, the female can transmit the disease to the cub, the poet Experienced farmers believe that it is possible to give a calf an injection on the first day after birth. To find out if a calf has tubercle, you can immediately discard a calf immediately after birth without visible signs. any rashes.

Prevention of the disease

Ill cows can get infected with tubercle from the sire bull through his semen for about 2 more months, so it is very important to examine your herd, identify at the time of the disease and keep cows and bulls in p pens. When breeding cows for sale in the area where the outbreak occurred, it is not allowed to sell such animals for another year outside the region.

See also  Brucellosis in cows

With proper treatment and compliance with the rules for the care and maintenance of cattle, animals recover in 90% of cases. It takes farmers time and costs to identify and treat such a disease, milk yield is significantly reduced, this undermines the economic side of cow breeding.

Milk obtained on a farm where there are diseased cows cannot be used. Since when a disease occurs, cows and bulls begin to lose weight and refuse to eat, the meat orientation also suffers. As a prophylaxis, in order not to incur losses, it is recommended to use a vaccine. Today it is the only and effective preventive measure against tuberculosis. A heterogeneous vaccine can create immunity in cattle for 2 years. If you use the Neethling lyophilized culture vaccine, the result is maintained up to 3 years.

Useful tips and tricks

If you want to vaccinate your herd, you need to know that after the first vaccine is re-put the same after 45 days. The dosage is increased by 5 times, based on how much was delivered the first time.

In our country, this disease is relatively new, so not all veterinarians can visually make an accurate diagnosis the first time. In order to accurately determine nodular dermatitis, you need to take tests.To be sure that the animals are kept in proper conditions, a general cleaning of the barn with disinfectants should be carried out weekly. month, if no disease has manifested, you can transfer it to the main herd. It is necessary to keep animals in quarantine in a separate room.

See also  Causes of ketosis in cows

There is no need to perform many actions, excessively protect the livestock, all prevention can be based on ensuring that animals live properly in comfortable conditions. The barn should always have fresh air in the summer, and in the winter you need to get a good ventilation system. If this is not done, then in the stale air various viruses, bacteria and insects are formed that can carry diseases. Than to cure an illness, it is much more profitable to prevent it. Close to cells (either near cells, or near cells, or close to cells).

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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